How to Speak Fantasilian
Acosa (akh-ohs-ah)- a City in Dwanzeig; the Royal Capital
Anservir (ahns-ehv-eer)- A City in Dwanzeig; the Common city
Ardgate - a City in Dwanzeig
Avraja (ahv-rah-hah)- Ancient term meaning "Gods be with you"; a blessing uttered before one leaves
Brownie (no, it's not a dessert)- a Fairy sub-race native to Alkara; specializes in engineering and inventing; their synnavaim is vanishing and memory manipulation; they love the color Brown (duh)
Cardovia (kard-ohv-yah)- an organization of magicians rivaling Synketros; led by the Heiress
Carleon (kar-leh-yon)- a Banshee territory, north of Cardina and west of Helinfirth
Dharhe (dahr-heh) - the goddess of rainbows, sky, celestial bodies, time, and magic in the Dwanzeigian pantheon
Dwanzeig (dwahnz-ehg)- the nature fairy territory; located beside Peltra
Dwarf- a race in Fantasilia
Dwarven metal - a type of metal that inflicts wounds that couldn't be healed magically because of its properties belonging to another continent
Elika listris (elh-eek-ah leest-rees)- Ancient term for Animal magic; synnavaim of some of the Nature Fairies; fairies who practice this are called elika keiju
Erphine (erf-een) - a potion component that can induce temporary blindness
Fairy - a race in Fantasilia
Felmisa (fehlm-ees-ah) - a species of flower that emits a loud sound when disturbed; native as an ornamental plant in Dwanzeig
Form - a part of the soul referring to the physical body
Fortwere (fohrt-weer) - a system of measurement quantifying distance; similar to miles
Gandirk (gahn-deerk) - the sanctuary of the Living Throne
Garabeen (gahr-ahb-een) - a species native to Dwanzeig; characterized by their porcupine-like spikes brimming with poison
Heiress (anc. Peredeira)- the leader of Cardovia
Iphik (eef-eek) - an insect native to Carleon, Narfalk, and Alkara; known for their noisy wings that are irritating
Kaviste listris (kahv-eest-eh leest-rees)- Ancient term for Plant Magic; synnavaim of some of the Nature Fairies; fairies who practice this are called kaviste keiju
Keiju (kehyj)- Ancient term meaning "fairy"
Keijula (-la)- meaning "Fairy Language"; the language spoken by Fairies (duh)
Komery (kohm-ehr-ee) - a city in Dwanzeig
Krou (kroo)- an animal that can grow in size; a cat-like animal with wings in giant form
Lanbridhr (lan-breed-eer) - a territory of the Fire Sprites; east of Alkara and north of Avalora
Listris (lees-trees) - Ancient term meaning "arts"
Loubarb (loob-arb) - a species of parasitic worms native to Dwanzeig; known to burrow in skin and scalp
Natura (naht-oor-ah) - Dwanzeig's standing army
Nature Fairy- a fairy subrace that lives in Dwanzeig; they can control animals and plants
Odian (ohd-yahn) - Umazuran gun powder
Ok-sa (ohk-sah) - a City in Peltra where the kingdom's criminals live; a barren wasteland
Opreah (ohp-reh-yah) - a city in Dwanzeig known to house its criminals and other local communities detached from the big cities
Oshella (osh-ehl-yah)- Umazure's version of marijuana (shh)
Parvade (pahr-vahd-eh) - a large bird characterized by its orange, red, and yellow feathers; native to Dwanzeig
Pelgar (pehlg-ahr) - dog-like sentries used in Helinfirth; they look like shiba inus but white and bigger
Penleth (pen-leth)- a territory of the brownies; the Livelihood City
Pidmena (peed-mehn-ah)- the goddess of Death and the Land of Wonders
Porgon (pohrg-ohn) - a plant native to Dwanzeig; a known sweetener
Qerdo (kehr-doh) - the god of god of fire, reptiles, and war in the Dwanzeigian pantheon
Quilderfen (kweeld-ehrf-ehn) - a species of huge birds native to Dwanzeig; similar to a manwari but more feral
Quiskle (kweesk-ehl) - a type of hot drink popular in Dwanzeig; coffee, essentially
Raven fir - a species of trees native to Dwanzeig that has reportedly unruly flowers
Rysteme (reest-ehm)- Ancient term meaning "hybrid", "mixed"; a branch of magic dealing with the advanced spells usually an extension of the synnavaim
Satris (saht-rees) - the goddess of bounty, blessings, happiness, and luck; found primarily in the Dwanzeigian pantheon
Serodi (sehr-ohd-ee) - a specie characterized by their dark gray coat and curved horns; prone to stampeding when threatened; native to Dwanzeig
Stadian (steyd-ee-yahn) - a mineral mined in Alkara; famous for its dark and shiny surface
Synketros (seeng-ket-rohs)- an ancient organization of magicians dedicated in protecting Umazure from Cardovia
Synnavaim (seen-ahv-ah-eem; pl. synnavaimis)- the innate ability of a person; consists of the specialty of the race; most often coined as Maxia of Fairies
Telmaus (telm-ah-oos) - a type of theater in Cardina that tackles familial drama
Telsbury (tehls-byoor-ee) - a city in Dwanzeig; the city of the kaviste keiju
Umazure (oom-ahz-oor)- an island in the southwest of Fantasilia; inhabited by Fairies, Humans, and a couple of Fallen Races
Versallis (vers-ahl-ees)- the Fantasilian currency and is used in trades and other commerce; is divided into shapes (dryde, sigra, selme), color (nosa, fol, kalta), and size (small, mid-sized, and big)
Virtakios (veert-ahk-yos)- Ancient term meaning "ancient power"; a branch of magic common within those who are from World Beyond; the most powerful branch of magic to have as synnavaim
Warvone (warv-ohn) - a type of silk popular in Dwanzeig harvested from warvone cocoons, a species of moth-like creatures
Wikone (week-ohn-eh) - the personification of nature and the ruler of all gods according to the Dwanzeigian myths
Witch- an Umazuran insult; literally meaning "crone" or "hag"; other variations include: Warlock, Wizard, Mage and the likes
Ylanen (eel-ahn-ehn)- Ancient term meaning "common"
Ylanenla (-la)- meaning "Common Language"; used mainly by Humans, but is the universal language in Umazure
Yoggin (yohg-een) - a Natura slang for slackers and delinquents
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