⛄Day 12⛄
“So, Seokyoung from accounting and Chingyi from HR discovered where all the missing supplies were going. Did you know there was a closet down by that big bushy plant in the lobby?” Hoseok grinned as he leaned up against the wall by the water cooler.
“Oh wow.” Jungkook said somewhat inattentively while he looked out at the office space.
“Jungkook?” No response, “The water’s been poisoned.” Still nothing, “There’s going to be a break in today,” Absolutely nothing, “It’s day twelve, isn’t it?”
“What?” Jungkook asked, his eyes slightly wide from the change in attention.
“Day twelve. Secret admirer. Yes or no?”
Jungkook sighed, “It’s day twelve, yes.”
Hoseok let out a semi-quiet squeal, “He’s going to reveal himself today, isn’t he?”
The brunette nodded.
“What’s going through your head right now? It’s got to be crazy, right?”
“Oh yeah. I just want to know, you know? The anticipation is killing me.”
“Twelve drummers drumming.”
Jungkook hummed, “I don’t know if that’ll be humans or toys, though.”
“What would you like better?” Hoseok asked, taking a sip from his little water cone.
“I’d love anything as long as I get to meet him at the end.”
“That’s sweet, JK.”
Jungkook smiled, “I just want to meet him.” He glanced up at the clock, “And it’s four forty-five and I’m nervous.”
“It’ll come,” Hoseok began to walk towards his desk, “It’ll come.”
Jungkook stared in confusion after the older male before shaking his head, throwing his cup in the trash can and heading back to his own seat. Jungkook fell into his chair and let out a long breath as he pushed his discarded files to the side of his desk and began to pack up his things. Once everything made it inside his satchel, he began to organize his desk. After he got all the files all piled up on the right side of the desk, the computer monitor straightened, paper clips all in their little box, coffee circles wiped up, Jungkook found himself tapping one of his pens against his desk as he stared at that little clock on his computer screen.
It blinked repeatedly. He stared for another minute before sighing and ultimately giving up. As he began to roll his chair back, a little tink-ing came from the desk at reception. Jungkook turned his over in time to see a tiny little drum poke out from behind the desk. He rolled back further and saw that the little drum was attached to a furry, toy monkey with a red vest and fez. The monkey waddled forward as more tinking began behind it. Jungkook stood up and saw two more monkeys following behind the first. As a fourth began to join the march, the brunette looked around the room. All of his co-workers were looking at him in anticipation rather than at the monkeys, as Jungkook thought they’d be. It was as if they knew something. Maybe they were even in on it. As the seconds passed and the more monkeys became a part of the parade, the more likely that idea seemed. He turned back to see that the total monkeys had accumulated to nine, all banging their drums in a straight line. Jungkook’s heart began to race, he was getting closer and closer to meeting his admirer. Two more monkeys entered the train and then, there was nothing. The monkeys began to slowly stop their drumming, whirring to a halt and becoming noiseless. Jungkook looked around, nervously. Where was he? Where was the final monkey? Did he decide he didn’t want to meet him? Why-
Rut-tut-a-tut-tut rut-tut-a-tut-tut tut-rut-tut-a-tut tut-tut-rut-tut-tut-a-tut
Drumming. Loud drumming. This drumming was far louder than the little monkeys in front of him. Like a real person was playing the drums. As the thought entered his mind, his eyes widened. There was a person behind him drumming away. That person was the person who had sent him so many compliments, made him laugh, and most of all, the person he was growing to love. It scared him to think that that person was right behind him. That he was finally going to see this person. He was scared, fine, he’ll admit it. He was terrified. That, however, was not going to stop him from slowly turning around to face his twelfth drummer.
Jungkook’s eyes widened as he saw that flawless gummy smile that he had been admiring for months. Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi, tousled blue hair, stunning smile, beautifully short height and all stood there in front of him with a toy drum meant for little kids in hand.
“Hey.” Yoongi said, his smile getting wider.
“H-Hi.” Jungkook responded.
A silence enveloped the two full of nervous giggles before Jungkook finally decided to speak.
“I-I didn’t think it would be you. N-Not that t-that’s a bad thing!”
Yoongi laughed, “Who did you think it would be?”
“Really not you.” Jungkook smiled, “I-I’ve just liked you for a while, I wasn’t expecting t-this.”
“I-I’ve liked you for a while too.” Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
More silence.
“Well, darn if this isn’t awkward.” Taehyung shouted, “Say something romantic, secret admirer.”
“A-Ah,” Yoongi looked over at Taehyung before back at Jungkook, “Um, I find you so beautiful and I-I love listening to your voice. You’re personality is glowing and I loved talking to you over email two days ago. I really, really want to go on a date with you. Like really bad. So, Jeon Jungkook, will you go on a date with me?”
A smile grew on Jungkook’s face, his bunny teeth becoming visible, as he said, “I would love to.”
Yoongi began to grin, his eyes gleaming with surprise, “Really?”
Jungkook nodded eagerly.
The blue-haired let out a soft laugh as he ran forward enveloping the brunette in a tight embrace, ignoring all the ‘aw’s from their co-workers, “I really, really like you, my beautiful boy.”
“I really, really like you too.” The younger murmured and buried his face into Yoongi’s shoulder, holding him tightly.
One spare monkey who had yet to run out of drumming juice interrupted the scene by running into the brunette’s leg, still drumming away. Jungkook pulled away from the hug and picked up the toy monkey and rolled it in his hands.
“Where in the hell did you get eleven toy monkeys?”
“There’s these great things called toy stores-”
“Did you raid eleven for their toy monkeys?”
“Yes, I went in with a banana and demanded that they hand over all their toy monkeys for me to confess to you with.”
“You’re very creative, you know.”
“Thank you, I try.” Yoongi offered a little bow, Jungkook laughed, “Now,” He smiled, “may I walk a beautiful boy to his car?” He held out his hand.
“You may,” Jungkook smiled as he grabbed his satchel and then held the older’s hand.
As they left, he turned and looked back at the little monkeys left discarded on the floor. Who would’ve thought that those twelve monkeys, eleven CDs, ten frog gifs in emails, nine finger puppets, eight banana milks, seven rubber swans, six toy geese, five rings, four little live pets, three french hens on a purse, two stuffed animals, and a pigeon in a pear tree would bring him closer with the man of his dreams. He smiled and turned back to the blue haired holding his hand. A very merry Christmas indeed.
Word Count: 1276
I'm not feeling too good so I'm gonna make this short: Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this! It means so much to me. Merry, merry Christmas to you all! Thank you bunches
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