*Friends Don't : Leah Clearwater
INSPIRED BY AND USED: Friends Don't - Maddie & Tae
Fem Pronouns : Best Friend : Pre-Shift : After Sam : Georgian :
Being best friends with Leah Clearwater is as easy as breathing, yet as hard as rock-climbing with only one shoe. With your feelings growing for your best friend, you begin to realize that maybe, just maybe, she feels the same way
They don't cancel other plans; Have conversations with nothing but their eyes; They don't hear each other's names and forget to concentrate; Hits a nerve and lights you up like dynamite
Your head snapped up at the familiar name, turning in your chair to see the owner of the voice. The giddy swelling in your heart deflated a bit as your eyes saw a boy rush over to a random table, their faces unfamiliar to you. You turned back to your book, glancing down at your watch to gauge the time. Just then, your phone rang.
Speak of the devil, you thought, a smile spreading across your face at the contact. Your finger swiped greedily across the screen, answering the phone call.
"Hey, Y/N," Leah's strong voice rumbled through the phone, and you shut your book as you leaned your elbow on the table.
"Howdy, partner," You responded, your lips tugging higher at the chuckle that rang in your ear.
"Are you doing anything right now? I kinda need a day," Her tone trailed off softly, and you couldn't keep your smile from softening.
You had been waiting to meet up with someone, and you had gotten here a bit early. But now with Leah on the other end of the phone, asking for you to come be with her, there wasn't a bone in your body that could deny her just that.
"No, I'm not doin' anything. I'll be over in," you glanced down at your watch again, "20 minutes, alright? Don't do anything without me!"
Leah laughed over the line, and you swore that your heart skipped a beat, "Alright, alright. I'll be inside. See you then, little bit."
At the nickname, the smile on your face widened again. You nodded, even though Leah couldn't see it, and replied with a simple "See you then," before hanging up. You stood from your seat just as the cafe's door bell rang. A set of hands fell to your hips, and a pair of lips fell to your cheek, all causing you to jump. The man behind you chuckled, and rounded you, coming face to face with you.
A small pang of guilt ricocheted throughout your chest, but it was gone as quickly as it came at the thought of Leah's waiting smile.
"Hey, listen. I'm really sorry, but I gotta go," You spoke fast, gathering your things from the table just as your date had sat down. He looked up at you with confused, doe-like eyes, but you merely smiled at him and spun on your heel.
"W-Wait! Can we at least reschedule?" He called after you, but you had already exited the cafe, the man now completely forgotten, as you skipped to your car, thinking about stopping by Leah's favorite bakery for some sweet treats.
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night; Couldn't even tell you why; They just felt like saying "hi"; Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys; Finding reasons not to leave; Trying to hide the chemistry; Drive a little too slow, take the long way home; Get a little too close; We do, but friends don't
A few weeks later, you pulled up to Leah's house just as you had that night, the same treats of muffins, cookies, pies, and chocolate-covered strawberries in your arms. A booted foot kicked out to knock against the bottom of the door, not having a free hand, and the door opened to reveal a grinning Seth. He looked up at you, awestruck at all of the goodies you had brought with you once again.
"Where's your amazin' sister, doll?" You questioned, a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eye. Seth beamed up at you, absolutely loving your accent. His eyes sparkled at the pet name, and he took off to go retrieve his sister, as requested.
Walking into the cozy little house, you kicked the door shut and made your way to the kitchen. Sue was stationed inside, making a few sandwiches for the family as she turned to greet you. She immediately rolled her eyes at the junk food settled in your arms, just before you slammed it all down on the counter, but you only grinned up at her.
"Hey, Momma Sue - hey, hey, don't gimme that look! Its yer kids that got a helluva sweet tooth!" You were quick to playfully defend yourself, easily shifting the blame to the absent Clearwaters.
As if by summoning, said siblings entered the kitchen. Seth's eyes immediately fell to the sweets on the counter while Leah fixed her gaze on you. She smiled at you, to which you happily returned. You wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into your side as Sue tsked at you.
"Don't act like they're the only sugar monsters here, Y/N. And just before lunch, too! What am I going to do with you?" Sue scolded you, but you knew it was fake the moment she casted a smile over her shoulder. Leah tugged on your hand, her fingers entwining with yours as she lead you away from the kitchen and to the couch. The two of you plopped down next to each other, Leah instantly moving to lay her head in your lap.
Seth came trampling in, then, muffins in each hand and one between his teeth before he fell to the floor in front of the couch. Your hands ran through your best friend's hair, gently combing through the black pool of tresses. She relaxed into your thighs, and you felt your heart leap in your chest at the sight of her.
Best friend, you reminded yourself disdainfully, but forcefully focused back on the TV.
4 movies had stretched on for what felt like days, especially with Leah burying her head in your lap and your hand in her hair, but then it all had ended, and it was about time for you to leave. However, as you stood and stretched, flexing your cramped muscles as Leah did the same, you felt the familiar feeling of longing coiling in your gut.
