Tha yowey
This story is a parody of the episode Tweek x Craig. If you don't like Creek don't read :)
Creig's Pov}
I wuz sitin in tha gim weighting 4 diz dum ASSsembly to start. I iz tired uf weighting! Finally tha ASSsembly started.
"DAMIT LEZLY SHUT UR FUCCIN PI HOLE!!!11!1!" PK principel screamed
Hiz voise echoed in le gim. It get everybodies atention.
I loke over & the 24/7 T R I G G E R E D feminist Wandy wiff a mic.
"Hay guys! We have asions @ r skewl & dey be drawin yowey." Wandy sed. "Yowey iz a ert in anemay stiyle. Le asion gurls hav drawn 2 figs making out" She says az she showes a picc of Twek and Meh making out.
"BISH WAT?!1!" Twek scremed. "Diz oother asion drewed another 1 called monlite dance" she sed az she showed another picc.
"DOOD WUT LE FUCC!?" I shoutid.
"The uk iz a bottom and a top iz a semay iz liek in diz picc" Wandy sed as she showes 1 of meh on a naykid twek.
{Stand's pov}
I stod in a sircil wiff Kahl, Money, Country crock, kinny, Jammy, & Devad. "I just don't git it.. I meen.. Twek and Creig arint gay right..?" I ASSk the groope. "Nah, wii would kno." My frien Kahl repliys. "Wel y iz asion gurls drawin figgy Piccs of dem liek dat?" Country Crock questend.
{Creig's POV}
I nede 2 put a stap 2 diz yowey drawin asions! I walk up 2 dem holdin 1 of dere gey drawins. "Uh, excose meh but y u do diz?!" I say getin angrey.
Dey loke up @ meh. "O hay Crieg! Fanntaksstkjsjgshgafaday." She starts speeking her naytive languge.
Being da coonfosed boi I am I giv a questoning look. "Wat did she say?"I ask. "Idk dat waz corean I'm japoneze." Da odther gurl replies.
Owt of noware Twek runz ova here. "Wat is goin on huh?! Meh and hem aren't togither y is diz hapining?!?!121!1!" He screams.
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