Edward Cullen- Darling (h)
You had been looking forward to this day for a long time now; you were just counting down until you would finally be able to go home.
You had been travelling for a total of 5 months, with your adoptive brother Jasper Hale – Jasper wanted to go back to his home town, it had changed a hell of a lot but he wanted closure and you were the one to say you would go with him.
It seemed strange at first, as Alice couldn't go because she wasn't very well and you were away from your boyfriend/fiancé Edward.
You were changed around 40 years by Carlisle after Edward was changed, you were the third chronological member of the Cullen coven – Carlisle first, then Edward, then you, then Esme, then Rosalie, then Emmett, then Alice and finally Jasper.
It was definitely a big family but as you guys didn't sleep, it was constantly a lively household; the constant bickering between you and your siblings, the messing around when on hunts and just general family fun.
You and Edward had been together since you were changed, as that was when Edward and you actually confessed how the two of you felt, so the two of you had been together for well over 100 years.
Now, the reason you classed Edward as both your boyfriend and fiancée because you two had been boyfriend/girlfriend for a very long time, and he proposed just less than 20 years ago but you two were yet to be married. However, you had the physical appearance of an 18 year old so it was hardly acceptable to be engaged during your current high school – you two planned to get married after your next graduation which was within a matter of months.
You and Jasper arrived outside the familiar home in the woods, you glanced over at your brother with a smile on your face "It feels so good to be home" you admitted and Jasper side-hugged you "Come on, let's go in" he spoke softly.
"Sis?" Emmett asked as you and Jasper walked in "Hey Em" you waved slightly and he ran over to you, sweeping you up into a tight hug "Y/N/N AND JAZZ ARE HOME" Emmett shouted throughout the house.
Within moments you were met by the rest of your siblings and adoptive parents, but no Edward "Where's Eddie?" you asked after greeting everyone "Reading" Esme answered you and you nodded "I will go and find him then" you said before you walked off to a room that was integrated into your memory.
When you reached the door, you saw Edward sat on his bed of sorts reading what seemed to be Shakespeare – he had always loved Shakespeare.
You cleared your throat and Edward looked up "Darling?" he asked and you nodded, he used his speed and was holding you before you could blink even once.
"You don't know how much I have missed you" he whispered into your ear "I love you so much" he whispered again as the two of you lied down onto his bed.
You rested your head on Edward's chest, having missed the closeness that you were used to "I cannot wait to marry you Y/N" Edward murmured, kissing the top of your head "I cannot wait to call you my wife"
Written by Hannah.
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