*Home : Clearwater Wolves
Fem Pronouns : Wolf : Georgia-Adapted :
Coming back home from college in Georgia has never felt better.
The wind blew through your hair, all of the windows of your white Tacoma rolled down as strumming acoustic guitar riffs sang loudly from your speakers. The dirt from the road kicking up behind the bed of your truck was a familiar sight, the light, barely audible tacking of the pebbles bouncing off of the undercarriage bringing back the happiest memories of your childhood with your sister and brother.
You thought back to your sister, all of your late night video chats. She would rant to you about the boys on the Rez, complaining about the biggest one, Sam, and how he had imprinted on your cousin, Emily. It broke your heart for your little sister, knowing that you were across the states, barely being able to console her cries. But then you thought about her happy smile as she laughed hysterically at your jokes and stories of the college life. You thought of the smiles you shared when you shared with each other that you both liked girls. You both cried when you shifted for the first time away from home, and how it didn't feel the same without your siblings by your side.
Speaking of, the memory of your baby brother came to mind. He was the biggest ball of sunshine you had ever met, and he made you so incredibly proud when he shifted with your sister. He told you stories of the others, waving his hands around excitedly as he told you his version of a movie the both of you had watched. He confided in you his loneliness and jealousy towards the others and their imprints, crying softly as he confessed that he didn't think he'd find the right one. His voice shook when he first told you that he thought that he was bisexual, having a crush on a boy in his science class. He'd only calmed down when you'd laughed and told him about the pretty girl in your own class.
The memory of your siblings spurred you on, driving you to press harder on the gas pedal as the wind cut through the windows, ripping faster and causing your hair to whip around, it softly slapping and nipping at your face.
Just then, the familiar house on the back hill came into view. A large smile broke across your face, nearly splitting it in two. Your truck came to a stop a few yards away from the house, and you made out the silhouettes of two people bursting through the front door as you practically fell out of your truck.
The smaller figure of two booking it across the lawn pushed ahead of the other one, and you threw your arms out to your sides, planting your boots on the ground to prepare yourself.
Seth, becoming impatient, jumped the last few feet into your arms. His legs secured themselves around your waist, and you thanked the Ancestors above for your wolf strength as your arms wrapped around your brother's back, holding him to your body.
"Y/N!" You heard Leah wail, just before you felt all of her weight collide with your and Seth's bodies. The extra force knocked you off of your feet, sending the three of you sprawling across the ground. You grabbed your sister's arm, pulling her above you and Seth to break her fall just as your back met the dirt and gravel. You groaned out at all of the heavy weight on top of you, but made no move to push them away.
"Y/N," Seth cried into your shoulder before pulling away from your body. He resituated his position, now sitting on his knees beside you. You'd only had enough time to sit up before Leah had thrown her arms around your neck, and yours followed suit around her waist. You pulled her to your body, hugging her close as your felt her tears soak your shirt.
"I've missed y'all so much," You cried, tears slipping down your own cheeks as you tugged Seth to join you and your sister. He tossed his arms around you both, pressing his forehead against your temple and hiccuping.
"We've missed you too, big sis," Seth shuddered. Leah could only bawl into your neck, softly nodding in agreement to your brother. A watery smile slipped onto your lips, and you pressed a kiss to Leah's temple before turning and placing one to Seth's forehead.
The three of you sat like that for a moment, sitting slumped on the dirt road, just taking a minute to calm your tears. Then, the hard rocks under you started to bite into your ass, and you could tell it was starting to do the same to Seth's knees by how he would shift more frequently. Leah was practically sitting in your lap.
"Y'all wanna head inside now? Say hey to the rest of the gang?" You quietly asked, pressing close to Leah's ear. She shook her head, knowing that the pack was going to tease her for openly crying like this, but you were quick to reassure her.
"If they say a damn thing, send 'em my way, honey-bunch. I'll kick all their asses."
Leah pulled away to laugh wetly, swiping at her face to brush her tears away while sniffling. Seth leaned back, grinning widely at the sight of his sisters back in front of him and smiling. It had been a while since he'd seen Leah genuinely smile, not one of her sarcastic ones, and he was glad to know that she still knew how.
"Alright, up ya get. I can smell the cookies from here," You gestured with your hands, and both of your siblings rolled their eyes. Though, they did as you asked, and helped you to stand up.
"Damn, I fell pretty hard. I think y'all gained a few," You joked, whining as you dusted the red dirt from the backs of your jeans. Leah shoved your shoulder playfully, then glanced over at Seth. You easily caught on, grinning evilly at her.
"Last one to Emily's is a wet pup!" Leah shouted, bolting down the lawn with you hot on her heels. Seth let out a startled shriek before taking off behind the two of you, all three of you giggling the whole while. By the time you reached the porch, Seth had booked it past you, eliciting a gasp from you at the sight. He'd turned to flash you a mischievous smirk.
"Since when did you get so fast, Sunshine? Damn!" You huffed, then ducked down to wrap your arms around Seth's legs and lug him over your shoulder. Seth yelped at the abrupt movement, flailing his limbs above your head. You spun around in circles, Leah laughing uncontrollably at your antics and Seth's pleas to put him down. You ignored him, instead opting to snag Leah's waist and hoist her over your other shoulder. She squealed in surprise, but instantly burst into a fit of giggles.
