I was in my hotel room after the incident with Ashley. "I didn't mean to hurt her, do you think Dean will do anything to me?" Ashley worries.
"He's not going to touch you, I'll deal with him if he does."
"Who is he anyway?"
"Our brother-in-law."
"Okay, but can you tell me the truth about Justin." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, I knew this day would come.
"How much do you remember."
"I remember when he would fight off my mom or dad when they would get drunk and beat us." She says.
"Is that all?"
"He was a nice guy and that's why I dated him."
"I never met you."
"Well he would ever let me see you."
"Okay go on."
"He was nice and caring, but he was a bully."
"I don't see him doing that."
"He did it to Brie and when I was around it was funny comments and I should have listened to Brie because she would always tell me all the things he would do to her. At the time I was head over heels for the kid, I always told Brie she was delusional, but if I heard her out you will still have your rock."
"I have you."
"Yeah you have me, but we could have all been together, we could be a family, Justin and I had problems like every couple, but we learned how to overcome them."
"You were going to have a future with him?"
"I was hoping."
"I never told you, but on the topic of family, my mom called me." She says, playing with her fingers.
"What did she say?"
"She told me how she was in rehab and wanted to see me again."
"What did you say?"
"I said yes, and that's why I came back, she's here."
"Go, but I'm going with you."
"No buts, for all we know she can be lying, as much as I want you to see your family, we can never trust a former druggie."
"Okay, but I want another strong person with us, she's still with my dad and I don't think he's been to rehab."
"Okay, but who no one wants to talk to us."
"Seth, you know the guy you kissed."
"How do you know about that?"
"Nik, it's all over the Internet."
"I was kinda hoping you wouldn't see that."
"Just please ask him."
"Okay, but when we are there you are apologizing to Brie and apologizing to dean also."
"Why Dean, he tries to hurt me."
"For hurting Brie." She crosses her arms and huffs. I walk to the door and hold it open for her. She walks out the door and go to Brie's room, which is like three doors down.
I knock and Ashley stands behind me. "Go, you're apologizing."
"I don't want to."
"Ashley, you're acting like Winston."
"I don't give a fuck, I'm not doing it." The door opens. I turn and push Ashley towards the door. She shuffles inside, keeping her head low.
"Go." She shakes her head. "Do it." I slap her side.
"Fine, Brie I'm sorry for slapping you and hurting you."
"Thank you."
"Dean I'm sorry for hurting Brie."
"Say it louder." I tell her.
"Dean I'm sorry for hurting Brie." She says louder this time.
"Thank you."
"Okay now to the second reason we're here."
"Can you come with Ashley and I to her biological parents home?" I say looking at Seth.
"Can't you go alone."
"What's the deal with them anyway?"
"Her dad is a drug addict and he abused her, I need someone there."
"Seth go." Brie commands.
"Fine." He says. "Just like the old days." He mumbles. We walk out and go to the car. We all know when being a famous person there's paparazzi, and that's why we had.
"Are you and Seth dating?" I shake my head and keep walking. Seth was in the front of all of us and Ashley in the back. The flash was blinding. I feel Seth hold my hand and I grab onto Ashley's. He leads us to the car, trying to get away from the paparazzi that don't get the hint.
"If you're not dating then why are you holding hands." Can't a girl hold another guys hand without everyone thinking you are dating him.
We make it to the car and drive off as fast as we can. "What's their problem?"
"It's their job Ashley." I tell her. Seth drives us to the place Ashley told us to go.
We reached a really old place. "This is so creepy." Seth says. Ashley and I nod and cautiously walk to the front door, or what I think is a front door. It had many holes, most likely bullet holes. I knock on the door, immediately a lady around her fifties opens the door. Ashley stands in front and Seth and I in the back.
The lady hugs Ashley tightly. It was a cute moment. "You're so big."
"Yeah I had great people taking care of me." Her mom turns to me, damn it Ashley I don't want her to talk to me.
"Thank you for taking care of her."
"No problem."
"Where's dad?"
"He's out right now, but he'll be back in a few, in the mean time, come in." We walk in and it's a mess in here.
"How can a person live like this?" Seth whispers to me.
"I don't know."
"I can hear you." Ashley says. I roll my eyes and stand by her.
"Do you want anything to drink?" We all shake our heads.
