*Wolf's Loss : Wolves
Wolf's Story - PART 2
Fem Pronouns : Wolf
Being Jared Cameron's sister had its perks. He was a loving big brother, but sometimes it was overbearing. For the most part, though, it was comforting.
Jared hated the color red.
Jared could stand most things; Paul's relentless teasing, Sam's grilling patrols, Quil's obnoxious ranting.
But he could not stand the color red.
"Jare-Bear! Where's that beautiful sister of yours?"
Jared could already feel his red-hot blood boiling, and he hadn't even been at the campfire for more than 3 seconds. He glared harshly at Paul, his arm pulling Kim further into his side. She giggled at Jared, and patted his stomach to calm him down.
"Honey, it's okay. We all know that Paul could never dream to have a chance with someone as amazing as Y/N!"
At the jab, the pack erupted in howls of laughter, even earning a genuine grin from Jared as he pressed an appreciative kiss to Kim's forehead. Paul huffed and whined, not used to the pack teasing him, it usually being the other way around. The boys calmed down enough eventually for Seth to pipe up.
"But really, though. Where is she? I need her help in math," Seth groaned that last part, and Jared chuckled at the younger boy. He threw his head back, gesturing to his house where his sister resides.
"She'll come out in a minute. Said she was going to change first. She just got out of the shower."
Everyone could hear the poorly-restrained anxiety in Jared's voice, but they didn't mention it, even as he kept throwing glances towards the home.
Finally, the small silhouette of Jared's sister emerged from the house, and he breathed out an audible sigh of relief. Again, no one dared mention it.
"Y/N!" Seth was quick to exclaim as soon as the girl had gotten close enough to see everyone's faces, "I need your help in math. Mr. Sprate's class is so hard!"
You smiled at him and nodded, taking a seat on the log your brother was perched on. You glanced up at Kim, sitting on Jared's lap, a glint in your eye that screamed 'I told you so!' She laughed at you, and you giggled along. Jared merely rolled his eyes at the both of you, but held a soft, affectionate smile.
"Who's ready to hear some badass wolf legends?!" Paul howled, throwing his arms out to his sides and puffing his chest out. You giggled at his enthusiasm that never fails to be present at times such as annual bonfires, no matter how many times you hear the same tellings. Your laugh attracted his gaze to you, where you locked eyes for a brief second before you looked away. That brief second was all Paul needed.
It felt like the entire ground had been yanked out from underneath Paul's feet. The world suddenly stopped spinning, and he felt like he was floating - or falling. His focus was solely on you, everything else blurring around the edges of your distracted figure. Paul's dark eyes took in the position of your cheekbones, the sharp line of your jaw, the arch of your eyebrows, and the curve of your lips. His stare studied you, his trance deepening the longer he looked at you. He gazed down your entire form before stopping at the gauze that was always wrapped around your wrists, forearms, and elbows. No matter how many times he asked you what they were for, you'd never respond. You never responded to anyone, unless it was Emily, Sam, Jared, or Kim. Otherwise, your voice was a complete mystery to Paul.
A sudden knock against Paul's shoulder threw him completely off-balance. His large body went spiraling into the dirt beside the bonfire, and he snapped his attention away from you to glare up at Embry. The boy in question froze, then turned and hightailed it away from the camp. Paul was fast to spring to his feet and sprint off after the other wolf, leaving the rest of the pack to laugh at their antics. However, Jared and you didn't laugh. Your eyes were wide, while Jared's narrowed into toxic slits. He gently moved Kim to sit beside you, then hurriedly stalked after the two.
"I'm gonna kill you, Lahote!"
At the sound of his name and the absolute rage in Jared Cameron's voice, Paul turned to face his best friend. He quickly broke off from his chase after Embry, instead opting to let out a small "Oh, shit!" and booking it even faster into the woods. Jared followed behind, mere inches from Paul's heels before they both disappeared into the trees.
"Uh," Quil broke the silence that had settled over the campfire, "What the fuck just happened?"
Sam didn't even have the energy to smack him.
"Paul imprinted on me," You spoke quietly, shocking the pack at the sound of your voice. The campsite silenced again, but was interrupted by Seth groaning and whining.
"Are you kidding? I wanted to imprint on Y/N!"
A deep flush crawled up your neck to your cheeks at the confession, and Quil didn't even try to hold back the loud and obnoxious 'Aw!' that spewed from him.
"Baby Seth wanted to imprint on Baby Y/N! How cute!" Quil slapped his hands to his cheeks, tilting his head and making pouty lips at Seth, "Well you lost that chance, didn't you, bud? Poor Baby Seth."
Seth raised his fist and decked the other wolf in the shoulder, causing Quil to jolt and fall off the log he was sitting on backwards. Everyone burst out laughing at the sight of the curly-haired boy scrambling on the ground in attempts to right himself.
However, all laughter came to a stop when two wolves came crashing through the trees, rolling over each other as they snapped their jaws. Sam hollered a quick, "Hey!" before bolting up and going to pull them apart. Without a clear thought in your head, you shot up after him. There were shouts of protest and warning behind you, calling for you to stop and come back, but you ignored them as you followed Sam.
