Embry Call- Battle (h)
When you and Embry had decided to start trying for a baby you couldn't have even predicted all the drama that Bella was going to cause.
Of course, you were happy when you found out that you were pregnant, but it wasn't exactly a stress-free pregnancy with Embry always going out to help the pack help Bella.
You couldn't deny the fact that it had gotten on your nerves, some days you didn't even understand why the pack was helping her – you had voiced as much at a bonfire once, but Jacob didn't take too kindly to it, whilst the rest of the tribe did seem to agree with you.
Embry tried to be around as much as he could throughout your pregnancy and as the end of your pregnancy neared you were both excited and terrified.
"Babygirl. I'm home!" Embry announced as he walked through the front door.
He didn't see you in the kitchen, so he headed for the living room where he found you curled up under your favourite blanket with one of his jumpers on.
"Hi babygirl," he greeted, walking over to you to press a kiss to your lips before sitting down in the sofa and pulling you down so that your head rested in his lap.
You smiled up at him as he placed a hand on your bump, feeling your little one kick their daddy's hand.
"And how is my other favourite girl?" he questioned as he rubbed his hand on your bump.
You rolled your eyes at him. "We don't know that it's a girl yet."
He narrowed his eyes playfully in your direction. "I've told you darling, I just know."
"If anyone should know, it's me, I am carrying them after all," you protested as you felt another kick.
Embry smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "And you amaze me every single day as you do it."
The two of you sat for a few moments in silence, Embry rubbing your bump with one hand and the other intertwined with yours above your head.
Embry eventually broke the silence with a frustrated sigh which caused you to look up at him.
"What's wrong?" you asked gently, knowing he was probably worried about what was to come. "Is it the battle?"
He shook his head at you, always baffled at how you knew exactly what was going through his mind. "You'll have had her by then."
"Yes, and?"
"And I can't protect you if I'm out there."
You placed your free hand over Embry's on your bump. "You know that I would be there if I could be."
Embry shook his head with a frown in his face. "There's no way I'd let you be there, especially not after giving birth babygirl, I'd be even more worried with you there next to me."
Sighing, you focused on the feel of your baby moving inside you. "You are going to be protective of both of us either way Em."
"I know," he breathed out. "Sam has already told me that if I want to step out I can," he admitted which was a surprise to you. "But I can't do that to Jake, for some insane reason he loves Bella, and his imprint is her kid."
You nodded as he spoke, having heard Bella's story many times already. "I want you to do whatever feels right Em," you told him even though deep down you didn't want him at that infernal battle. "Jake has been your best friend for a long time, the pack is loyal to one another and I know you would be restless staying here."
As Embry listened to you, he knew you were right, you always were. He also knew that something didn't sit right with him just upping and leaving as soon as your daughter was born – he felt so connected to her already, so protective of her when she wasn't even born yet, but he knew that you and your little girl were going to be his whole world.
"She's going to have you wrapped around her little finger," you commented as you saw the look in his eyes.
His face lit up as he registered what you said. "So, you finally admit we're having a girl?"
Giggling, you shrugged. "Maybe there's a reason I can only find girl names that I like."
He chuckled, staring down at you and wondering to himself just how he got so lucky. But as he thought of you and the happiness you brought to him, he knew that he was going to that battle and he was going to win – there was no way in hell he wasn't coming home.
Written by Hannah.
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