*Mud Bud : Seth Clearwater
Male Pronouns : Georgian : Song Writer :
Being an unemployed, high-school-attending boy, but also a song-writer-in-progress, Y/N decides to write a song for one of his friends for some extra pocket-cash. However, before delivering it to said friend, Y/N decides to sing a demo version at a beach bonfire for his boyfriend and imprinter, Seth Clearwater.
"Yo, L/N!" Y/N heard a shout over his shoulder, turning at the call of his name to be met with his friend, Grace, from his math class jogging up to him, "I have a question for you!"
The addressed male gave a small, questioning smile to the girl, to which she returned a shy one. She came to a halt beside him, leaning casually against the locker beside his open one as she tried to gain her breath back.
"What's up, Grace?" Y/N's hand slipped his science textbook into the compartment beside his math text book, then slammed the locker door shut, spinning the combination lock before he turned his full attention to his friend. She blushed as she grinned.
"You're a song writer, right?" Y/N nodded, and Grace carried on, "I was wondering if you could write a song for my girlfriend? I'm not really good at coming up with them, but our anniversary is coming up and I want to do something special for her. I'll even pay you!"
A small, amused smile lifted the corners of the H/C haired male's lips, and he found himself smirking down at the redhead as he copied her position, leaning against the locker and crossing his arms. The weight of his book bag pulled at his shoulder, and he slung it higher to compensate.
"That's real cute, Grace. What kinda song? I'm assumin' a love song? All cheesy 'n shit?"
At the assumption, Grace rolled her eyes, but giggled nonetheless. She pushed herself off of the steel walls, her hands beginning to gain air as she rattled off her ideas.
"No, not really all of the cheesy stuff, per se, but just something that tells her how grateful I am to have her. She doesn't get a lot of attention, and was pretty shocked when I first asked her out. She told me that she was surprised I even noticed her. But she's so gorgeous, and a lot of the times I have to blink or pinch myself to remind myself that I'm not dreaming, you know?"
There was a starry look in Grace's eyes that reminded Y/N a lot of himself whenever he thought about his certain someone, a picture of shining mocha eyes flashing through his mind. He had to suppress the smile that almost sprouted over his face, and focused back on his friend as she rambled passionately about her girlfriend.
"Alright, alright," Y/N finally held up a hand, silencing his friend's rant, "I think I get it. What kinda vibe are you goin' for? Acoustic and soft, or somethin' a lil' more heavy?"
Grace glanced to the side for a moment, looking thoughtful as she sifted through her options. She eventually settled on acoustics, wanting something softer to go with how she felt for her girl. With one last smile, the two teenagers parted ways for the end of the day.
As Y/N walked out of his school building, a familiar form came trotting towards him excitedly. The smile that he had been suppressing throughout his previous conversation came rising up, and practically splitting his face in two.
"Well, howdy, there, dollface," Y/N chuckled, wrapping his arms lovingly around his boyfriend as Seth embraced him affectionately. Seth only responded with a matching grin and a quick peck of the lips. Never once did the two loosen their grips on the other.
"Hey, Mud Bud. How'd your day go?"
A few weeks later, Seth and his pack mates were shoving each other into the sand, all gathered around a campfire. His imprint sat next to him, arm slung half-hazardly over his shoulders as Seth continued to spring comeback after comeback at Paul. The other boys were erupting in laughter as Paul's face was becoming redder and redder by the moment at the unfamiliar teasing.
"You shut your mouth, puppy! The only reason you're even saying anything is because you want to impress your little imprint beside you!" Paul finally grumbled in defeat, sitting down beside Quil to pout. Y/N laughed out loud at the sight of Big-Angry-Paul pouting, bottom lip jutting out to add to the effect.
"Aw, c'mon, Paul Bunion! It ain't that serious!" The H/C haired boy chuckled, and Paul bristled at the nickname. Seth burst into another fit of laughter at his imprint's reassuring, yet teasing words, gripping Y/N's shoulder as he lurched forward.
The night continued like that, the pack members and their imprints throwing comments back and forth as the sun slowly began to set. It casted beautiful, mesmerizing hues of oranges, pinks, blues, and purples onto the sea, the clouds softly rolling over the sky. Slowly, but surely, the group of rowdy teens and young adults calmed themselves enough to listen to the lulling melody of the waves, gentle conversation being the only thing to keep them awake.
Then, Quil turned over his shoulder, twisting around, before pulling his guitar up from the sand behind the log he sat on. He cradled it in his lap, strumming a few cords that stayed low underneath the conversing, only adding to the serene mood of the night. However, as the notes grew gradually in volume, the exchanging of words faded and dispersed; all in favor of listening to Quil's surprisingly-soothing voice.