Sam shifted suddenly, unaware you were following, and raced to latch his jaws around the wolf on top. You realized that the wolf was Paul, his fur being a shade or two lighter than Jared's. The wolf with dark fur framing his eyes, Jared, lunged at Paul, but Sam's black body was there to slam into him. Paul crouched down, ready to leap over Sam and get his teeth around Jared's neck.
"Paul! Stop!" Your voice rang out before you could stop yourself, and the attention of the lighter wolf and the black one snapped to you. Jared took that as an opportunity to spring off his back haunches, lurching forwards and tackling Paul to the ground.
"Are you fucking kidding, Jared?! Stop it, both of you!" You screamed, anger beginning to boil under your skin. It was white hot and unnatural, nearly burning in your chest as you began to shake. The three wolves in front of you seemed to completely disregard your presence, only causing more searing anger to pump like lava in your veins.
You went to take a step forward, but your legs buckled underneath you, and you fell to your hands and knees. You released an ear-splitting, blood-curling scream as the sound of your clothes shredding filled the night. Before any wolf could think, a large, yet smaller than Sam, bright cream-furred wolf was standing where you had been kneeling.
Voices abruptly attacked your mind, and you winced with an animalistic growl. You paused, glancing around you, then down at yourself. When you saw paws, you began to panic. The voices in your head quickly turned to comforting you, telling you it was okay, and saying that they were going to help you through this.
You shook your large wolf head, trying to rid yourself of the loud voices, before you turned and took off into the trees. Your paws seemed to know where they were going, despite your mind not knowing a damn thing, so you let them carry you wherever they were going.
A voice in your head sounded eerily similar to your brother's, but your comprehension of reality seemed to be taking a raincheck at the moment. Your much-larger-than-normal body dodged and weaved between the trees before coming to a slow stop in a clearing. Your enhanced eyesight focused on almost every speck of pollen that floated by your head, and it was beginning to give you an even bigger headache than those noisy voices were.
Speaking of, they had gotten quieter the further you ran, and you huffed out a breath as you relaxed. It was then that your mind decided to finally catch up.
Holy shit, you thought, I'm a fucking wolf! Just like Jared, and Embry, and Seth, and Quil, and Leah, and Paul -
How could you forget? Paul had fucking imprinted on you! That's what had caused this entire ordeal!
Panic began to engulf you once more at the thought of Paul, distracting you from the approaching wolves beside you. The wolf from before, dark fur clouding his eyes, carefully stepped towards you, and you ducked, crouching down as you looked wildly between the three present wolves.
"Y/N? Bunny?" Jared's familiar voice suddenly broke through your panic, and your wolf body immediately relaxed. Your eyes, however, remained wild.
"Big Brother?" You responded hesitantly, your paws gripping the dirt beneath you. Tremors of fear and anxiety shook your form, and the sight made both Paul and Jared's hearts clench.
"Yeah, Bunny, it's me. Relax, baby, you're okay. Do you know what happened?" Jared took another step, causing you to flinch. He ignored it with a wince and walked forward again.
"I - I think so. Jared, I'm scared," You whimpered, and the sound sent a dagger through Paul's chest. He took a slow step forward, following Jared's lead. Your eyes snapped to him before turning back to Jared.
"I know, baby, but it's okay. We're gonna get you through this, alright? Even Paul will help," Jared comforted you, but he reluctantly grumbled out the last part. Paul rolled his eyes at Jared, but focused solely on you once again.
"Y/N, we're gonna take you back to Emily's, okay?" Paul's voice was uncharacteristically soft in your head, trying not to startle you too bad.
"She'll bring you some clothes. We need to hurry, we're too close to Cullen territory," Sam's sturdy tone suddenly broke through the comfort, and you quickly jumped into Jared's side. He instantly wrapped his body around you as best as he could; he stuffed his muzzle into your neck and licked a long stripe across where your scar sat.
With that, the 4 of you began the run back to Quileute land. You ran between Paul and Jared, your shoulders brushing the fur of the two as you went. Sam stayed ahead of you, leading you through the trees until you passed into the clearing. You saw that the group had kept the fire going, giving off just enough light for Emily and Kim to be seen sitting around it. They glanced up at the four of you, understanding and soothing smiles on their faces.
Emily and Kim quickly met the four of you halfway, Emily allowing Paul and Sam to take their clothes into their jaws before running back into the woods to shift and change. Kim approached you and Jared, lifting her hand to stroke both of you. She gave Jared his clothes, but he stayed put, waiting for you to follow him. Kim's hand rubbed your muzzle with a sisterly care, then slipped your change of clothes into your mouth and directed you to her boyfriend, your brother.
Heavy sets of paws trekked into the woods, and you obediently followed Jared. When he turned to face you, dropping his clothes against a tree, you did the same. Then, he gently brushed the side of his head against yours. You pressed your forehead into his chest, as he was easily bigger than you, before pulling back to look him in the eye.
"How do I do this?" You whispered awkwardly, shifting from paw to paw and glancing back and forth from your clothes to your brother. He gave a wolfy chuckle, and sat on his haunches.
