It's a little late but I had lots going on but still here is a bonus chapter as requested by a few of my readers. It's especially dedicated to PenelopeLancaster and ArshpreetKaur036 who specifically asked for this. Sorry for the delay but I made sure to deliver.
I looked at my freshly painted nails courtesy of Natalia and resisted the urge to start chipping it off or worse, chew off the manicured ends. I couldn't help feeling nervous and excited at the same time. It was graduation day and I was finally made it top off my class after four long hard years of studying my ass off to prove that I deserved a spot up there with the rest of them. My first year had been hard since I had to acclimate with a whole different form of learning from what I was used to but with Williams help and the support of all my friends I'd done it.
William and all our friends had been a year ahead of me so they had already graduated, all except for Natalia. She had taken a year off when she got pregnant. She and Harry had been scared at first but they had quickly adapted and were now parents to a handsome baby boy name Taylor. He was turning one year old soon and was growing up so fast. Besides Taylor being born nothing much had happened.
William and I were still going on strong planning our future together. A future that had just gotten much much scarier after the discovery I'd made that morning. I lay my hand over my stomach and my nerves grew all the more. I was only twenty one and had not lived half the life I had dreamed of myself. William had just began his company with Harry and Louis. It was not even off the ground yet. How could I tell him the news? It would ruin everything.
"Hey."Natalia called out softly reaching for my arm and I turned to her "Are you okay?" She asked looking at me concerned.
"Yeah I'm just a little nervous."I replied trying to muster the most genuine smile that I could afford.
"I know what you mean but this is going to be great. I'm so proud of us for actually making it this far. Me being a mom and you being so relentless to make it in America even with the difference in education systems as compared to Kenya."She continued and I maintained my smile nodding politely.
I was only half listening and really wished she would stop so I could wallow in my thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I loved Natalia but she couldn't possibly understand what was going on in my head. I was thankfully saved from anymore talk when the speeches ended and they started calling out the names.
Natalia exclaimed excitedly when they got to her name. She got up from her seat and walked confidently to the podium. I really was proud of her so I clapped heartily and made sure to hoot loudly. Even if I was lost in my own problems, I could still be happy for my friend.
My name was called out and I got up nervously feeling as if everyone was looking at me. They definitely were and I wished that they weren't. I tried to be as confident as I could and prayed to God not to allow me slip on the stairs and make a fool out of myself. I'd begged Natalia to let me wear sneakers but she'd shoved heels into my hands with a glare demanding I not mess up the look she'd created for me. The navy blue dress I was wearing under my gown was a little too short for my taste but I had to admit it really did make me look good.
I put on a smile when I got to the stage shook a few hands, posed for a photo and finally took a deep breath happy that it was all over. People clapped for me but they were only being polite, I didn't know most of them anyway, even the ones I'd shared classes with. I knew William and the rest of our family were somewhere in the crowd but there were so many people I couldn't make them out. I found my way back to my seat and waited for the ceremony to end. Forty five excruciating minutes and a lot of clapping later it finally did.
Everyone stood up cheering and excited tossing their hats up. I tossed mine too but just far enough to catch it so I didn't have to get someone else's.
"Congratulations love. We did it."Natalia shouted happily and it was so contagious I couldn't help but laugh too.
"I know, congratulations too Nat. I'm so proud of you. You're an inspiration that women really can have it all."I cheered meaning every word.
"Shit you're gonna make me cry. Now look at that you're making me cuss too yet you hate it."She sniffed wiping off a tear.
"You get a pass for today."I smiled and she pulled me in for a hug.
I was famous for being against cussing. I'd even introduced a swear jar and every three months I broke it and used it to buy a surprise gift for the one who had swore the least within those months.
"Now let's go and find everyone else. I'm famished and I could really go for a greasy cheese burger from that place Louis hates."She groaned and I just laughed taking her hand and she led me through the crowd of graduates and their families.
My nerves started kicking back in liked they'd never left. What was I going to do? How was I going to tell William? Would he be mad and angry that I'd ruined his future, our future or would he hug me and be excited assuring me that it would all be okay and that he had my back.
Louis was the one who spotted us first, tapping his friends shoulders to alert them of our presence. William smiled once he saw me and I stopped in my tracks to admire just how much he had changed over the years. He had evolved from a tiktoking teenager to a young man who was taller, more confident and had a body to die for. I had changed too, grown a little taller, my boobs had become bigger, my ass had popped out even larger than before and William really liked that.
He stalked towards me and pulled me into his arms taking me by surprise as he twirled me.
"Congratulations my caramel goddess."He said pecking my nose and I heard Louis protest in the background that William had stolen his nickname for me.
"Thank you my love."I replied leaning in to peck his lips but he was having none of it.
He put me down carefully before cupping my face and deepening the kiss. I knew that we were in public giving people a show but I'd never been able to resist William ever since we met over six years ago and there would probably never be a time when I'd be able to. With him doing that, it was no wonder I was in the predicament I was in.
