Jewel's POV
Not long after the Cullens left, Jerry passed away. So Bella wasn't the only one depressed, I was as well. I hardly left the house, barely ate or drank anything. I spent the majority of my time with Bella in her room. While she sat on a chair looking out the window. I laid on her bed moaning the lose of my best friend/ father.
Charlie tried to take me to work and distract me. It worked for a little while. But not for long. As soon as I had nothing to focus on, I was depressed again. He was very worried about both of us.
Especially Bella, who started having nightmares. She would wake us in the middle of the night with her screams. So now only was I depressed, I was dead tired. I tried sleeping beside Bella, it worked for awhile. Until she started thrashing in her sleep and accidentally hitting me. Giving me bruises.
Charlie made me sleep in his room again. I stayed home until my bruises healed. While Charlie called the vet, breeder and other canine trainers. Trying to see if there was anything he could do to help me. He tried everything; a set routine, exercise, training, socialization, and diet change. The only thing he refused to try was any medications.
Bella went back to school. But didn't hang out with any of her friends and sat alone at the Cullen table at lunch. I know, because I went to check on her. Then when she got home, she went straight back to her seat by the window.
Charlie thought a change of scenery would help me. So sent me to the reserve to live with the Black family. And it did a lot. While there, I could forget everything. But I still didn't return to my usual self.
Third Persons POV
Charlie was at the station doing paper work when he got a call. He hadn't checked on how Jewel is doing at the reserve since he dropped her off a fort night a ago. To busy with work and trying to help Bella. Anyway he answered the phone.
"Forks Police station, Sheriff Swann talking" he says.
"Hi Charlie, it's Adam. Bruiser's owner, we meet in Mason County" the guy says.
"Yeah I remember, how are you both?" Charlie asks him.
"We are both fine, I heard about Jewel and I think I know something that can help her" Adam tells him.
"What? I'll try anything" Charlie tells him.
"Breed with her, she'd have pups to focus on and you could even keep one as a companion" he states.
"I don't know, won't it make her more depressed when the others have to go to new homes?" Charlie asks him unsure.
"You can stay in contact with the owners and do get togethers" Adam assures him. "When does she go into heat next?" he asks. Charlie looks at the calendar calculating in his head.
"Around the tenth of January" Charlie tells him.
"Ok, that's three weeks away. Think about it over Christmas and let me know. I'll bring Bruiser over, he's done it several times" Adam states. If Charlie were to breed Jewel, he'd want it to be with a dog that has done it before.
"You know what, lets do it" Charlie tells him. This could be just the push both his girls need. Jewel would have a companion and Bella would love having puppies around. It could help them both heal. Though he prayed he was doing the right thing. He and Adam talked a little more finalizing details before they said their goodbyes. Charlie decided he'd visit Jewel after work.
(Beach) Jewel's POV
It's school holidays. Well the Christmas holidays. Billy and Jacob decorated the tree this morning. Now Jacob and his friend Quil have taken me to the beach. It's to cold to swim, even by my standards. But that didn't stop us playing fetch along the snow covered beach. It snowed for the first time this year last night.
"Go get it girl" Jacob says tossing the ball. I yip racing after it.
"Man she's fast" Quil states. I retrieve the ball and start to trot back over to them. Tail in the air, I still haven't wagged it. But I feel so much better.
"Billy said I'd find you here" Charlie states. I bark with the ball in my mouth and race over to him. I sit in front of him and beg with the ball in my mouth. "She seems happier" he says with a smile giving me a neck rub.
"She is" Jacob tells him as Quil takes the ball. "Still no tail wag, but she's definitely doing better then when you dropped her off" he states. As Quil throw the ball and I chased after it.
"I'm glad" I hear Charlie say. Before I was out of ear shot. They continued to talk while I retrieved the ball. I trotted back over and they didn't notice. I roll on the sand and then shake.
"Jewel!" they exclaim. I just give them an innocent smile and nudge the ball toward them. They chuckle shaking their heads as Charlie picked up the ball.
"She's going to need a warm bath and blow dry" he states.
"Dad's preparing it" Jacob tells him. Charlie throws the ball one last time. Before we returned to the Black house. Dropping Quil off along the way. Jacob gave me a bath while Charlie watched the game with Billy. Once I was dried, I joined them. Getting some of Harry's fish fry. Before taking a nap.
Third Persons POV
"You really going to breed from her?" Billy asks.
"Gonna try, I think it'll help her and Bella" Charlie states. "But I'm only going to try it once, if she doesn't get pregnant. I won't try again. Even if she does, I won't make her have more then one litter" he explains.
"I think she'll be a great mum" Jake states.
"I'll be bringing her home next week for Christmas, you guys are welcome to visit" Charlie tells them. They nod their heads and continue to watch the game. While Jewel napped on her bed.
Gif above of Bella looking out the window and picture on the external link of snow on La Push.
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