"Emily! Where you at, cuz?! I can smell the sweets!" You shouted as you kicked the door in, entering the cozy and familiar house. The boys inside snapped their mouths shut as they took in the sight of you, a girl that they either didn't know, or hadn't seen in the last 4 years, as well as the sight of both Clearwaters strewn over your shoulders. Then, as if the sight wasn't enough, they could actually hear Leah Clearwater laughing loudly, along with her brother as he protested against being carried.
Emily stopped her action of chopping vegetables, looking up in shock at the voice she hadn't heard in a long time. A broad smile pulled across her lips as your face came into view, as well as her other cousins still stretched out across you. She released a boisterous laugh, attracting the attention of not only her imprinter, but the rest of the pack, too.
"Y/N! You're home!"
You finally set your siblings down after one more twirl, more giggles erupting from them, before their feet landed on uneasy ground. They both stumbled, clinging to their sister for balance as they continued to laugh, actively ignoring the astonished looks their pack were shooting their way. When they were steady, you turned to your cousin.
"Howdy, Em. You're lookin' good!" You exclaimed, eyes barely taking in the new scars on her face as your words caused her to laugh and blush. Arms wide, you embraced Emily, pulling her tight against your chest as she anxiously returned it.
"You're too sweet, Y/N. How'd college treat you? I see you picked up on their dialect," Emily pulled away with another giggle, and you rolled your eyes affectionately.
"Yeah, yeah. Developed a taste for their sweet tea, too. You know they put nearly 2 and a half cups of sugar in there? Talk 'bout a sugar rush!"
Emily laughed, turning around to reach for a tray of cookies. Instantly, your hands gently pushed hers away, taking the plate instead. With a sneaky smile, you shoveled a few cookies into your mouth. Emily mocked a gasp, snatching the tray away from your grasp and spinning to place it on the table. It was then that you actually realized that there were a ton of guys sitting around, just watching the exchanges.
You turned to your siblings, only to be met with excited grins. Heart swelling, you couldn't help but return it after gulping down the treats in your mouth. Then, you slung your arms over Leah and Seth's shoulders, glancing back at the rest of their pack.
"Guys, this is my sister, Y/N! She's been down at collage in Georgia! She's been gone the last 4 years, but she graduated, so now she's back!" Seth piped up giddily, never skipping a beat. You chuckled down at your hyper-ball of a brother.
"Calm down, Sunshine, you're gonna shift if you keep it up," You soothed, running your hand through his cropped hair. At this, you swooned.
"Aw, you cut your hair! I know we run hot, but you were so cute with your long hair!" You pushed his head every-which-way, just to tease him, and his hands flew up to grab yours.
"Stop! I had to! It made me sweat! Y/N, stop it, dammit! You've only been back for a few minutes and you're already annoying me!"
You merely laughed at him, continuing to coo at him and shake him up. Leah was cracking up beside the two of you, and you abruptly turned your attention to her.
"Leah-Peah! Where's that girl of yours, huh? The one you were talkin' to me about on the phone last week? The redhead?"
Almost as soon as you opened your mouth, Leah had a flush as dark as the night on her cheeks. She tried to reach up and clasp her hand over your face, shoving you back in a desperate attempt to get you to stop talking. You kept ducking away from her advances, though, leaning back to get away from her hands as you continued embarrassing her. Though, you must've leaned too far back, as you lost your balance and went tumbling backwards. In a small panic, you squealed and grabbed onto Seth's shoulder and Leah's wrist, bringing them down with you.
Once again, you ended up on the ground with you breaking your siblings' falls. A rough groan rolled off your tongue, rumbling through your chest as Leah and Seth leaned back to laugh at you.
"That's what you get for embarrassing me!" Leah scolded, but there was an easy smile on her face as she falsely glared down at you. Seth nodded along before rolling off of you and jumping to his feet. Leah followed, then they, once again, lifted you off the ground and to your own feet.
"Alright, alright. That was rightfully deserved. Anyway, are y'all just gonna leave me in the dark, or are ya gonna introduce the new puppies to me?" Your hand stretched to rub your shoulder, grinning down at the rest of the pack that now had matching glowing smiles on their faces. Seth nodded eagerly.
"Right, yeah! Okay," He began pointing to boys sitting at the table, said boys scrambling to snag all of the cookies off the plate before they disappeared, "You already know Sam and Jared, but you left just before you got to meet Paul. That's Embry, Quil, and Jacob, and Kim is Jared's imprint while Rachael is Paul's! Embry, Quil, Leah and I haven't met ours yet."
You could hear the dejection in his voice at the end, and you hastily slung your arms over his shoulders to comfort him.
"'S alright, Sunshine. Only the best wolves don't need their imprints!" You pressed rapid-fire kisses to the top of his head, and he hurried to push you off of him, a heavy blush crawling to his cheeks.
"Y/N!" He whined, "Not in front of the pack! I'm tough, remember?"
You rolled your eyes at your brother, but listened and pulled away from him.
"And speak for yourself, country girl," Sam suddenly piped up, drawing your attention to him as he pulled Emily into his side. You scoffed at the two, casually stepping in front of Leah to shield her from view.
"As if. All I need in my life are my baby sister and brother. I ain't got time for an imprint when both of them came out causin' trouble!"
Embry and Quil snickered around the cookies in their mouths at the table, and you sent them a mischievous wink. Sam returned your scoff.
"You're not wrong, but you'll think differently when you meet him."
Your eyebrows shot up at the accusation.
"What makes you think they're gonna be a man?"
Paul choked on his cookie, causing you to smirk.
Man, being home is gonna be fun.
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