Chapter 11
Amazing cover art shout out goes to my sister IchigotheHedgehog! Thanks for creating such amazing covers! :)
"Clary stop!"
"If you don't stop now, there will be no Christmas cookies for you!"
"Who made them?"
"Clary stop!"
And the process started all over a again. If you haven't guessed yet, Clary and Isabella were currently fighting.
And they're fighting over the most ridiculous thing ever. Okay I guess its not that ridiculous, but Clary really needs to stop.
She had gotten drunk off of some sort of drink and it happened to have alcohol. How she got it or where, we will never know.
The flight to New York was okay, when we landed, everyone was there to great us. We went out for supper and then we headed back to the Institution where we all crashed.
It's day three and Clary somehow managed to get drunk. I was sitting on the couch in the living room reading about vampires while they argued.
"You're quieter than usual," Alec noted, as he joined me on the couch.
I shrugged. "Lots been in my mind that's all."
"Are you sure that's all?" Alec asked. Before I could answer his question, Clary came running in waving a dish towel around.
"Bella's hung up on Edward Cullen!" she yelled, and started running again when Jace came in trying to catch her.
"Who's Edward Cullen?" Alec asked.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Isabella teased as she walked in and sat down on one of the chairs.
"No," I said trying to hold back a blush.
"Than why are you blushing?"
"I'm not blushing, I'm naturally red," I defended, causing them to snort.
"Right, and I'm the Queen of England," Isabelle said. Just then Clary came running in and sat on the coffee table.
"No, I'm the real Queen of England," she said all seriously, and sat like a proper lady should.
Jace walked in without Clary noticing. Since we all wanted her to stop, we didn't say anything and just watched.
As Clary was being to busy trying to 'run' her imaginary country, Jace ran up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. This caused Clary to squeal and gave Isabelle the chance to snatch her drink out of her hands.
"Guys, no fair," Clary whined.
"Yes it's fair, we're doing this for your own good," Jace said and picked her up with ease.
"And everyone else's," Alec mumbled.
"I heard that!" Clary exclaimed.
"Love you too!" Isabelle called as Jace walked out of the room with a very drunk Clary.
"So," Alec said returning their attention back to me. "What's so important about this Edward Cullen guy?"
"Yeah, he sounds a bit sketchy."
Clary came running in again before I could answer.
"Jace!" We all groaned.
"I'm sorry, she's sneaky!" he said running after her.
"Hold on, I got to tell you something," Clary said. Thinking it was something stupid so we all said no. She whined and pouted. "But Bella's never going to tell you so I figured I should."
That got everyone's attention but mine. I know what she's going to say and I'm thinking of a way to prevent it.
"So, on the last day of school Bella was walking towards the truck. So, someone was driving out of the parking lot but slid on the ice making the van swerve. And before it could hit Bella, Edward came to her rescue. Turns out though, he's pretty strong. He ended up denting the van."
They all stared at Clary after she finished. I was trying to figure out how to murder Clary and make it look like an accident.
"Bella," Alec asked, pulling me out of my schemes. "That true?"
"Of course it's true," Clary said in a duh tone. "I wouldn't lie about things like that. Would I?"
"Well, you're drunk and when you're drunk anything can happen," Isabelle stated. "So yeah you would."
Clary pouted. "Fine, if you don't believe me, and by the looks of things, Bella isn't going to say anything. Call Maia, she'll tell you the truth."
They all looked at each other and shrugged. I went back to my murdering Clary scheme and added Maia while they talked to her.
Once they were done talking, they all gave me a flat look. I smiled at them innocently. "What can I do for you?"
"Why didn't you tell us?" Isabelle asked, I shrugged.
"I don't know, didn't seem important."
"Didn't seem important?!" Jace nearly shouted. "Of course it's important! You could have died."
"But she didn't it," Clary pointed out.
"Not helping," Jace shot at her. Clary put her hands up in mock surrender.
"Hey, you're the one that has to take me to bed," Clary pointed out.
"She has a point," Alec said.
"No kidding," Jace said, giving him a flat look. "You don't have anything else to say Clary?"
She thought about it for a moment then shook her head. "Nope, I'm ready to go to bed."
Jace shook her head and picked her up again. "You're one strange drunk."
"Yeah, but you love me," Clary sang.
"Yeah I do," he said, and I heard a smile.
"Well than you can thank Magnus."
"What?!" all three of us exclaimed, Clary smiled sheepishly.
"Once I get my hands on him," Jace mumbled and began walking.
Once they were out of the room, the two looked at me. "So, why so interested in this Edward Cullen?"
I shrugged and shut off my laptop. "I don't know. Something about him strikes me as odd."
"How so?" Alec asked.
"Well, he's got these golden eyes and on some days they're black. Him and his family tend to skip school on when it's sunny out. And it seems he knows what people are talking about."
Isabelle and Alec thought for a moment. "Okay, he does sound....." Alec trailed off thinking of the right words.
"Not human?" Isabelle suggested, Alec nodded.
"Yeah. I mean, who could stop a van from hitting someone and make a huge dent in it. It's either a werewolf or a vampire. But judging by the description you gave, my money's on he's a vampire."
"If that's true, then his whole family must be," I said, looking at my laptop where I had Googled Edward Cullen. Yes, I was so desperate that I Googled him. Don't judge, it's not nice.
"Why do you say that? They didn't dent any cars, did they?" Isabelle joked, I shook my head.
"No, they're all pale and the same colour eyes as Edward," I sighed. "I don't know. Maybe I'll confront him when break is over."
"Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Alec asked.
"Probably not, but I have two weeks to think this through. So, any luck finding the Instruments?" I asked, changing the subject. They shook their heads.
"Sadly, no we haven't. We had some leads, but they all turned out to be dead ends," Alec said, causing me to sigh.
"Oh well, we'll find them eventually. Let's just worry about the break and enjoy it."
And that's what we did, until Clary discovered something.
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