Chapter 15
It's been two months and there's no word or activity from Valentine. It's a little unnerving to say the least.
We had figured that by now there would be chatter or something from him, but there wasn't.
There was nothing much we can do until it's too late. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case.
"Bella's dating?!" I heard Jace exclaim from Clary's computer.
"So our Bella has a boyfriend?" That would be Alec.
"He's not my boyfriend!" I yelled, causing both Clary and Maia to snort.
"What?" I asked as I looked up from my homework to them.
"Your kidding right?" I shook my head and Clary sighed.
"You guys act like a couple," Maia said what Clary didnt't want to say.
"So? That doesn't mean we're dating," I pointed out. I only received laughter as an answer.
"You guys are dating and there's nothing you can say that would change our minds," Clary said after she was done laughing.
"What's this guy look like anyways?" Isabelle asked. And I could hear the curiosity in her voice.
"Hold on I'll send you a picture," Clary said as she was on her phone.
"Awe look how adorable you two are!" Izzy cooed.
"You have a picture of us?!" I exclaimed and got off the bed and walked towards Clary. Taking her phone, I saw the picture she had just sent.
I had laid my head on Edward's shoulder with my eyes closed. Edward had his arm around my waist and looked at me with such love that for a minute I actually believed he did love me.
"When did you take this?" I asked and sent it to my phone.
"The day where we sat outside for lunch."
"And Edward was okay with it?" I asked surprised.
"He's the one that encouraged it," Clary said and grabbed her phone back.
"I'm surprised that he even shows up on pictures. Normal vampires don't," Isabelle said as I assume is studying the picture.
"Normal vampires don't sparkle," I mumbled not realizing what I said.
"What?!" Clary and everyone exclaimed.
Oh crap.
"He sparkles?" Maia asked.
"Only in the sun."
"Who sparkles more? Magnus or Edward?" Clary asked, I shook my head.
"Wow Clary. I'm not going to answer that because Magnus might take that as a challenge."
"So he's a fairy?" Jace suggested. "A gay vampire fairy."
"If I could smack you Jace I would," I said glaring at him. Isabelle hit Jace on the back of the head, he rubbed it with a pouts.
"Meanies," he grumbled.
"Thank you Izzy."
"Any chance I get to hit Jace is no probably," she said with a smile.
"And no, he's not gay or a fairy. He's just a different type of vampire that's all."
We continued talking until we heard the doorbell.
"Ooh, that would be the food I ordered," Clary said and made her way downstairs.
We heard the door open, mumbling and then it slammed shut.
Maia and I looked at each other before leaving the room and going to the stairs to see what was happening.
"Come on Clary," a voice called from behind the door. A voice that sounded a lot like Edward.
"Is that Edward?" Maia asked.
"I think but I'm not sure."
"This seems unfair."
"What's unfair Edward is that fact that you can read minds. What's unfair is the fact that my foods not here when they said it would be," Clary answered and I think she's glaring at the door.
"But I have it," Edward said and I heard a faint noise. "It's all paid for, you just have to eat it."
Clary stared at the door for what felt like years. She finally opened the door and nodded.
"Fine. You can come in but only if you behave."
"Deal." With that, Edward walked in handing Clary a bag of Chinese food.
"That means no reading minds!" Clary called. Taking the bag with a smile, she made her way upstairs.
"Can I join?"
"As long as you remember the deal."
"Quick!" Maia yelled whispered and we ran upstairs before they knew we were spying.
"Are you guys okay?" Jace asked, watching us trying to act normal.
"Fine, fine." I waved it off.
"Why were two spying on us?" Clary asked once she and Edward walked into the room.
"We weren't spying," Maia said casually.
"They totally were."
"Thanks Izzy," I dryly said.
I could practically hear the smile she's giving off.
"We wanted to make sure that you two were behaving," Maia answered getting something from the bag of food.
"I'm always behaving." The majority of us snorted. "What?"
"You're worst then Jace when it comes to acting normal."
"What are you talking about? I'm not as conceding as him."
"I take offence Clary." Clary only poked her tongue at him.
They continued talking about anything and everything while I was doing homework. Except that my mind kept straying to Valentine. What was he planning and when? I had more questions then I did answers and I don't like it.
"What's on your mind?" Edward asked as if knowing something was bothering me.
"Everything. I have this feeling that something big is going to happen but I'm not sure when. If I had Alice's vision power, maybe I could figure out if we need to be prepared at any moment." I recently found out that Alice had visions, and Jasper can control emotions. That had answered my question why he always looked constipated.
"Either way you'll have to be prepared for the unexpected," Edward pointed out.
Sighing, I played with my pencil lost in thought.
"Hey, I'm sure things will work just fine."
"Yeah maybe."
Non of us had any idea what the upcoming month had in store for us.
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