{Creig's pov}
I waz called 2 le office 2 discus the issu between Twek & I. "Alrite listen up. Do u 2 have ani questions 4 meh?" PK principel asked.
"Y r le asion gurls drawin piccs of us bein gey?" I ASSk. PK Principel looks @ me an seys "wats wrong wiff beein gey?"
"But we iznt! I'm knot!" I sceeme & look ova @ Twek. "I'm knot eitha!" He shouts back.
"Dat be completely errelivant! Ok? Wat maters, & the reason I brought u in here, iz dat u understand affirmative consent" PK Principel seys.
"If dere iz a romentik relatiunship u both must be comferabil wiff ane sexual interaction."
"AH!1!" Twek screemes.
"Now Twek. If ya wantid to tuch Creig's pee-wee u can't jost go grabin 4 it" PK principel seys. "U gota say sumthin liek. "Creig iz it okay wiff u if I tuch ur pee-wee" okay letz tri it out!."
"NU!1!" Twek yelz. PK Principel iz starting 2 get med "do ya bois wunt 2 weekes of detention?! Diz shit be important!"
Twek looks embaressed. "Creig may I tuch ur pee-wee?!" He seys. "Nu u May knot!" I repli.
"Ok gewd. Now Creig.. wat wood u say if u wanted 2 take a gandor @ twek's asswhole"
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