Doctor Cullen
Jewel's POV
"Find Bella" Charlie tells me and I follow her scent to a room. We arrive and head over to her. "Bells, are you alright?" he asks concerned as I sniff her for injuries.
"I'm fine dad, calm down" she tells him as she gives me a reassuring pat.
"I'm so sorry, Bella. I tried to stop" the teenage boy on the bed beside her states. I believe his name is Tyler.
"It's ok Tyler" she assures him.
"It sure as hell is not okay" Charlie retorts glaring at Tyler. So he's the reason Bella is here?
"Dad, it's not his fault..." Bella tries to protest.
"We nearly lost you" Charlie tells her.
"But you didn't" she reminds him. I whine rubbing my head on her leg. "I'm ok girl" she assures me. As Charlie glares at Tyler.
"You can kiss your license good bye" Charlie tells him. Just then a scent similar to the one I was tracking enters the room. I look to see Dr Cullen. I eye him warily.
"I heard the Chief's daughter was here" he states with a smile.
"Good, Dr Cullen" Charlie says.
"I've got this one, Jackie" Dr Cullen tells the nurse with Bella's chart. She hands it to him and leaves. Dr. Cullen reviews her chart, then feels the back of her head. "You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion" he states.
"I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really..." Tyler starts to apologize again. Charlie abruptly pulls the curtain between them. And Tyler shuts up. Thank god his whining with hurt my ears.
"It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way" Bella tells them.
"Edward, your boy?" Charlie asks Dr Cullen. Who quickly looks back at the chart. I tilt my head in thought, is he hiding something?
"It was amazing he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me" Bella states.
"As long as you're safe" Dr Cullen says with a smile. "Anyway you're free to go, you just have to fill out some forms Charlie" he tells them. "Take it easy Bella" he adds before leaving. Bella gets her school things together and we leave the room.
"I just have to sign some paperwork. You better call your mom" Charlie tells Bella.
"You told her?! She's probably freaking" Bella grumbles as she looks for her phone. Charlie shrugs and hurries off. After telling me to stay with Bella and I sit beside her. Bella shakes her head, pulls out her cell phone. Is about to dial, but then sees something down the hall.
I follow her line of sight to see Dr Cullen with two of his kids. Edward and Rosalie. Edward saved Bella, I have to thank him. The trio notice us. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" Bella asks Edward. Who nods and walks over as the other two left.
Edward comes over to us and I lick his cold hand in thanks. "Why'd she do that?" he asks Bella confused.
"I think she was thanking you" Bella tells him. I yip wagging my tail.
"You're welcome girl" he says givings me a pat.
"How did you get over to me so quickly?" Bella asks him. He stops patting me and I lay down.
"I was standing right next to you Bella" he tells her.
"No. You were next to your car, across the lot" Bella states.
"No, I wasn't" he lies.
"Yes, you were" Bella says.
"Bella you hit your head. I think you're confused" Edward tells her.
"I know what I saw" Bella tells him.
"And what exactly was that?" he asks her.
"You- you stopped the van. You pushed it away with you hand" Bella stutters slightly.
"Well, nobody's going to believe you so" Edward states.
"I wasn't going to tell anybody. Except maybe Jewel, who can't talk. I just need to know the truth" Bella tells him.
"Cant you just thank me and get over it?" he asks her.
"Thank you" she says.
"You're not going to let this go are you?" Edward asks her.
"No" she says.
"Well then i hope you enjoy disappointment" he tells her before leaving. She sighs and calls her mother. Assures her that she's ok. She finishes the call as Charlie rejoins us. We all go home. Had dinner before having an early night.
I lay on Bella's bed as she slept. "Watch over her girl" Charlie tells me. "Good night" he says before turning the light off and heads off to bed. I rest my head on my paws and drift off to sleep.
I stir to someone entering the room. I look at the window with a silent snarl. "Easy girl, I mean Bella and Charlie no harm" Edward assures me. I curl my lip back bearing my teeth and he stays by the window. Bella stirs beside me and sees him. She turns the lamp on and he disappears.
"Did you see something girl?" Bella asks me patting my head. I just watch the window. "I must of been dreaming" she mutters. "Lets get some sleep girl" she tells me turning the lamp off. She lays back down and goes back to sleep. I watch the window until I grow tired. I lay my head over Bella and fall asleep.
Picture above of Bella, Charlie and Dr Cullen. Picture on the external link of Rosalie, Carlisle and Edward.
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