How to Speak Fantasilian
Alkara (ahlk-ahr-ah)- a territory east of Penleth and north of Lanteglos; home of the Brownies
Aresving (ahr-ehs-veeng)- a City in Desara; the trading city
Avalora (ahv-ahl-ohr-ah) - a territory of the Earth Sprites located northeast of Lanteglos and north of Dwanzeig
Avraja (ahv-rah-hah)- Ancient term meaning "Gods be with you"; a blessing uttered before one leaves
Banshee- a fairy sub-race natives to Carleon and their synnavaim is necromancy
Calaris (kal-ahr-ees) - the mythical realm of the gods
Cardovia (kard-ohv-yah)- an organization of magicians rivaling Synketros; led by the Heiress
Carquet (kahrk-eht)- a flower characterized by its ability to feed on its prey
Cata cata (kaht-ah-kaht-ah) - a hermit crab-like animal that eats golden minerals
Clametis (klahm-eht-ees) - a species of plants native to Desara; characterized by coral-like branches that grow in cylinders; used mainly in construction and sometimes as ornaments
Daexis (dehks-ees)- the goddess of vows and marriage
Dagrine (dahg-reen) - a horse-like animal with shorter necks and typically longer legs; a native species of Cardina
Desara (dehs-ahr-ah)- the Water Sprite territory below Falklirta, southeast of Avalora, and northeast of Dwanzeig
Dwarven metal - a type of metal that inflicts wounds that couldn't be healed magically because of its properties belonging to another continent
Elja (ehl-yah) - the goddess of arts, crafts, fisherfolk, children, wisdom, and creativity; known only in the Desaran pantheon
Elkote (elk-oht) - household term for fishes of different features used mainly in Desara; umbrella term for all fishes
Fairy - a race in Fantasilia
Fimrio (feem-ree-yoh) - a city in Avalora
Form - a part of the soul referring to the physical body
Fortwere (fohrt-weer) - a system of measurement quantifying distance; similar to miles
Galor (gahl-ohr) - a specie of riding animals native to Desara; they look like mules due to their short legs but are characterized by dark gray pelts, horns on the bridge of their snouts, and claws in place of hooves to grip sand better
Gui (goo-wee) - hand-braided twine made from strands of silk produced by a crustacean common along the banks of Desara
Haldone (hald-ohn) - birds of prey with great homing senses native to Desara; often domesticated and used as messenger birds
Half-blood- a term for the offspring of a Human and a Fairy or two fairies from different subraces
Heiress (anc. Peredeira)- the leader of Cardovia
High Queen (anc. Korkoleva)- the highest monarchy in Umazure; rules in Lanteglos
Jyda (jAI-dah) - the first day of the week in the Umazuran calendar
Kamara (kahm-ahr-ah) - a moon characterized by its orange sheen; it is known throughout as The Amber Dame and is known to symbolize the strife in men and hardwork
Kaulula (kaw-lool-ah) - a creature in the Desaran myths that abducts water sprites whenever Murco is present without Samiri
Keiju (kehyj)- Ancient term meaning "fairy"
Keijula (-la)- meaning "Fairy Language"; the language spoken by Fairies (duh)
Lanbridhr (lan-breed-eer) - a territory of the Fire Sprites; east of Alkara and north of Avalora
Land of Wonders (or Wonderland)- the afterlife
Lanteglos (lant-ehg-lohs)- Umazure's capital where the High Queen and the Imperial Fairies reside; the only neutral territory
Murco (moork-oh) - one of Umazure's moons known for its dark blue rays and is small in size; it is known throughout as The Dark Reaper and symbolizes death, grief, and harvest
Noglea (nohg-leh-yah) - a moon characterized by its bright green sheen; it is known throughout as The True Shepherd and symbolizes bounty and wishes fulfilled
Odian (ohd-yahn) - Umazuran gun powder
Orayta (ohr-AIt-ah)- a City in Desara; the fishing city
Oshella (osh-ehl-yah)- Umazure's version of marijuana (shh)
Pidmena (peed-mehn-ah)- the goddess of Death and the Land of Wonders
Poserne (pohs-ehrn-eh) - a card game used in gambling; it's like poker but with faster shuffling and different suits and combinations
Qirela (keer-ehl-ah) - one of the minor languages in Desara spoken mainly in Orayta and Zoriago
Rysteme (reest-ehm)- Ancient term meaning "hybrid", "mixed"; a branch of magic dealing with the advanced spells usually an extension of the synnavaim
Salvia (sahlv-ee-yah) - a species of trees resembling coconut trees except that they have orange and yellow leaves; native to Desara
Samiri (sahm-eer-ee) - one of the moons in the Umazuran sky; known for its light green rays that signifies growth, bloom, and hope; it is famous for its moniker, The Bright Maiden
Seelie Court- the elite council of Fairies consisting of well-known families; serves as the High Queen's advisers; only the High Queen can appoint and exclude a family
Shard fairy- a Fairy sub-species that uses reflection and glass manipulation as their synnavaim; lives in Helinfirth
Shirope (sheer-ohp-eh) - the goddess of land, death, and bad luck; eternal enemy of Umtir; known only in the Desaran pantheon
Sovereign (anc. Kriachoria)- the leader of Synketros
Sprites- a fairy sub-race natives to four cities namely: Lanbridhr, Desara, Falkirta, and Avalora; this race focuses on the basic elements (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air) as their synnavaim
Srilla (sreel-ah) - a species of insect native to Desara; chracterized by their ability to infiltrate the sand and stay camouflaged there
Synketros (seeng-ket-rohs)- an ancient organization of magicians dedicated in protecting Umazure from Cardovia
Synnavaim (seen-ahv-ah-eem; pl. synnavaimis)- the innate ability of a person; consists of the specialty of the race; most often coined as Maxia of Fairies
Thenaserine (then-ahs-ehr-een) - a City in Lanteglos; where the servants and the members of the Unseelie Court live
Trail- a part of the soul in which details everything done with magic; the imprint left by a person
Umazure (oom-ahz-oor)- an island in the southwest of Fantasilia; inhabited by Fairies, Humans, and a couple of Fallen Races
Waterbell - a species of flowers native to Desara; characterized by blue, bell-shaped, translucent flowers with fluid inside; this "water" is drunk as sweet nectar and used to flavor teas, breads, and other delicacies
Witch- an Umazuran insult; literally meaning "crone" or "hag"; other variations include: Warlock, Wizard, Mage and the likes
Xyth's bane - a potion known for its corrosive power; can burn through anything except meridis ores
Zamage (zahm-ahg-eh) - plants that look like seaweed native to Desara
Zoriago (zohr-ee-yahg-oh) - a City in Desara
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