"For all we know it can have drugs in them." I whisper to Seth. He nods.
"Well, take a seat." She leads us to a small living area and shows us to the couch. It was beaten up and dirty. It had many stains, that looked like vomit.
"No thank you, we can stand." Seth and I go to the wall and stand there.
"Ashley how have you been?"
"I've been good, I'm actually a professional wrestler."
"Oh how well, and what do you two work as." She says, she looks at my clothes, which are a designer dress with Louis Vuitton heels. Not the best choice of clothing.
"We're both wrestlers." Seth answers for me. I mentally thank him and smile at her.
"Are you two together?"
"You two look adorable together."
"Thank you?" I say, more like a question. She averts her attention back to Ashley and talks to her for a while.
"This place is shit, even I have slept in better places." Seth mumbles.
"She has rats." I say, looking at the little animal that ran away. I shuffle closer to Seth, not wanting to be any closer to the rat hole. A gruff voice fills the room. We all turn our heads to the door and a man was standing there.
"Who are these people?"
"This is Ashley, and the woman over there is her adopted sister."
"You're the girl that was dating Justin." I nod and play with my fingers.
"And is this your new boyfriend, can you believe it Justin?" I cock my head to the side.
"Didn't you kill him?" I ask Seth. He nods his head confused as well.
"Justin's dead." Ashley says. Her father laughs and stares out the door. A man around his thirties enters the room.
"I thought he was dead." Ashley says. The man was standing in the doorway in shock. Seth and I were stunned in place.
"Ashley?" The guy asks. She nods her head, she runs in her Louis Vuitton heels to him. I paid for those she better not ruin them. She embraces him and cries on his shoulder. I turn to Seth in shock.
"I saw him on the ground." I tell him.
"We did too, how is he alive?"
"You're not killing him again, you quit and I don't want you to get caught."
"I'm not don't worry, I'm done doing that to people." I weakly smile and embrace him in hug. This was the first hug in a while. He slowly wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me back.
"Nikki?" I let go of Seth and turn to the man.
"Is it really you?" He nods his head and I smile. He walks up to me and hugs me. "How?" I ask, letting him go.
"Well when the cops went inside to go check on the others, they revived a few people and I was one of them."
"Why did you never come back?"
"I couldn't face you after what you saw." Tears roll down my cheeks, ruining my mascara.
"You let me think you were dead all these years." I say.
"I know and I'm sorry, it's just that I would see you on TV and you looked happy."
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For showing me what true love is, without you I don't think I would be seeing other people."
"Okay and can you tell Brie I'm sorry, for everything I've done to her." I nod and he looks over to Seth. "And you are?"
"Seth." He was still wide eyed, his job wasn't complete.
"Thank you for keeping Nikki happy." Seth nervously laughs and looks at me.
"Yup, that's what I did, I kept her safe." He says nervously.
"We should go." Ashley says. I nod and grab Seth's hand, who won't even move. He's still shocked that he lived. I manage to drag him out of the house.
"I'll drive." I volunteer. We get into my Range Rover and I get Seth into the passenger seat.
"I saw him dead." He says.
"I did too."
"It's not possible."
"Well if he's well and breathing then it is possible."
I drag a shocked Seth back to the hotel room. He was mumbling things under his breath as we reach his hotel room. We walk in and I still drag him.
"He was down there on the ground." He says pointing down.
"What's his problem."
"You didn't get the job done." Ashley says smirking.
"What's she talking about."
"Justin is alive." I say. Brie was frozen in place and all the guys as well. "Before you say anything he apologized for doing what he did Brie."
"Are you going back to him?" Seth asks, coming out of his trance.
"I don't know."
"Nikki we can all finally be a family, like you wanted." Ashley says, smiling. Many thoughts ran through my head.
"I'm not sure Ashley, I went twenty years without seeing him, I don't really feel a connection." I tell her. Her smile drops and looks down.
"Yeah, we should go." We walk out and Ashley pins me to the wall.
"You like Seth don't you." She says.
"Why do you think that."
"You don't randomly kiss a person and randomly hug them when your ex is around."
"You don't know my reasoning."
"I don't need to because I can see through you, you like him."
"And if I do."
"I don't care, Justin deserves someone better." She lets go of me and walks away. What's her problem. I shake it off and walk to my hotel room.
"This has been a long week and it's only Monday." I say to myself.
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