Edward sighed as he put his book down and got off his sofa to get ready for his "first" day of sophomore year. Him and his family had just moved to a new town in Washington. He got changed and turned off his radio and headed down stairs trying to tune out everyone's thoughts. He said good morning to esme and headed to his car and was about to drive off when the passenger door opened. "Mind if I join ya' the girls are gonna to be late" jasper asked. Edward nodded jasper got in and Edward pulled out driving towards school. "What classes are you taking this year?" He asked. "Standard sophomore classes,music theory and wars of the worlds" jasper said. Edward nodded reading Jasper's thoughts to understand what wars of worlds meant. "And you?" Jasper asked. "Standard sophomore classes, I'm also taking music theory and Shakespeare studies." He said. "Shakespeare studies?" Jasper thought. "It's just an in-depth study of Shakespeare's work" Edward said. Jasper nodded looking out the window. "Did you hunt last night?" Edward asked. Jasper nodded but Edward read his thoughts and knew he did. He knew how difficult school was for jasper. Not only did he have to deal with the bloodlust but he also had to handle feeling all the emotions of the hormonal teens. "Hey" Edward said causing jasper to look at him. "You've got this" he said. Jasper took a deep breath and nodded at him. Edward knew jasper was nervous and worried but neither said anything more on the topic.
Once as school Edward let jasper get a deep breath of the air in the car before they both got out the smell of the students hitting them instantly. Edward kept his usual calm look and grabbed his bag shutting his door. Jasper got out and shut the door keeping his head down with his usual pained look on his face. Edward waited for him and they both walked to their first class which they shared. They both walked in and took their seats in the corner. Edward kept his mind in jaspers thoughts so he didn't have to listen to everyones else's. Then he heard something he definitely wasn't exspect from jasper. "Wow the boy is really fucking hot" Edward looked over at jasper with a shooked look. Jaspers eyes went a little wide "stay out of my head" he mumbled looking away from his. Edward looked at the boy jasper was talking about. He was a tall and just a bit lean, like Edward. He had the same color of hair as Edward and a similar face shape as well. If Edward wasn't a vampire him and the boy could be twins. Edward tuned back into jaspers thoughts. 'Wow he's really attractive. He looks just like my crush' he thought. Edward knew just but the use of the word crush instead of a name jasper was intentionally keeping his thoughts to himself. It wasn't hard for Edward to connect the dots that he was jaspers crush. How had Edward not noticed before? How had he not read jaspers thoughts and realized that his best friend had a crush on him. "You alright?" Jasper mumbled probably sensing Edwards confusion. Edward nodded, they both knew he was lying but jasper wasn't one to press so he left it alone. Edward went back to his own thoughts trying to replay the last few years in his mind. Him and jasper had been a lot closer these last couple years since him and Alice broke up. He was trying to think if jasper ever did anything to show he had feelings for edward. It was clear; now that he knew, that his feelings were the reason him and jasper were so close. Jasper wanted to spend time with his crush which was understandable. It didn't really make Edward uncomfortable just confused as to how it took him so long to find out. Was this the real reason jasper and Alice broke up? Edwards thoughts were Intrupted when the teacher started the lesson.
Jasper and Edward shared most classes together and had the same lunch that they shared with their family as well. They all sat together at a table jasper next to Edward who say next to emmet with rose at his side and Alice next to her at the round table. Jasper sat with his chair backwards as usual quietly chatting with Edward and emmet about a football game they'd watched that weekend. Edward never paid much attention to the way jasper acted with him until now. He noticed how he paid more attention to Edward than emmet, how he always, without fail looked Edward in the eyes on the rare occasion he was talking. Jasper was a gentleman so he looked at emmet when he spoke but it was a different look, it was respect but when he looked at Edward it was admiration like he genuinely enjoyed watching Edward. Edward wasn't even sure how he felt. It had never even crossed his mind to think of his family in that way because they were just that, family but now it was all Edward could think about. He looked at jasper and tried to have an outsider perspective. Jasper was attractive, he had cute blond hair and he held his usually content smile. He had a hint of pain in his eyes from the struggle of being around humans and he had bags under his eyes but his eyes were a beautiful brown. He was built pretty evenly, tall but not lanky with enough muscle to be considered lean. He was a very respectful boy with almost perfect manners due to his southern and military background. He was very kind and powers aside he was an empath and very in tune with others emotions. He's the perfect boyfriend. Attractive, well mannered and in tune with emotions. Maybe Edward did feel something for jasper but how was he supposed to know if they didn't try to make it work. And if they did try and failed what would that mean for their friendship and family. He didn't want to risk his family for a 50:50 chance of a good relationship.
Emmet was not talking with rose and Alice Edward relized, "you alright?" Jasper muttered to him and he nodded though once again jasper knew he was lying. "Later" Edward mumbled and jasper nodded understandingly. The rest of the day went by fast and soon they were headed to their cars. "Me and Edward will catch up with you guys later" jasper mumbled. "Where are you going?" Emmet asked. "The new book shop in town" jasper lied knowing he and Edward would be the only two interested in a new book store. Their siblings didn't think much of it and nodded all piling into emmets Jeep while jasper followed Edward to his car.
