Bonnie with tears streaming down her face saying, "And I only know one way to turn it off."
Kai Parker admitting to someone, "I am a liar all right,"
Bonnie crying as she chokes out, "I'm sorry."
Kai talking to someone. "I'm the black sheep, you know the defective twin."
Scene shifts to Vicki dying by a stake through her heart.
Caroline bending down to hold Stefan's head on her lap. Shaking her head she repeatedly says, "No."
Katerina climbs onto the blood covered bed and gasps, "No mama." as she sobs over her mothers dead body.
Caroline is in a cage and screams in pain when she is shot with a wooden bullet.
Mikael is standing over Klaus as he stabs the sword next to Klaus head causing Klaus to flinch. He shouts mockingly, "What no more laughter?"
Esther intervenes. "You made your point Mikael."
Scene shifts to Damon holding Alarics dead body repeating to him, "No you are not dead."
Grams crying as she taps Bonnies back," You stay strong." She tells Bonnie. Bonnie just lets out more tears and holds on tighter to the hug and tells Grams, "I love you."
Damon and Rose laughing with each other. Rose with long hair and a medieval dress with Damon chasing her in more modern clothes.
The scene shifts to Damon staking her through the heart as a tear drops from his eye.
Damon voice over the scene "What sucks even more is that I'm supposed to be me."
Scene shifts to Klaus consoling Rebekah as she cries. "You'll be all right." he says.
Caroline gripping the bars of her cell as she sobs out, "Why?"
Rebekah standing in a forest with tears in her eyes as she whimpers out, "He's gone, Elijah." Elijah is shown standing there in shock with tears in his eyes.
Tyler with blood on his forehead shaking someone, "Please. You've got to be alive."
Scene shifts to Bonnie crying. "Grams?" she sobs out. She shouts for Elena and tells her how Grams isn't breathing.
Tyler still trying to wake someone but Olivia tells him to stop because there's nothing he can do.
"This is killing you, isn't it?" Lexi questions Bonnie.
Scene shifts to Bonnie running to a house and then sinking to the floor crying with Damon voice over, "I told her we'd be there at the front door."
Matt holds onto a weight and chains as he jumps into the swimming pool.
Elena shaking Matt in a car crash as they drown together.
"I think it's time I cut myself off," Bonnie says in tears before grabbing the bottle and smashing it against the floor shouting ,"Dammit."
Damon voice over: I feel Elena. And it sucks ok.
Stefan holding back Caroline from running to something.
Damon shouting "NO!" as he's transported into the light while Bonnie looks with a relieved face even thought there's tears in her eyes.
Scene shifts to Alaric sobbing as he talks to someone, "Thank you for loving me." he chokes out before closing Josette's eyes.
Elena sinking against the wall as she begs, "Please don't leave me.
A man standing over Lily Salvatore whispering, "I'm so sorry."
Shifts to Bonnie choking on the floor.
Alaric pointing a gun at his head smiling but when he pulls the trigger, it's empty.
Elena with blood on her mouth crying starting to cry. "You told me to kill him."
Stefan holding back Jeremy as he tries to go to Vicki's desiccating body. "Vicki. Vicki!"
Enzo looking at Bonnie with tear filled eyes as she stands over him with a stake over his heart. "I love you," he says.
Liz Forbes shaking her head crying.
Damon voice over: "Sometimes really terrible things happen to really amazing people."
Damon holding Elena's body as he tries to feed her blood to wake her up.
Jeremy crying talking to someone. "Why does everybody have to die on me?"
Rebekah sinking to the floor crying.
Elena's voice over: She knew where you were Damon.
Scene shifts to Damon throwing something across the room shouting, "She's not here!"
Someone stroking Katherine's cheek as she tells them, "I've never loved you."
That someone was Damon.
Scene shifts to Damon bursting through the hospital doors demanding, "Where is she?"
Scene changes to Caroline looking around in the hospital demanding, "Where is she?"
Caroline standing in a hospital room tearing up looking at something. "I didn't get to say goodbye to my mom."
Scene shifts to a younger Caroline riding her bike. "Don't let go. I'm not ready."
Liz Forbes is behind her smiling. "Yes you are."