Leah walked you to the door, but you made a long, dramatic show of looking for your keys. With a flat look, Leah reached over the couch and tugged them free from the cushions. When she handed them to you, all your hands could do was fidget with them as you traded your weight back forth, from foot to foot, sifting desperately through your mind for an excuse to stay here, at Leah's house, with her. Thankfully, the girl herself came to your rescue with an easy grin.
"Actually, Y/N, it's late. Why don't you stay the night?"
They don't almost say "I love you"; When they're downtown somewhere, just a little drunk; They don't talk about the future and put each other in it; And get chills with every accidental touch
"C'mon, Leah! It'll be fun! Plus, it'll get your mind off'a everythin'," Your hands tugged harshly on your best friend's, pulling her off the porch as she tried in vain to dig her heels into the dirt, "Please? I'll be there the entire time, pumpkin!"
Leah, albeit reluctantly, agreed eventually, having already found herself by your truck before she'd even uttered the words. With a roll of her eyes, she climbed into your Tacoma and allowed you to rev her off to the closest bar in town.
Two hours, 3 Margaritas and 6 shots each later, you and Leah were found practically hanging off of each other. You both were a mess of giggles, clinging to one another in attempts to keep yourselves steady.
Your eyes drifted to your drunk best friend, freezing momentarily when your gaze was captured by her glowing features. You hadn't seen her smile like this since even before she'd met that asshole, Sam Uley. The sight of it back on her face made your heart lurch in your ribcage, and your hand had already grasped hers before you could think. Your feet went stomping out of the bar, your hands hanging between the two of you as you pulled her with you.
"Y/N, where're we goin'?" Leah's words slurred, tone humorous due to the alcohol raging through her system. You ignored her, opting instead to pull her along behind you as you opened the tailgate of your truck. Spread over the floorboard was a mass of blankets, all weighed down by random tool boxes that you had stolen from either your dad or your other friend, Jake. You clumsily helped Leah up onto the tailgate before hopping up yourself, falling face first into the soft cushions as the liquor turned your muscles to mush. Laughing, the both of you moved further up and collapsed onto the blankets.
The two of you fell quiet, only the sounds of your labored breathing breaking through the atmosphere. You suddenly found yourself facing your best friend, once again taking in her radiant facial structure. Her face was lit up with an easy smile, her eyes staring up at the night sky. The stars sparkled in her irises, causing the dark hickory hues to shine. Then, she was looking at you, but you couldn't find it within your drunken self to look away.
"I -," you gulped, swallowing down the 'I love you' that wanted desperately to come out before trying again, "I'm glad you're my best friend."
The smile that lit up Leah's face was like the sun itself shining, the rays washing over you like it wasn't the moon that hung above you instead. But you thought you spied a tad bit of sadness weighing it down, something similar to disappointment burning behind her irises as she stared into yours.
"I'm glad I'm your best friend, too, Y/N."
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night; Couldn't even tell you why; They just felt like saying "hi"; Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys; Finding reasons not to leave; Trying to hide the chemistry; Drive a little too slow, take the long way home; Get a little too close; We do, but friends don't
E/C eyes stared up at the ceiling, the weight of sleep nowhere to be found. One of your hands rested on your stomach, while the other slumped beside you, palm up, as your thoughts ran a mile a minute. Dark, hickory-colored eyes relentlessly tortured your mind's eye, fictionally imagining them filling with the same love and adoration that you held for her. You couldn't help but imagine what her lips would feel like against yours, or how her bare skin would feel skimming your own.
At the thought, you vigorously shook your head. You couldn't think like that about your best friend. Not about her. It was fruitless, anyways. She was still hopelessly in love with the man that had broken her heart over her own cousin. She would never go after you.
Heaving a heavy sigh, you rolled your body onto your stomach, stuffing your face into your plump pillow to try and fall asleep. However, just as you were being pulled into a wonderful dream filled to the brim with your best friend, your phone rang.
Speak of the damn devil. Once again, as if she could read your thoughts half-way across town, Leah was ringing you.
Not another thought tripped through your mind before you were swiping over the screen.
"Well, howdy, partner. It's nearly 2 in the morning, what're you doin' up?"
Leah's laugh through the speaker had the corners of your lips upturning.
"I could ask you the same thing, southern bell," there was a pause before she continued, quieter, "I just wanted to say 'hi'."
A suspicious smile formed, even though she could see it.
"Really now? Well, who am I to deny a lil' lady a 'hello'?"
I keep telling myself this might be nothing; But one look in your eyes and, God, there's something; You can lie to me and say you don't; But I know you do, and I love you too
You spun to the sound of your name, the voice causing your heartbeat to kick up and run a marathon.
Leah stood behind you, wringing her hands together nervously. Your brows immediately furrowed in concern, and you practically leapt over the back of her couch. Dark, nervous hickory eyes - eyes that you had finally admitted to falling truly and utterly in love with - bore anxiously into your worried ones. Leah's hands shook as she took yours in hers, her palms sweaty, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
Still, the girl in front of you stayed quiet, the nerves eating at her vocal cords and keeping her from saying what she wanted. You waited patiently, thumbs rubbing against her knuckles in hopes of calming her down, and gave her a tentative smile. She tried to return it, but it looked more like a grimace as she was swallowed up by anxiety again.