After getting in Edward waited for their siblings to pull out before starting the car "where to?" Edward asked knowing jasper was lying about the book store. "Somewhere to talk" he said. Edward nodded and drove the nearest unpopulated forest area away form both la push and their home. He parked and they both walked to the ledge of a cliff a few miles away and sat down. Jasper was quiet for a moment his thoughts on the view while waiting for Edward to speak. After a while of silence jasper turned to Edward. "Well?" He asked. Edward looked over at him "well what?" Edward said avoiding the topic. "Don't play games eddy" jasper said in a serious but soft tone. Edward sighed he decided he was just gonna be honest with jasper. "Well it's... it's about your crush on me" he said. Jasper looked at him in shook his thoughts racing far to fast for Edward to comprehend. "Whoa relax" Edward said softly. "What? How? I don't? What?" Was the only thing Edward was getting from jaspers thoughts. "I found out today in first period when that boy who could have been my twin walked in. I heard what you thought how he looked like your crush and it wasn't hard to put two and two together" Edward explained trying to keep his emotions calm so Jasper wouldn't freak out more. Jasper's thoughts were still racing but he hadn't said or thought anything that was meant for Edward to hear. Jasper looked down and Edward stayed quiet giving Jasper a moment to collect his own thoughts. Jasper was good with other people's emotions just not his own. Jaspers thoughts were not legible to Edward but he stayed quiet not commenting on them. He couldn't choose not to hear people's thoughts but he usually didn't comment on them or he tried not to anyway he found it rude in most cases. Eventually Jasper looked up. 'Are you mad?' Jasper thought. "No," Edward said without hesitating. He wasn't mad at all and he knew Jasper would know he was telling the truth. Jasper didn't know what to say and Edward knew it but he also didn't know what to say either. After a moment of silence Edward spoke "I.. don't wanna lose you" he mumbled looking up at him. "I don't know if I'm ready to risk our family for a 50:50 chance at a good relationship" he said he tone soft but showed the confusion jasper could sense he was feeling. "What do you mean risk our family?" Jasper asked. "Say we date and it ends bad, do you think things will ever be the same as they were" jasper said. "It won't bad" he said. "And how do you k-" he trailed off as he read jaspers thoughts. He was replaying a memory in his head.
Alice walked into the room fuming. "What's wrong" jasper said zipping you her side but she smacked him hard across the face. Jasper held his hand over his face looked at her confused and hurt. Alice clearly regretted hitting him but was still pissed. "What happened?" He asked confused. "I had a vision" she snapped. Jasper furrowed his brows. "Of you and Edward!" She snapped. She didn't have to finish he could put the pieces together. "I- I swear I would never cheat-" he started but she cut him off "I know that jasper! I'm not stupid i know the kind of man you are... but that doesn't mean you don't have feelings for someone else... for a man..." she said. He sighed he really couldn't argue with him because she wasn't wrong. He loved her of course but he knew in his bones that she was his best friend who occasionally kissed him and was overly touchy. "Alice... I love you" he said. "But not in the way I wanna be loved... not in the way that you love him..." she said sadly. Jasper knew she was right and he had so right to argue with her. He just sighed looking down "hey" she said softly making him look up. "It's okay..." she said. "I'm sorry I hit you that was wrong you didn't do anything wrong..." she mumbled. "But you understand why we can't be together anymore right?" She asked and he nodded. "Good. I don't wanna lose you but I need some time" she said. He nodded understandingly. "I'm going to take a vacation up to Alaska... I'll be back for school though." She said and he again nodded. "Is that okay?" She asked. He nodded "I understand" he said. She nodded but didn't hug him and went to get some things together and jasper went to leave but she stopped him "oh and jazz?" She said. He turned to look at her "I know it's not my place but... you should tell Edward how you feel... the vision I saw... it was a good one... we were all happy and you two were happy together... married" she said with a sad smile. He nodded with a slight smile "thank you. Your a good person Alice" he said genuinely. She smiled and he left her be.
Edward blinked looked at jasper who would have been blushing if he wasn't a vampire. "We get married?" He mumbled. Jasper nodded "unless someone makes a different choice... yes" he said. "Of you knew this why didn't you tell me sooner" he asked. "I figured if I'd just let it happen... I didn't wanna force the relationship if it was going to happen anyway" he said. Edward nodded "that was probably a good idea, I'd never even thought about a relationship till I found out about your crush... it never occurred to me that just because I couldn't date a human doesn't mean I couldn't date someone else us... someone like you" he said. Jasper looked up at him with a hopeful look. Edward smiled at him giving jasper the last bit of confidence he need to kiss Edward. Edward was caught off guard because jasper didn't think, he just did. Edward was surprised but kissed back his hand resting on jaspers cheek. Jasper broke the kiss but didn't sit back, his face still by Edwards who still had his hand on jaspers cheek. Jasper looked at Edward for any type of discomfort or regret and when he found none he kissed Edward again. Edward didn't hesitate to kiss back as jasper shifted into Edwards lap his arms wrapping around Edwards neck and Edwards now resting on his hips as they kissed. Edward dominated the kissed as jasper kept his body pressed aginst Edwards. Eventually jasper pulled away looking down at Edward his eyes were a diallated with just much like Edwards but they both knew they weren't there yet. Edward gently brushed jaspers hair from his face. Jasper smiled and hugged Edward laying his head on his shoulder. Edward chuckled fondly and hugged Jasper close.