"Okay. Close your eyes, it'll be easier to picture if you do," you obey, closing your wolf eyes, "Now, picture yourself in your head. Your face, your hands, your feet. See yourself in your mind, Bunny."
You did as he said, thinking yourself up: your face shape, your eye color, your mouth and nose, your hair. Then your body shape: hands, fingers, feet and toes, legs, arms. Your long, puffy pink skin running from the heels of your hands to the creases of your elbows, and the smaller, fainter version of those running the length of your neck from ear to ear.
Suddenly, the sounds of cracking bones and ripping skin distracted you, but it had already happened. You fell to your knees, almost forgetting how to stand. You opened your eyes, blinking numerous times before glancing down at your human body. Your gaze fell to your arms, where the same pink scars still lay. The only difference to them being that they had turned lighter, faded. You looked up at your wolf of a brother, confusion swirling in your eyes. He didn't respond, only handing you the clothes you had discarded and turning away to shift back himself.
You dressed into the unfamiliar tank top and shorts as your brother changed from wolf to human, keeping your gaze on your scars as he pulled on the provided pants. His warm hands grasped the sides of your biceps, hoisting you to your feet. Again, you looked up at Jared in uncertainty.
"Wolves have enhanced healing. I - You cut too deep for them to heal all the way, I guess," He explained thickly, his eyes never glancing down at you as he pulled you under his arm. You wrapped your own around your middle, trying in vain to hide the reminders of that night.
"I'm sorry," You whispered, but the only response you got was Jared's arm squeezing you tightly against him. Then, he pressed a hard kiss to the crown of your head.
The two of you began the walk out of the forest, breaking the tree line and meeting the others at the fire. Paul's worried eyes trained on you and didn't leave, much to Jared's dismay. Everyone had packed the bonfire up, dousing the flames before you all headed inside.
Jared's arm stayed over your shoulders, directing you up the porch steps and into the house. Kim took over as Sam called for a meeting, her leading you to sit on the couch. She sat you down, then went to grab you a glass of water. When she handed it to you, you reached out to take it, but a much larger hand caught your wrist. Your eyes snapped up, following to hand up the arm, then to the face, only to be met with Paul.
Instantly, you averted your eyes before they could meet, and tried to yank your arm away from him, to no avail.
"What are these?" Paul's question was loaded, ready to mow down any bullshit answer you were half-assed prepared to give. Before you could reply, Kim had slapped his hand away.
"She doesn't have to explain a thing to you if she doesn't want to, Paul. Imprint or not," Kim hissed quietly, taking a seat next to you and putting the glass in your hand. Paul growled, attracting the attention of the rest of the pack.
"Like hell she doesn't! Those are fucking deep! What were you trying to do, Y/N, kill yourself?!" The anger was evident in Paul's tone, making it clear that he wasn't truly think about what he was saying. Immediately, the entire house snapped quiet. Nonetheless, you looked up at him, meeting his eyes. The world stopped spinning and your chest constricted affectionately, but you shoved those feelings away.
Paul nearly choked. He stumbled back, the ice in your stare catching him off guard and crushing his lungs. It became hard to breathe as the realization dawned on him. You really had tried to take your own life.
Paul didn't have a chance to say a thing as you continued on.
"I did try to kill myself, Paul. I flooded my bathroom, sat in the bathtub, and cut myself as deep as I could," Paul's eyes filled with tears, but you pressed on, "Then when that wasn't going quick enough, I slit my own throat. And I almost made it, too, but Jared came home. He came down the flooded hallway, probably fully prepared to yell at me just like he had the night he turned, but you know what he was met with instead? Me, half-dead, floating in our tub."
Jared choked out a sob at the memory. He'd never be able to get the image of you, his baby sister, bleeding out in their bathroom, out of his head. He turned away, closing his eyes and clenching his fists as you kept talking, undeterred by everyone's petrified expressions.
"You know what, Paul? Sometimes I wish he'd just left me, or didn't come home that night. Sometimes I wish Jared truly did hate me as much as I think he does, 'cause then I wouldn't feel like this all the damn time. But I can't do that to him. I can't do that to any of you. Are you happy now, Paul? Are you satisfied?"
You didn't wait for an answer. Rising to your feet, you shoved passed Paul and the rest of the pack, booking it out the door. As you left, Kim rose to comfort her sobbing boyfriend. He clung to her as he fell to his knees, burying his face in her stomach as he cried.
"I almost lost her, Kim. I almost killed my baby sister," Jared bawled, and the sound brought tears to his imprint's eyes. The rest of the pack mourned silently with him, collapsing to the chairs at the table as they tried to grasp the sudden, emotional information. Kim shushed her boyfriend.
"It wasn't you, honey. Her own mind was attacking her, not you -"
"Yes I did! I ignored her, pushed her away, yelled at her! I told - told her that I hated her, Kim! I didn't want to hurt her, I had to keep her away from the vampires we always get, but I didn't want her to die!" Jared's words sent a strong pang of guilt into Sam's chest, knowing that he had been the one that told Jared to stay away from you. It would be safer, he said.
How wrong he'd been.
The sound of a broken howl resounded through the air, but Jared only cried harder.
They'd almost lost you forever.
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