*Southern Bell : Jasper Whitlock
Southern Drawl - PART 2
Male Pronouns : New Boy in Town Trope : Georgian :
Y/N moved from Georgia to Washington; a drastic change of pace, scenery, as well as weather. However, only one thing has stayed the same: High School.
After Jasper had driven Y/N home, the younger boy couldn't keep the blonde Southerner out of his head. It was infuriating, to say the least.
Y/N had spent the better part of his weekend mulling over his emotions towards a certain Cullen, and had come to a bitter conclusion.
He had feelings for Jasper. Another male.
Carlisle's words of acceptance replayed in his mind as he rolled over in his bed, eyes screwed shut as he tried to push the curly-haired boy from his thoughts. Y/N attempted to reason with himself over his feelings, trying to validate himself after years of being told that it was wrong to feel the way he felt for Jasper.
In the mean time, his father had, surprisingly, noticed his son's lack of mental presence.
Sunday, the last day of the weekend, Y/N's father had confronted his son with his realization. As his father sat him down in the living room next to his unwilling and reluctant mother, Y/N debated whether or not to tell them the truth.
Again, Carlisle's speech played in his head, and he took a deep breath in.
"I like someone."
Y/N's mother's head snapped around to face her son, her face showing recognition before slowly her eyes softened, and she gave him the first small smile he had been rewarded in 2 years. His confidence built as he smiled back at her, happiness coursing through him as his mother finally acknowledged him.
"Really? Sweetie, that's great. What's her name?"
The smile on Y/N's face faltered slightly, nervousness suddenly wrapping around his heart and replacing the momentary joy he had had a sliver of. But he cleared his throat, and wrung his hands together.
"His name is Jasper."
Deafening silence.
Then, a deep, stinging pain resonated beneath the skin of Y/N's cheek as his head snapped to the side. Tears filled his eyes at the feeling as he slowly moved to face his quaking mother. Her lips were pulled taut in a frown as she shook in her seat, rage-filled tears falling from her eyes.
"How dare you?" She breathed, "How dare you insult this family? Insult this - this name! How dare you?!"
Y/N's mother was seething through her teeth, just before she lashed out and clutched her son's collar. She slapped him over and over again; on the cheeks, upside the head, anywhere she could reach. Y/N's arms had raised to shelter himself from the blows, tears now falling freely from his eyes before he pulled himself away from his ballistic mother. Without another look back, he bolted out the front door, taking off down the road and down the street.
The shouts and screams of his mother could be heard even after his house had disappeared from sight, but still Y/N didn't stop running. He ran as fast and as far as his legs would take him, and eventually, he reached a place that was familiar. His feet had carried him to the one place that had been made clear was a safe place.
Jasper's house.
Without another thought, he raced up the wooden steps and slammed his fist against the door. Y/N begged desperately in his head that someone was home, and lurched away from the door when it swung open to reveal the one person that had caused all of this.
Anger had suddenly encompassed Y/N, and he lifted his hands up and roughly shoved against Jasper's chest. Said man stumbled a bit in shock, but quickly gained back his balance as he took in the figure in front of him.
"You! Jasper Cullen, it's all 'cause of you! If only I hadn't moved to this stupid town, if only I'd said no to Alice, if only I'd walked away from you in that locker room! I wouldn't be standin' here, cryin' like a fuckin' child!" Y/N planted his hands on Jasper's chest again, and gave another harsh shove. Jasper allowed him.
"I wouldn't've seen yer pretty eyes, wouldn't've seen yer pretty face! I wouldn't've gotten these - these feelin's for you! I'd be able to listen to people talk without wishin' it had your drawl like mine, I'd be able to go somewhere without tryna seek you out! And maybe, just fuckin' maybe, my momma would love me like a momma should. She - She wouldn't ignore me all the fuckin' time like I didn't exist, and she wouldn't hit me when she wan't doin' that," Y/N cried, giving another shove, but this one grew weak. Instead, he raised his hands and placed them on Jasper's shoulders, gripping the t-shirt he was wearing like it was his lifeline. Then, he dropped to his knees. Jasper followed the boy down, arms coming to pull him against his colder body.
"I wish I was a girl. Then momma wouldn't be mad. My feelin's would be okay, and maybe you'd like me, too. I wish I was a girl," Y/N cried into Jasper's chest, his hands clenching tighter around the fabric. Jasper shushed the younger boy, pulling him further into his chest as he allowed him to vent all of his feelings onto him.
When Jasper was sure that all of Y/N's anger was out, he finally allowed himself to feel his emotions. The blonde was ambushed by the self-hatred and internalized homophobia Y/N kept bottled, and slowly began to take it away. He replaced it with acceptance and calm, and Y/N's cries started to dwindle to soft whines.
"C'mon, darlin'. Let's get you inside."
Y/N allowed the Southerner to pull him inside of his home, but he kept his face buried deep in his chest. Jasper kept him close, carefully navigating them to the couch around the corner. When they got close enough, Jasper fell back onto it and pulled Y/N with him. The latter didn't move, only shifting to press his face further into Jasper. Cold hands ran up and down his back, soothing his cries and whines before they all faded into silence. Jasper never spoke.
"'M sorry," Y/N mumbled into Jasper's shirt, sure that the other hadn't heard him. He was proven wrong when Jasper pulled him impossibly closer.
"'S fine, darlin'. You needed to let off some steam. I'm happy to help."
It was quiet for a heartbeat before Jasper continued.
"Do ya need anythin'? Water?"
