Paul Lahote- Panicked (h)
There was always going to be that one person that you just couldn't forget; that one person that was your rock for such a long time.
There was that part of you that didn't want to forget your time with Paul and the things that you did together, but there was no way that you could deny the hurt you felt when he left you for someone else.
The relationship the two of you had was so intense and it felt like the two of you had been together for years but unfortunately it came to an end.
You weren't like everyone in the tribe, you didn't live on the reservation nor were you even part of the tribe but in your six months with Paul you had been accepted into their family and so they'd trusted you with their secret.
And then you had to leave that family because it just didn't seem right to be with them after everything.
You missed everyone of course but you had come to terms with losing your friends.
It had been two months since everything had gone down and Leah had continually tried to contact you along with Emily, so you'd finally given in to go over to Emily's place for a coffee.
As you were all chatting, the pack came back from their runs and you felt very uncomfortable to see your ex-boyfriend shirtless with the rest of his friends.
What was new, however, was the tattoo on Paul's arm and so you assumed it had finally happened for him.
Looking to Emily with a panicked look on your face, you slowly stood up without a word and collected your things.
As you made your way to the front door Paul's hand on your wrist prevented you from leaving'
"Y/N," he breathed out.
Pulling out of his grip, you left the house and started to walk up Emily's driveway.
"Y/N! Please!"
Sighing, you turned around. "Don't talk to me Paul, you said everything you wanted to say months ago."
"It was a mistake, please Y/N."
"What on earth could possibly have made you change your mind after you were so adamant that that girl on the reservation was so much better than me?!"
Paul sighed. "Because you're my imprint!"
"I'm your what?"
He smiled slightly sheepishly. "Imprint Y/N, it means that-"
"I know what it means Paul, Billy told me the legends and Emily explained."
"So, you know what this means for us right?"
You shook your head. "We're not going to magically get back together Paul, that's not how it works."
He stayed silent for a few moments as he made your way towards you.
"You left me Paul, it was all your decision and I took it," you told him as you felt yourself getting upset. "I left my friends, I stopped talking to them all so that you could have your new girlfriend and you could pretend that we never happened."
"I never pretended that."
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, you did, you saw me at La Push when my friends wanted to go – you were holding her hand, she was wearing the hoodie that I always wore, and you looked straight at me."
"We're not together anymore."
"As of when?"
Paul ran a hand through his hair. "When I changed for the first time and she wasn't my imprint."
"And what? Now I'm the perfect girl for you, am I? After you told me that we didn't work, after you told me that I was too much for you."
He sighed again. "I made mistakes okay Y/N! I will admit that!"
"I don't know what you want me to say Paul – you hurt me, and now you want to pick up where we left off."
He shook his head. "I don't want to pick up where we left Y/N, I want to start again, and I will be better."
You sat down on the gravel of the driveway, giving up with standing and not having the effort to argue with Paul anymore.
Paul knelt down in front of you. "Please Y/N, please just give us another shot."
With unshed tears in your eyes, you looked at your ex-boyfriend and let out a deep breath. "Fine Paul."
A smile crossed his face, replacing the hurt expression that appeared when he saw your watery eyes.
"One more shot," you admitted. "And if I ever see you with that reservation girl again, I make no promises."
He chuckled, a sound that you had so missed, before offering you his hand to help you up.
Once you were standing again, Paul shot you a smile and opened his arms.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and smelt the familiar smell of his cologne. "I'm so sorry Y/N," he whispered against your hair. "We can move on from this, I promise you."
Written by Hannah.
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