"Okay enough you two."Louis lamented and we pulled away from each other reluctantly.
"All in good time my love, all in good time."William whispered huskily in my ear and I had no time to react as I was pulled away from his arms by a screaming Louis.
"You did it Angel, congratulations."He yelped and I laughed at the jab at William.
"Thanks Louis. Where is Myra?"I asked referring to his girlfriend of two years.
She was a model who even though could be bitchy sometimes it was in a good way and that's why I approved her for sweet Louis. He needed someone like her to balance him out.
"She had to leave for work. Paris this time. I love the girl, but it feels like she's dating me and her work. The worst part is that I'm coming second."He groans in frustration and I pulled him in for a hug.
"I'm sorry Louis. I'm sure you guys will find a balance soon. Love always wins."I encouraged hoping more than anyone that my words were true and carried some ounce of weight to them.
"Okay enough of this sadness. Who's ready to eat? My girl said she's hungry and I want to feed her."Harry asked and everyone consented.
"Yes please I'm famished."Louis moaned taking Natalia's and William's hands leading them away.
Harry looped his hand around my shoulder and pulled me closer as we followed the other three.
"Congratulations little sis. You conquered the American education system and succeed coming out on top."Harry hooted and I laughed.
Everyone was making a big deal out of me actually graduating because of how much they'd seen me struggle in the first year. I had so many sleepless nights because of how different the education system was. It was like relearning everything all over again yet I had to still keep up with my classmates. Thankfully I was smart, had the best support system through my group of friends, the most amazing boyfriend and lots and lots of prayers.
"Are you okay sis? You look troubled."Harry asked and I really wasn't surprised that he noticed.
He was really sensitive and attentive. Always had been but even more that he had a crawling toddler who liked putting anything that could fit into his mouth. I loved Taylor but he had this taste for plastic that was just weird.
"Not really but I will be."I assured him and I was being honest.
I had always emerged on top and risen to the occasion no matter what was dropped to my lap. This case would be no difference no matter how it unfolded.
"Well whatever it is I'm sure you'll be okay but I want you to know that you can come to me for anything."He assured me.
"Thanks Harry. You're the best big brother a girl could ask for."I replied smiling at him.
He just smiled back and kissed my temple before letting me go just as William pulled me into his arms. They had arrived in two different cars so Louis drove with me and William while Natalia and Harry used his car. We were driving back to Williams parents house where we would be having the graduation party with our family and friends. Simon had not been able to make it for my graduation but he'd sent his love and promised to come when he found an affordable flight.
When we got there Julia who had become the mom I'd never had welcomed me with hugs, kisses and lots of congratulations. Everyone's family was there as the group was so close knit. There was a lot of food, decorations and of course gifts. We were too many to fit in the house so we were all situated outside.
After everything settled down we all sat down and I just found myself playing with my spoon and not really eating. I was too troubled to swallow anything and actually manage to keep it down.
"Are you okay? You're not eating."William asked and I turned to face him.
He knew me well enough to know if I lied to him but would I be able to tell him the truth. His blue orbs were staring at me inquisitively and I squirmed under his gaze.
"Yeah umh.. I just need a minute. I'll be back."I excused myself and rushed inside the house to the bathroom ignoring the weird looks from everyone.
I entered the quiet pristine bathroom trying to calm my breath. What was I going to do? We had not talked about it or planned for anything like that. I did everything right, I took my pills on time, never missing once but that apparently hadn't been a hundred percent effective. I turned towards the mirror and put my hands on my stomach. There was nothing showing but there was life growing in me. A life that William and I had created albeit unintentionally. I took a deep breath and decided to practice my speech of how I'd tell William. He would find out sooner or later when I started showing and having more intense symptoms so better be ready for it.
"Guess what William. I'm pregnant."I blurted out and shook my head at how blunt that was.
It was definitely the wrong way to go about delivering such news.
"William my love. You remember when you and I had sex, well of course you remember. But something happened and now I'm pregnant."I rambled out and laughed at how ridiculous that was.
"Come on baby. Help mommy out. We must tell daddy about you."I addressed my tummy as if I'd get a response.
"Okay one last try. Hi William. I have something to tell you and please don't get mad at me . I missed my period last month but I dismissed it because I thought was due to the stress of taking the finals. I realized again yesterday that I was a week late so I bought a pregnancy home kit test just to rule out the possibility because we've been so careful. It came out positive though so yeah I am pregnant."I summarized and realized that it wasn't so bad, yeah I'd go with that.
"You're pregnant?!" A familiar voice exclaimed from the door and I jumped in fright turning around.
I came face to face with a wide eyed William who was alternating between looking at my face and my belly
"William. Oh my God. I didn't know you were there."I choked out holding my hand to my chest and the other remained on my stomach.
"I just came to check on you because you've been here a while. But wait, you're seriously pregnant."He asked staking closer to me.