Without a word, your hands were tugging on hers, silently asking her to follow you. She obliged, her feet carrying her after you as you lead her around the sofa, then brought her down to sit next to you. Leah pushed out a shuttering breath, her eyes darting away from yours as she gained her composure. Your thumbs never stopped their movements.
"I - I like girls," Leah finally broke the silence, her words barely above a whisper, but still carrying a heavy weight and cutting the quiet like a knife. You sat still, gazing at her as she brought her attention back to you when she didn't get a response. Instead of being met with the disgust she was expecting, Leah's eyes flitted over your grinning face.
"Leah," You breathed, giddiness crashing through you like a tsunami storm, but you quickly forced it down as you saw the caution in her eyes, "It's okay. I do, too."
At the new information, Leah's eyes lit up with joy and acceptance, relieved that you didn't hate her.
"Oh, thank god. I thought you'd hate me when I told you."
You shook your head, your face basically splitting in two at the bashful smile you were giving her.
"Leah, pumpkin. I could never hate you."
I love you, was left unsaid.
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night; Couldn't even tell you why; They just felt like saying "hi"; Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys; Finding reasons not to leave; Trying to hide the chemistry; Drive a little too slow, take the long way home; Get a little too close; We do, but friends don't
The wind whipped through your hair, blowing it astray as you gripped the steering wheel with one hand. Your other sat on your thigh, and even though you were supposed to have your full attention on the road, you didn't.
Leah sat in your passenger seat, a brilliant smile on her beaming expression. Her head was stuck out the rolled-down window, as was half of her upper-body. She whooped and hollered as you sped down the empty road, only the occasional headlights blinding you through the windshield.
As you slowed down to turn off the main road and onto a back road, Leah took the opportunity to slip her body back into the vehicle. Your eyes flickered between her and the dirt path, trying to take in as much of her disheveled appearance as possible.
Her midnight hair was strewn across her face, a compliment to her sharp cheekbones and well-defined jawline, and a stark contrast to her bright, white-toothed grin. Her shirt was rumpled from the wind nipping and pulling at it, her tanned skin wind-kissed. It all gave her an ethereal glow, and you nearly couldn't take your eyes off of her, had it not been for the dire need to not crash your truck, at least.
Leah turned to you suddenly, that same radiant smile on her face as she gazed at you in post-adrenaline excitement. You returned her expression with a grin of your own.
"I don't wanna go home yet," She complained over the loud rush of air gushing around you. With her confession, your grin spread impossibly further. You slowed down, causing Leah to shoot you a confused glance, and turned down another dirt road. Leah had never been down this road before, the area quickly disappearing into unfamiliarity, but she trusted you indefinitely. So, she stayed quiet, just taking in the scenery as you took in her.
Slowly, you reached your destination. The truck rolled to a stop, and your fingers switched off the engine. With a wink, you hoped out of the vehicle before crossing the front and rounding to the other side. You opened Leah's door for her, giving her an exaggeratedly deep bow and unnecessarily helping her out of the truck. She rolled her eyes at your antics, to which you only gave her a smirk, before you tugged on your still-clasped hands.
Just like that night at the bar oh-so-long ago, you unlatched the tailgate, allowing it to fall open. You spun to face Leah, and gestured to the bed. The same blankets from before still laid sprawled across the back of the truck, and, with a fond smile, Leah hopped up into the bed. She made room for you as you leapt up next to her, the both of you scooting back into the bundle of comfort.
"What is this for, Y/N?" Leah questioned a minute after you had laid down next to each other, hands barely brushing and causing goosebumps on both ends. Your head turned to gaze at her, but she kept hers facing skyward, looking up at the moon and the stars. You felt deja vu sweep through you as the memory of that drunken night came to the forefront of your mind. You pushed it away, though, as you answered her with a smile adorning your features.
"You said you didn't want to go home yet, so I brought you out here. I found this lil' spot one night while I was out drivin', tryna cool off from a fight with my mom," You started, but you couldn't go on. You'd been caught in a trance again, mesmerized by your best friend's sharp face. At your pause, she turned to face you, only for her breath to hitch at the close proximity.
Neither of you had noticed how close you had become, noses nearly brushing now. You nor Leah could bring yourselves to shift away.
"Leah, I -" You broke off. The same feeling of possible rejection clutched your heart in a vice, keeping you from saying what you truly wanted to say.
Leah was your best friend, the girl you ran to when you needed comfort, or a laugh, or just someone to hang out with.
You were Leah's best friend, the girl she turned to when she had her heart broken by a jerk that left her for her cousin, the girl she turned to when she needed a shoulder to cry on, the girl she turned to when she just wanted someone's company.
She was the girl that you had fallen deeply in love with, and you her.
It all seemed to piece together through your gazes, a mutual understanding spreading through the both of you at the unspoken, yet equally as heard declaration of love for the other.
You loved her, and she loved you.
Without uttering a single word, the both of you closed the remaining distance. Her soft lips pressed to yours, and it was as if everything just fell into place. The world shifted to accommodate you, the sun disappeared, and the girl pressed against you replaced that warmth.
You weren't just best friends anymore.
You were hers, and she was yours.
Friends don't.
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