The singing wolf carried on through three songs before glancing up and around the pack, a question in his gaze: Who's next?
"Babe?" Seth quietly inquired, turning to his imprint, "Aren't you working on a song?"
Seth nudged Y/N gently with his shoulder, the latter looking up at him in wonder. Seth merely smiled, nodding his head towards the guitar in Quil's clutch encouragingly. With a teasing, yet soft roll of his eyes, Y/N reached across the fire to grab at the instrument. Quil fussed at him for 'roasting his baby' as the E/C eyed boy pulled it above the flames, but the only response he got was a tongue sticking out at him.
Y/N dropped back onto the sand beside his boyfriend, the guitar settling into his thighs as he plucked a few testing strings. He glanced up nervously, meeting eyes with Seth. Again, Seth only gave him another soothing smile in reassurance.
"My friend asked me to write this for her girlfriend at school, but I'm gonna change it a lil' bit to fit me," Y/N winked up at Seth, who smirked broadly back. After briefly tuning the the necessary key, Y/N inhaled a deep breath, and rushed into song.
"I got these fresh eyes," Y/N's fingers pulled at the strings, the melody rifting through the otherwise-silent air, "never seen you before, like this. My God, you're beautiful."
"It's like the first time, when we open the door. Before we got used to usual," Y/N's E/C eyes shone brightly, the oranges and blues of the sunset reflecting in his irises that made Seth's breathing hitch into the back of his throat. It reminded him of the time he had imprinted on this country boy in front of him, 3 years ago, on this very beach.
"It might seem superficial, stereotypical, man. You dress up just a little and I'm like, "Oh, damn"," A wink sent Seth's way just before he dove into the chorus.
"So suddenly I'm in love with a stranger. I can't believe that *he's mine. Now all I see is you with fresh eyes, fresh eyes," A broad, face-splitting smile stretched across Seth's lips, honey-sweetness practically oozing off of him as Y/N returned his expression. Seth watched the fingers on the strings fly back and forth between strumming and slapping the wood, completely transfixed by the male in front of him.
"Appreciation, well, it comes and it goes. But I, I'll ride that wave with you," Seth leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand as it sat on his knee, "It's human nature, to miss what's under your nose. 'Til you, 'til you remind a fool."
"Maybe all of this is simple. My heart's unconditional, yeah. You dress up just a little and I'm like, "Oh, damn"," Y/N tilted his head, the action causing Seth's own heart to swoon and melt in his chest.
"So suddenly I'm in love with a stranger. I can't believe that *he's mine. Now all I see is you with fresh eyes, fresh eyes," Once again, the moonlight caught the southerner's sharp facial features just right, accentuating the curve of his jawline and bathing his smile in light. Seth couldn't keep his mocha eyes from tracing the subtle line of his high cheekbones, or the arch of his nose, or the radiance of his grin. All of it just adding to the overflowing love that the wolf already held for this country-speaking, mud-slinging boy in front of him.
Suddenly, mocha eyes met E/C ones, expressions mirroring the other's as Y/N sang to his boyfriend, "If I could bottle this up, bottle, bottle this up, I would. I would bottle this up, bottle, bottle this up, I would. 'Cause you're gorgeous in this moment. If I could bottle this up, I would."
Both hands now resting against his cheeks, Seth breathed a soft, joyful sigh at the sight of his imprint bursting with song. The way his bright, shining eyes would flit between Seth and the cords of the guitar, the way his body swayed and his head bopped to the beat the heel of his hand knocked against the wood, the way Y/N simply was, had Seth falling head-over-tail in love all over again.
The soft crashes of the ocean against the shore, pushing and pulling with the currents, complimented the mood and harmony of the lyrics, rocking the gathered wolves and wrapping them up in a blanket of comfort, stability and calm. The pull of the strings rang through their ears in a beautiful melody, soothing their rough souls with a lullaby meant for another. None of them could deny the love and affection that melted into the song, all of it directed at a certain young wolf.
As the song cradled to a delicate end, Y/N's eyes met with his soulmate's before briefly roaming over the rest of the silent pack. Their faces adorned small, comfortable smiles beaming back at him, but he had already turned his undivided attention back to his big ball of sunshine.
"You're so sweet, Mud Bud," Seth cooed, the nickname a reference to the puppy-dog movie and rolling off of his tongue as his hands gripped the back of his imprint's neck to bring him into a chaste kiss. Y/N hummed against Seth's lips, a hand brushing over his cheek before they separated at the sounds of the pack whooping and hollering. A blush ran up Seth's neck and settled on his cheeks, but his lips merely grinned at his friends as he pulled Y/N back in.
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