Jasper Hale- Perfect Boyfriend: Part 3 (h)
Ever since your kind of talk with Jasper about marriage, it hadn't been brought up again.
You knew that Jasper didn't like the idea of marrying you before graduation because he thought people would talk – with it being a small town, he was definitely right but it wasn't as if the two of you had only just started dating.
Of course, your father was protective of you, but he always said how no one was better for you than Jasper; Edward on the other hand, he wasn't such a fan of.
Bella and Edward had been together for just over a month but of course Charlie wasn't too sure of what to do.
Whilst you wanted to marry Jasper, you didn't know how your father would react, but you were younger than Bella and graduation was still over a year away for you.
You'd been staying at Jasper's for the past week as Charlie had gone away on a fishing trip with Billy and the rest of their usual crowd.
Bella got the house with Edward, without Charlie knowing, so you decided to go to Jasper's.
"Hey there love," Esme greeted you as she walked into the house alongside Alice and Rosalie.
You smiled at her from your spot on the sofa. "How was the hunt you three?"
Rosalie came to collapse next to you whilst Alice took the spot on the sofa opposite. "So, tiring," Rosalie complained.
"You guys don't need sleep so how can you be tired?" you questioned jokingly.
"Well we all know it's a good thing that Jasper doesn't need sleep," Esme commented with a wink as she walked past you.
You rolled your eyes at her commented whilst Rosalie and Alice both poked fun.
Alice sighed as she rested her chin on her hand. "When are you two going to get married? I know it'll happen."
You shrugged. "Ask your brother that."
"Still stuck on it being after graduation?" Rosalie questioned, a small smile on her face.
"We've spoken about it multiple times but only briefly and each time he says until graduation."
Alice and Rosalie both nodded in acknowledgement of what you said but didn't offer any other comments.
"Maybe he just doesn't want to marry me," you mused out loud.
Just as Alice was about to say something in response, someone cleared their throat from the hallway.
You all turned to see Jasper stood there but he wordlessly motioned for you to follow him to his room.
Once you were in his room, Jasper shut the door whilst you sat down on his bed.
"Is everything okay?"
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Why would you think that I don't want to marry you Darlin'?"
You sighed. "I didn't realise you'd hear that."
"Do you really think that?"
Shaking your head, you answered him. "Of course, I don't Jas."
"Then why would you say it?"
Shrugging, you ran your hand through your hair out of nervousness. "Because that's how it feels sometimes I guess; Jas, every time I bring it up you always say the same thing and I know you want to wait but there's got to be some other way for us to work it out."
He sighed as he sat down next to you. "I'm sorry Darlin', I didn't think about it like that."
"Jas, I'm not pushing you as I know it'll happen eventually, but I'd like more of an answer than just when you want to marry me."
Jasper reached for your left hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb over your ring finger. "I have the ring and everything Darlin', have for years and since before we even met," he slowly explained. "I just don't know what people will think if I ask a 17-year-old girl to marry me."
You sighed but soon an idea came to mind. "If I can't get my wish of us marrying before graduation, then I'll wait till then and you can do the whole 'romantic proposal' kind of thing okay?"
Your boyfriend nodded at your suggestion causing a smile to cross your face.
"But on one condition," you stated making Jasper raise his eyebrow in question. "We move in together."
Written by Hannah.
Tumblr Request.
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