Jasper Hale- Perfect Boyfriend: Part 2 (h)
Ever since your sister had been back in Forks with you, there had been a lot of ups and downs.
The amount of snide comments Bella had directed your way concerning Jasper. You had gotten sick of it, but she eventually calmed down.
You knew full well that Bella had feelings for Edward, but Edward was not returning the interest.
It wasn't because he didn't find her attractive it was more because her personality hadn't seemed the most appealing since she'd gotten to Forks.
At the incessant nagging of your sister, you had agreed to take her with you to the Cullen's house as you were going to see Jasper.
The Cullen's wouldn't mind however it did mean that you had to deal with her for longer than usual.
At the weekends you always went to stay with Jasper, but this weekend Bella was also joining you.
As soon as you arrived at the house, Bella had a massive smile on her face.
"You're looking forward to this aren't you?" you questioned your sister as the both of you got out of your car.
She laughed and nodded in agreement. "Of course, I am, I do want to get to know Edward better."
You sighed at her words. "He isn't the most sociable Bells, he likes to keep to himself," you explained to her.
"I know that. He barely talks to me now."
With a shrug of your shoulders, you made a move towards the front door.
"How did you get Jasper to notice you?"
You turned around at your sister's words. "He noticed me of his own accord Bells, I barely knew him when we were introduced," you told her. "It was just lucky for him that Rose was my lab partner."
She smiled at you and the two of you eventually entered the house.
You walked through to the kitchen, where Esme and Carlisle were pretending to make some food – you knew it would end up being for you and Bella, but Bella didn't know about their secret just yet.
Esme turned around once the two of you had entered. She made her way over to pull you into a hug, and then smiled over at Bella.
"You must be Bella, Y/N's sister."
Bella nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, Y/N is my more annoying little sister."
You laughed at Bella's words, but Esme continued to smile. "And I hear that you'll be staying with us over the weekend?"
"If that's okay with you and Dr Cullen, then I'd love to."
Carlisle looked over with a smile. "You're more than welcome."
Esme walked back over to Carlisle and gave you a nod, so you turned to Bella.
"Come on Bells, I'll show you to a room where you can stay," you told her with a smile.
Bella followed you through the house, and you ended up in the room opposite Edward's.
"Esme and Carlisle won't mind you sleeping in here, but Edward's room is across the hall so if you want to talk to him – I hear he's a night owl."
Your sister smiled at the information but of course didn't get the small inside joke that you and the Cullen's had.
"And I'm going to find Jasper, so I'll leave you to settle in for a bit," you told her, and she hugged you before you left the room.
As you walked down the hallway, you soon heard Jasper's music playing from his room causing you to smile.
"Hello stranger," you spoke up from your spot at the doorway.
Jasper turned around and greeted you with a smile. "Hi Doll."
You walked into the room whilst Jasper quickly moved to shut the door behind you.
"Is your sister still staying?"
As you sat down on Jasper's bed, that he had there for you, you nodded in confirmation. "I put her in the room across from Edward's, as I knew she'd try to find him anyway."
Your boyfriend chuckled, moving to sit next to you. "They'll end up together soon enough – you know what Edward thinks of her."
"That's she the most beautiful creature he's ever seen and incessantly hopes her personality is the same?" you suggested with a joking roll of your eyes.
Your words caused Jasper to laugh loudly.
"They better not get married before us though."
Jasper sighed, pulling you into his arms. "I can hardly marry you before you've left school," he reasoned with you about marriage yet again.
You pouted up at him. "Why can't I just be your wife already? We've been together for ages now Jas, and graduation is still so far away."
He chuckled, leaning down to kiss you. "I know you refer to me as your perfect boyfriend," he murmured against your lips. "I guess we can change it to the perfect husband."
Written by Hannah.
Tumblr Request.
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