The two stayed there for a while cuddling and chatting about nothing and everything. Eventually the sun had been down for a while and the others would soon start to worry so they headed home. They both walked inside gaining the attention of everyone on the living room "it's late you should have called" Esme said though her tone wasn't angry just a bit worried. "Sorry we didn't realize how late it was we were hunting" Edward said lying smoothly. "It's alright I was just worried" she said hugging them both like she usually did when they came home. The both hugged back and no one suspected anything aside form Alice of course who wasn't starring but Edward could here what she was thinking. Alice looked up at Edward "something happened between you two didn't it?" She thought. Edward nodded slightly and Alice nodded "finally" she though Edward chuckled slightly and went upstairs wkth jasper following. Edward and jasper has been sharing a room since Alice came home, though since neither slept it wasn't really weird. Edward shut the door and turned on the radio. He played a Debussy album on low volume. He went over and lounged on his couch with his book. Normally jasper would lay on his bed with a book but this time and got his book and laid next to Edward who smiled and silently kissed his temple and went back to reading pressed up against each other as they both read. They stayed like this for a few hours before jasper finished his book and set it down. Instead of getting a new one he wrapped himself around Edward who chuckled fondly and readjusting himself so that he could hold jasper and read his book. So with jaspers head on his chest he read his book that rested aginst jaspers back. Eventually Edward finished his book as well. He warapped an arms around jasper and just laid with him cuddling happily. They both say in a comfortable silence cuddling happily. Soon the sun came up and they had to get up and get ready for school. Jasper eventually crawled out of Edwards arms. Jasper got ready while Edward laid there for a while longer before getting up and getting ready as well. "Ready?" Jasper asked and Edward nodded and they both walked out to Edwards car. As usually the girls were running late trying to find a good outfit so Edward and jasper went ahead and left before them.
Nearly a year later and The boys had a good thing going but they still haven't told anyone. They didn't really have a reason not to tell anyone they just didn't. Currently they were brig home alone because it was date night meaning everyone was out in a date except them or so they told their family. They were both sitting on the piano bench while Edward played. "Are we ever going to tell our family" Edward asked his fingers not hesitating as they moved gracefully across the keys. "About us you mean" Jasper asked. Edward nodded as he still played. "Do you want to?" Jasper asked. "Well we can't keep it from them forever" he said. "I don't even understand why we aren't keeping it alice already knows" he said. "She does?" Jasper asked. "I read her mind the first day we kissed and she asked if something happened between us and I nodded and she thought finally" Edward said. Jasper nodded watching Edwards fingers. "We can tell them tonight if you want" jasper said. "Alright" Edward said as he finished the song and looked over at jasper with a smile. Jasper couldn't help but smile back and kiss his lips softly. Edward kissed back and continued to smile when jasper pulled away.
They two stayed like this, Edward playing music for jasper and sharing sweet kisses in between songs. Eventually Carlisle and Esme got back from the date they we're on. "Hello boys" she said with a motherly smile. They both greeted her and she requested a song for Edward to play and he gladly complied playing her favorite song. Jasper stayed by Edward watching him play, a pretty normal thing for them. Just after Edward finished the song, emmet and rose got home and sat in the living room as well. Edward continued to play for his family a regular thing as they all enjoyed it even emmet and rose. Soon enough Alice got home as well and took her seat next to rose and emmet. Edward looked to jasper who nodded "you tell them" jasper thought. Edward chuckled slightly and stood up. "Hey guys" he said his tone his usual calm but jasper could sense his nerves. Carlile and esme looked up from their place in the kitchen, and rose and Alice looked at them. Emmet was playing his game until rose nudged him and he paused it and looked at Edward. "I thought you should know I've been seeing someone" he said. "Awe who?" Esme said. Carlisle looked at him curiously, Alice had a knowing look, Rose didn't seem that interested. "Finally" emmet chuckled. Edward rolled his eyes fondly "right uh well" he turned to jasper and held his hand out. Jasper hesitated but stood and took Edwards hand "it's jasper" he said smiling reassuringly at jasper who smiled back slightly and looked out at his family's reaction. Rose still seemed uninterested, Alice had already known, Carlisle smiled happily at them, emmet was a bit shocked but not upset and Esme was estatic and insisted they were so perfect together and hugged them both. "I've got some work to do but I'm proud of your both for telling us." He said patting Edwards shoulder as he walked back. Edward nodded and jasper said "thank you". Emmet was already playing his game again and rose was on her phone. Alice gracefully bounced up to them. "Im happy for you" she said to jasper. "Both of you" she added looking at Edward. "I'm glad you two found each other you deserve to be happy" he said. "Thank you" jasper said. "It means a lot" Edward said. Alice smiled and one arm hugged them both. They both hugged back and smiled at her. She smiled and bounded off.
Edward turned to jasper and smiled kissing his cheek.
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