I realized there was no use denying it. He would have had to know at some point and even if it was not the way I had planned, he had and there was no undoing that.
I nodded tears falling not so graciously over my cheeks and I wiped them off quickly.
"I'm so sorry William. I didn't intend for this to happen."I apologized my words coming out all clogged up because of how emotional I was feeling.
"Hey hey hey. Stop saying sorry. I'm not mad."William assured me finally getting close enough to pull me into his arms.
I buried my face into his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent that immediately calmed me down. My hands clutched his shirt not willing to let go.
"You're not?"I mumbled quietly when his words registered to my ears.
"Of course not. I'm surprised yes but this is a good thing. Plus its not your fault. We both know it takes two to tango and you and I have nailed every single step of that dance my love."He chided and I chuckled "I love you and thank you for giving me the second greatest gift after you."
"I love you William."I confessed feeling overwhelmed.
William took a step back and leaned in to kiss my lips tenderly. I was getting everything I'd ever wanted and dreamed of. The baby was unplanned for but William seemed happy and I was happy too. God knows I'd not have been able to do it alone if he had bailed on me.
"Okay now fix yourself up. We have to go tell everyone."William declared when we pulled apart as he turned me around and pushed me gently towards the sink.
I'd messed up my mascara with my crying but a few wet tissues later I looked much better just with bright eyes from the tears.
"You look gorgeous Angel."William complimented as he pecked my lips and pulled me away from the bathroom.
I was scared to tell everyone else but if I'd gotten through telling William then I'd survive the rest. He was my strength and with him I would get through anything.
William grabbed a glass of champagne and clicked it with a fork to get everyone's attention. They all turned to us and I hid halfway behind William but he was having none of that so he pulled me next to him.
"Hi everyone, good afternoon and thank you for being here. We have an announcement to make but first I want to ask my Angel something."He started and I looked at him confused.
He turned to face me and then to my utter surprise he went down on one knee. My hands immediately clasped over my mouth as I held in my gasp of surprise. I looked around and everyone else was staring at us just as surprised as I was. I turned my attention back to William.
"So wow. Umh, yeah. I'm more nervous about this than I thought I would be but that's a good thing right because it means I care. Malaika Lelo Wangari, from the moment you commented on my tiktok video I knew you were different. I feel deep, hard and fast for a stranger who lived across oceans from me and even though we both knew it might never work out it never stopped us from falling in love with each other. The first time I saw you I thought to myself, damn she's hot, we'll make some cute babies and that when I knew that I would marry you some day."A few people laughed at his comment and I could only manage a chuckle.
"You're the most important human in my life and now you're carrying my baby, sorry guys, spoiler alert."He joked again and I couldn't help but laugh."
"I love you so much and I want you now and forever. Without you there's no me so my Angel, my caramel goddess. Will you do me the honor of becoming mine forever by marrying me?"He asked pulling out a red velvet box and revealing a simple round diamond ring with a silver band.
It was simple and sweet, showing just how well William knew me. Realizing I had been silent too long I unclasped my hand from my mouth and managed to choke out the word he was waiting to hear as I held my left hand out for him.
William ditched the box, sliding the ring on my finger and standing to pull me into his arms as he kissed the breath out of me. Everyone clapped cheering for us and I found myself happier than I'd ever been.
I was pulled out of Williams arms so we could be congratulated as people admired the ring and took lots of photos.
The last surprise of the day came when I noticed a tired looking Simon trudge through the back door. I immediately ran towards him and fell into his arms. We'd spoken a lot over the phone and face timed but it was five years since I'd seen him so I'd missed him a lot.
"Hello sweetheart. Look at you and how much you've grown."He greeted cheerfully.
"Hi Simon. I thought you weren't coming."I asked surprised.
"I wasn't but Williams dad, Wyatt pulled a few strings and here I am."He explained and I couldn't resist hugging him again.
He'd gotten a few grey hairs and added some weight but he was here smelling like home and that was all that mattered to me.
"I'm happy you're here."I declared.
"Me too darling. Looks like I missed some big news but I knew William couldn't wait much longer after he asked me for your hand in marriage yesterday."He added further and I sneaked a glance at William grateful for him.
He knew Simon was the closest thing I had to a dad so it meant a lot to me that he had asked him for my hand.
"You're going to be a grandad."I announced to him and a proud look enveloped his face as he kissed my cheek.
"That's wonderful news sweetheart. Unexpected but wonderful nonetheless."Simon cheered and I laughed happy that he supported me and showed not even a single ounce of disapproval.
"Come, let me introduce you to everyone."I said pulling him with me towards everyone else without waiting for his answer.
I had graduated with honors, gotten engaged, found out I was pregnant and my whole family was with me all in one place. If that was not the best day of my life, I didn't know what could top that.
It's a little longer than intended but I still hope you guys loved it.
There will be one more bonus chapter coming out tomorrow and it will be the final one for this book.
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