Chapter 7
When the warning bell rang, we all got up and made our ways to our lockers. When I reached mine, I opened it and grabbed everything that I needed and made my way towards my next class. Which was Biology. Why I needed to take it was beyond me.
When I walked in the teacher was at the front organizing some papers and the class was loud. I walked to the front. "Um excuse me," I said, he looked up and smiled. "I'm new here and the secretary said that all my teachers had to sign this," I said, giving him the slip of paper. He took it signed it and gave it back to me. "I'm Mr. Molina, you must be Bella Swan. You can take a seat that is beside Edward Cullen," he said, and pointed to where the desk is.
I nodded and made my way there. Once I was seated Mr. Molina called the class to attention. Once everyone was settled, he started to teach. I took out my note book and started to jot down some notes. But as class went by, it was getting harder and harder to pay attention. Due to the fact that someone kept staring at me.
Few minutes later, I got fed up and glared at him. "Can I help you?" I whispered, he shook his head and smiled a little. "Than stop staring at me, it's getting quite annoying," I whispered and turned back to my notes. "You know, you and your friends are really something," he whispered. "Uh huh," I said, trying to pay attention to Mr. Molina. "I mean, what type of person stares into space and talks to herself about people," he said, and that got my attention.
"What are you? A mind reader?" I asked, looking at him he shrugged. "No, I just can read people like a book. But not you, you're different," he said, giving me a puzzled look. "Thanks I try to be," I said sarcastically. "I didn't mean it as a bad thing. I was just saying that there's something about you that I can't put my finger on it."
I tensed, if he knows about Shadowhunters I'm gonna be in a real pickle. "Well, everyone is different in their own way I suppose," I said turning back to face the front. "I'm Edward, what's yours?" he asked. "Do you ever shut up?" I asked, giving him a pointed look, he only shook his head. "I'm Bella," I said with a sigh. "Nice to meet you Bella," he said, I only gave him a nod in return.
For the rest of the period we sat in silence. Edward looked at me a few times, which I'm proud to say I ignored. When the bell finally rang, I stuffed my things in my backpack and almost ran out of the door. Somehow I managed to trip over a chair and almost fell when someone grabbed me from behind. You know, for a Shadowhunter you'd think I'd be less like a klutz. Everyone would tease me about how one day I'll mange to destroy everything. And I can proudly say that I have done no such thing...yet.
"Careful, you don't want to hurt your pretty little head of yours'," Edward said, I blushed a little. "Yeah thanks for you know, catching me," I mumbled and he let go, and walked out of class. I blushed! Why did I blush?! If Jace or Clary or anyone for that matter found out, I would never live it done.
I took a few deep breaths and walked out toward my locker. When I got there Clary and Maia were waiting for me there. "So how'd your class go?" Clary asked, when I stopped and opened my locker. "Boring," I said. "I heard that you had a little run in with Edward Cullen," Maia said, I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks. "Maia look! Bella's blushing!" Clary said as it was a discovery. "Oh my, you're right! The Famous Bella Swan is blushing!"
"Oh knock it off guys, it's not like you've ever blushed a day in your life," I said, grabbing my stuff for gym and we made it towards our next class. "True, but this is the first time I've ever seen you blush from embarrassment. All the other times is when you'd get angry at Jace for whatever reason," Clary pointed out. "Right, and you wouldn't go mad at Jace either?"
Clary pushed Maia a little, which Maia bumped me into someone. "Sorry," I mumbled. "No problem," he said, and I looked up to see Edward. Why he is always there when I least expect it? "Then I'm not sorry, because I didn't know it was you," I said and he chuckled. "Whatever you say Sunshine," he said, and walked past us. Clary and Maia looked at each other and looked back at me. "What?" I snapped.
"What's with you and him?" Maia asked, and we started walking again. "There's something about him that just sets me off I guess," I said, shrugging. "Like the way Jace treats you as a sister?" Clary asked. "No, this is something different. Like he's not human or something. I don't know, I can't put my finger on it."
"Well I guess we'll just have to found out eventually," Maia said, and walked into the girls locker room. Once we changed we headed out to the gym and stood there until our teacher came. We found out that wasn't going to be another 25 minutes. So we all stood there talking with our friends. Maia was saying something about Seth when this hyper short hair pixie came running towards us. At first I thought she was going to run into us but she stopped right before us. "So you're the new girls right?" she asked, and I nodded.
"So like where did you live before you came here?" she asked. "In New York," I said. "Wow you guys lived in New York? That's pretty cool. So why did you move here?" she asked. "Well my parent's decided that I should live with my dad and go to school and stuff so that's why I'm here," Clary said. "And me and her," I said, pointing at Maia, "are here because she tends to get n trouble a lot and we're to make sure she doesn't get in to much trouble," I said, Maia nodded and Clary pushed me a little making me laugh. "You're hilarious," Clary said dryly. "She's just joking. I don't get into trouble."
"Our friends back in New York would disagree with you Clary," Maia said, and Clary stuck her tongue out at Maia. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alice," Pixie said. "I'm Bella, and this is Clary and Maia," I said, pointing at them. "It's nice to meet you," Alice said and we all nodded. Before we could say something else our teacher came in and class started.
Once class was over and we all changed, we headed towards our next and final class, Trig. Alice walked with us until she saw her boyfriend and skipped towards him. "She's a bit hyper don't you think?" I asked, Maia shrugged. "At least she's nice," Clary said, I nodded in agreement. We walked into class and sat down.
When the final bell rang I sighed in relief and packed up my things and we made our way to the office. "How was your first day girls?" the secretary asked when we gave her our papers. "Eventfully," I said, she gave us a smile and nodded. "That's Forks high school for you," she said. After we were done, we walked out of the building and towards the truck. "Is it always raining in Forks?" Maia asked, as she put her hood up as it started to rain. "Sadly, yes. But there are days where the sun actually shines, and you'll be amazed because it'd be the first time you'd see the sun," Clary said as she unlocked the truck.
Maia and I started laughing, Clary looked up at us with a confused look. "I'm not joking guys," she said, but we didn't believe her. "Sure Clary, sure," I said, and we climbed into the truck. Clary shrugged, and started the truck and made our way back to Charlie's.
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