Jasper Hale- Trying: Part 3 (h)
You'd always thought that the worst part was waiting – waiting for something to happen, waiting for something to change, just waiting for something in general.
All you wanted was for time to hurry up, for it to go a little faster but of course it never did.
Every single time you took one of those tests and had to sit for the three to five minutes to wait for it to work – it never failed to feel like an absolute eternity.
Despite all the negative tests that you had had in the past few months or so, it still hurt each time it came back saying that you weren't pregnant.
Jasper always tried to cheer you up in some way when the tests came back negative, but you knew it hurt him too.
The two of you had agreed for the past couple of months to not take any tests and to see how things went, as Jasper knew that the constant tests were making things worse for you. You were disheartened, of course, every time a test didn't work out and Jasper just didn't want to see you like that all the time.
For once though you had a feeling that it might just have worked.
Without mentioning it to Jasper, you disappeared to the bathroom and took a test from the cupboard.
Once you'd peed on the stick, you counted three minutes on the clock all whilst your mind was going insane with the thought that it could be positive.
When you saw those two lines on the stick you definitely thought that your mind was playing tricks on you.
After a few minutes of calming your breathing and convincing yourself that you were seeing two lines, you couldn't contain the excitement.
Keeping the rest firm in your grasp you left the bathroom with the aim of finding Jasper.
Eventually you found him in the backyard with Edward and Emmett as they were soaring for some unknown reason.
"Jas!" you shouted out as you ran over to him.
He looked to you in surprise, but you handed the test to him almost as soon as you reached him.
"Two lines!"
A smile broke out on his face as he stared at the test whilst Emmett came to your side to scoop you up into a hug.
You squealed in surprise and Emmett was chuckling away.
"Congrats little sis!" Emmett told you as he continued to hug you.
Smiling up at him, you squeezed his waist as best you could before pulling away from him and turning to your other brother-in-law Edward.
"I guess little Renesmee is going to have a cousin," he stated with a chuckle.
You gave him a hug but then turned to your husband who was still staring at the two little lines with a smile on his face.
"Is this real?" he questioned with his voice no more than a whisper.
As you nodded your head, Jasper pulled you into him with an arm around your waist and pressed his lips to yours in a gentle kiss.
"We're going to have it Darlin'," he whispered against your lips. "We're going to have our family."
Written by Hannah.
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