Jasper Hale- Care (h)
Given the fact that you weren't a vampire, it wasn't a surprising fact that you had managed to injure yourself.
Sure, you could be clumsy from time to time but you had decided against listening to Jasper and went into the woods when there was a threat of rogue vampires.
You had convinced yourself that you would be safe, that they would recognise you were a part of the Cullens and so they wouldn't touch you but you'd been somewhat naïve.
They had instantly realised you were human and there was no chance of you getting away.
There was three of them, the first had thrown you around resulting you being flung into a tree, the second had then decided to mess around with you more by breaking your leg for you and your arm
with a sadistic smile and just before the third was able to hurt you Jasper had ran out, along with Emmett, and fought them off.
Carlisle had set up a makeshift hospital bed for you in your room, and Jasper was pacing back and forth whilst Carlisle treated you.
"What were you thinking?" Jasper questioned as he continued to pace.
You went to talk but Carlisle shot you a look, one that told you it was best to leave Jasper to get his words out.
"I specifically told you not to go out there!" he spoke in a stern tone. "You knew that they were going to be there, you knew that they wouldn't leave you alone and yet you had some idiotic ideal in your head that they would back off because of us."
You sighed and reached out for his hand with your non-broken arm.
Jasper looked at you, hurt in his eyes, before taking your hand in his. "I'm not mad," he breathed out to you. "I just...I couldn't protect you."
Anyone could tell that Jasper felt guilty for some strange reason. You knew it was your fault that you got hurt, you were the one that went out there when you shouldn't have.
"I am so worried about you," he told you in a gentle tone once Carlisle had left the room momentarily. "Carlisle thinks they damaged your spine. They threw you at a tree for god's sake," he sounded frustrated as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Jas, I'm sorry."
He shook his head, raising your hand to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it. "I don't want you to apologise."
You shrugged and gave him a weak smile, the effect of the painkillers kicking in and making you feel somewhat drowsy.
"I just want you to be better. You shouldn't have gone out there," he reminded you whilst holding your hand as if you were going to slip away from him. "He's going to have to seriously look at your
spine Y/N."
"Just promise me something Jas? Please?"
He smiled softly, nodding his head.
"If my spine is seriously messed, promise you won't leave?" you had nervousness in your tone. "I know this is my fault, and my back is excruciating, but I just can't have you leaving me."
He shook his head, leaning forward to kiss your forehead before moving back and staring into your eyes. "I will always be the one to take care of you Y/N."
Written by Hannah.
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