The younger boy shook his head as best he could, being pressed against a body. He sniffled as he turned his head to face out. To his surprise, Esme, Alice, Rosalie, and Carlisle was standing off to the side, looking on in concern. Crimson flooded Y/N's cheeks, and he turned his head again to face the other direction. Jasper couldn't help but chuckle.
"Are ya okay, now, love?" Jasper whispered after another beat of silence, and the boy on top of him glanced up at him at the pet name. Jasper swore that his cold, dead heart skipped a painful beat at the sight of the boy's red-rimmed eyes, and the action allowed him to fully take in Y/N's features. Jasper's eyes settled on the light purple bruise that had begun to form on his cheek. The blonde could only guess that that was left by the H/C haired boy's mother, and his icy blood boiled at the thought.
"'M okay now, yeah. I just - I just wanna lay 'ere. 'S that okay?"
Y/N's voice was softer than a whisper, almost broken in a way. Again, Jasper could almost feel his heart break at the sound.
"'Course, southern bell. Anythin' for you."
"Thank you."
Y/N fell asleep on Jasper's chest, the heavy cry and the run taking a lot out of him. Jasper had reluctantly slid out from under the boy, who had whined and reached out for him. The action almost had Jasper swooning - fuck it, he did swoon. He had leaned back in immediately and pressed a delicate kiss to Y/N's forehead, his warm hand clutched in Jasper's cold one as he placed his lips to the back of it. The boy had calmed back down at the contact, and Jasper only slipped away when Rosalie caught his attention again.
The 5 vampires had filed into the kitchen where the rest of them resided, all of which shot expectant and concerned glances at Jasper. He released a false exhale and ran his hand through his curly blond hair.
"We are all aware that southern bell in there is my mate," It was a statement more than a confirmation, but the others nodded nonetheless. However, Jasper didn't know where to go from there, and looked to the others for guidance. Rosalie stepped forward angrily.
"Who in the ever-mortal fuck hurt him, Jazz?"
Rosalie was fuming, her motherly instincts surfacing as Emmett placed his arm around her waist. Esme spoke nothing of her language, feeling it appropriate as she, too, wanted to know. Jasper had to close his eyes and force their emotions away from him in order to concentrate.
"This is the first I'm hearin' of it. He's not really the," he paused, searching for the words, "talkative, type. He spent 2 weeks avoidin' all of us, but I - I could feel that he was hurtin'. I didn't know what kinda hurt, though. I assumed it was him battlin' the pull towards me, and I guess I was partially right. But," Jasper sucked in an unneeded breath, his chest puffing out as unshed tears began to sting at the backs of his eyes.
"He showed up on our doorstep, a complete wreck. It - It hurts to think about. But he was so angry. He's always so angry. He - He cried and yelled at me about how if he'd never moved here, he wouldn't've met me and grown feelin's for me. And that maybe if he hadn't done that, maybe," Jasper's voice cracked as he glanced down at his icy cold hands, skin as white as snow, "m-maybe his momma would love 'em and wouldn't - wouldn't hit 'em or ignore 'em. And, fuck, it hurts."
Alice moved forward to pull Jasper into her tiny arms, and he damn-near collapsed. The rest slowly joined as they listened to one of their own dry sob in their embrace. All of their frozen hearts reached out to his and his mate's, who lay sleeping soundly in the other room.
Edward was the first to pull away, his hand wrapping around Jasper's shoulder as he turned him to face him.
"Your southern bell is waking up. He's wondering where you are and if it was a dream."
That was all it took for Jasper to pull away and trip his way into the living room. He went at a human pace, so not to scare his mate, and crouched down beside his head. Bleary E/C eyes fluttered open, meeting with shockingly golden ones, as Jasper hadn't to put the contacts in during the weekend. However, Y/N's mind didn't seem to care too much right now, simply registering Jasper's face. A heavy S/C hand reached up to slip onto the back of Jasper's neck, fingers twirling the curls on the nape.
"How'dya feel, sugar?" Jasper kept his voice low, softly easing the waking boy into sound.
The word had slipped out, Y/N's foggy mind not catching it before it fell past his lips until it was too late. Instead of Jasper pushing him away like he had expected, he flashed his pearly white teeth in a genuine grin.
"Good, love. Yer always wanted here. By me. Never forget that."
Y/N's eyes stared deeply into Jasper's amber ones, neither making a move until finally Jasper's face inched closer. At the motion, the younger boy's fingers, still wrapped around the other's neck, pulled his face further to his, and connected their lips. A low hum escaped both males, and Y/N rolled onto his back as Jasper's body moved to hover above him. Their lips moved together, slowly, just drinking the other in.
Finally, though, Y/N had to pull away because, unfortunately, he still needed air. The boys knocked foreheads, Jasper grinning from above his mate, and the other happily returning it.
"So I take it ya like me back, huh, dollface?" Y/N's smile cut across his face as he spoke, and Jasper bellowed a gleeful laugh. He nodded against Y/N's hand that was woven into the blonde's curly hair, bringing his lips back down to the boy's.
Jasper felt he could spend the rest of his life kissing Y/N, lips pressed against lips. It was like heaven had come to hand-deliver itself unto him, an unworthy monster. But with Y/N tugging his curls and trialing a hand down his chest, he didn't think himself a monster anymore. Now, he thought himself that luckiest man to ever walk the Earth, alive or not. As long as he had Y/N on his arm, he could face anything, be anything. It didn't matter to Jasper.
Y/N was his Souther Bell.
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