Caroline bows her head as a deputy calls into his walkie talkie, "This is the last call for Sheriff Forbes."
Damon surrounded by fire with blood around his mouth and tears gathering in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Enzo."
Enzo is shown in a cell. "Damon please," he begs.
Caroline banging on the door calling, " Mommy."
Olivia Parker leaning against a board with a deep wound in her neck looking at someone.
Damon standing over a kid who's crying with blood in his mouth and saying, "I don't have any other way to deal with it."
Caroline leaning against a desk crying, "I ruined everything."
Alaric crying over Jo's dead body stroking her bloody stomach, "Someone help. Please someone help," he's asking no-one in particular as he cries with blood-covered hands.
Bonnie gasping before her dead body hits the floor.
Caroline crying to someone, "It hurts so bad I can't breathe."
Bonnie crying in the same atmosphere speaking to no-one. "It's the loneliness. I can't take it,"
Enzo surrounded by fire. "You need to fight."
Bonnie is the one he says this to. "You need to live." She shakes her head at that.
Elena holding her head crying, "It hurts."
The kid on the floor with Damon from before is sobbing harder. "Stop please. MAKE IT STOP!"
Stefan screaming before he drowns in his coffin.
Klaus being stabbed in the heart by Dark-Alaric.
Rebekah screams as she's being held back by Damon. "No! No! NO!"
Tyler saying "I love you" to Olivia Parker before covering her mouth.
Bonnie diving into the pool in which Matt is drowning in.
Caroline screaming "SOMEBODY HELP!" as Stefan's dead body is laying down with his head on her lap.
The scene shifts to Caroline standing next to Stefan and Damon shouting at someone. "Stop it! You're scaring me!"
This is directed to Elena who's pouring something over the furniture.
Elena turns to her and shouts back, "What else are we supposed to do with the body Caroline?"
Olivia Parker being killed and then Tyler Lockwood shouting "NO!" over her body.
Kai Parker holding a candle and then hitting his head. "COME ON!"
"ENZO!" Bonnie holding Enzo's dead body as she screams.
Stefan throwing a bottle of bourbon.
Damon catches it and the brothers reunite in a hug.
Elena talking again. "He's dead. He's been dead this entire time and I didn't even-
Elena looking at Damon and says his name and he holds her hand and replies, "I know."
Scene shifts to Liz Forbes pointing a gun at someone and telling them, "That's our daughter in there."
Caroline in a chair turns her head listening to her mom.
"Who trusts you. Who loves you."
Bill Forbes replies, "She'll trust me to do the right thing."
Caroline is tied to a chair as she screams. "Please stop!" as her father tortures her.
She begs harder. "Please!" Bill stops.
She's telling someone, "I don't need to be fixed."
Damon standing over someone. "You thought I was leaving you all alone?" he asks.
It's Bonnie who looks shocked at him being there.
He bites into his wrist saying, "No way."
Scene changes to Enzo telling Bonnie to "Keep fighting love," as she destroys the hellfire.
Caroline crying talking to someone on the phone. "I need you to know that I understand."
Stefan voice over: I just got married.
It shows Stefan smiling at a wedding altar and Caroline walking to him.
"I love you." Caroline talking into the phone.
It shows her and Stefan kissing at the altar.
"Forever." Caroline says.
Stefan holding Katherine but facing someone. "Goodbye brother." and then faces the hellfire.
Scene shifts to everyone at their graduation.
"Group hug!" Caroline says.
"I don't hug." Stefan.
"Get over yourself." Caroline.
Scene shifts to Bonnie lifting a feather smiling even as tears stream down her face and Elena smiling with her .
The girls are smiling excited to start college.
"I was feeling epic." Stefan says walking to someone.
"Do you think peace exists?" Damon asks Caroline.
Lizzie as a child is putting a flower crown on her moms head giggling along with her mother.
Lexi hugging Stefan sighing in relief.
Elena and Bonnie reuniting. "Hi!" "Hi!"
Elena surrounded by her family in one big hug.
Josette Parker smiling looking at something.
The girls in fairy costumes are dancing around a smiling Alaric.
The Salvatore brothers hugging.
Caroline Voice over to Damon's question: I do.
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