The party was just getting started and already half of the people were drunk or making out or both. Brittney was off flirting with some football player and Bella was nowhere to be seen.
I was just standing in the corner sipping punch while pretending to be texting someone when I am actually reading a book on my phone. I hate parties.
Suddenly some drunk guy who I think was named Claton came up to me and before I could ask him what he wanted his mouth was on mine. I stumbled backwards to try to move away, but my back hit the wall. He used my momentary distraction to slip his tongue into my mouth, his lips taking full control over mine.
He pressed me into the wall even more and was reaching for my dress when he was pulled off me. I opened my eyes which I'd closed in fright to see Bryan pinning Claton to the wall while sending punch after punch at his face.
"Bryan, stop! People are staring." I said and put my hand on his shoulder to pull him back. I felt the muscles on his shoulder relax slightly under my hand and he turned his head to look at me.
"He tried to touch you, he deserves worse than this." Bryan growled but this time it's not me he's mad at.
"I know, but let's go outside. Your fan club is taking pictures." I nodded my head in the direction of a group of girls giggling over their phones. No doubt over the pictures they got of Bryan's six pack which was now on display. I tried hard not to stare as Bryan and I walked outside but I can't help sneaking a glance every now and then. Or at least I thought I was being sneaky.
"Like what you see?" He said humor lacing his voice.
"Not one bit." I said and quickly diverted my gase elsewhere.
"I'll take you home, Kent is going to kill me when he finds out about this." Bryan said and nudged me towards a sleek black motorcycle.
"No way am I getting on that thing." I shook my head. "Do you know that one forth of the accidents are because of motorcycles?"
"I did not know that and frankly I don't really care. You are getting on willingly or I will put you in front of me so I can enjoy the sight of your dress flapping up." He said with a smirk.
"Fine but drive slowly pervert." I mumbled the last word but I'm pretty sure he heard because his smirk widened. He quickly got on the bike after handing me a helmet and I slowly climbed on. Bryan did not wait to start the engine and then suddenly started going, surprising me. I screamed half in horror at the speed we must already be going and half in delight at the sensation of the wind ripping through my hair. Bryan chuckled and sped up slightly causing me to cling to him. "Don't get handsy on me now Pierce." He said and I could practically see the smirk that must have been forming on his face.
That gorgeous face that I want to-
Shut up
But I like him
Do not
Yes I do
I told you to shut up
You shut up
I was so distracted by the mentle argument going on that I didn't realize we were at my house until we stopped. We walked up to the house and I took a deep breath before opening the door. The second it opened Kent came out of the living room furious.
"Do you know how worried I've been? I expected you back by your normal curfew and you come an hour late?" Last year Kent had set a curfew for me after I had come back from a party at 4 in the morning. I took the blame even though it was Brittney's and Bella's fault for getting drunk and not being able to take me home. I ended up getting a ride from the only other somber one at the party who was a guy in my math class that I had only talked to once. He took one look at Kent's furious face and ran for his car. He hasn't talked to me since then, but I don't really blame him.
"I'm sorry Kent, I just got distracted and lost track of time." I said calmly. "Why weren't you at the party anyway, you always come to Brittney's parties."
"I had to do my biology report last minute because you refused to give me your extra." He crossed his arms.
"Hold it." Bryan said interrupting the banter. "You have an extra biology report? How come I didn't hear about it? You're supposed to be my tutor."
"I am supposed to teach you biology, not do your report for you."
"But you did an extra."
"That's for extra credit and after knowing Brittney for as many years as I have, you always need to carry an extra report on you in case she forgets hers."
"See that's not fair." Kent complained "I am your brother, I should be the one your doing reports for."
"The thing is that Brittney does them and I know that because she always calls me over to help, she just forgets to bring them." I said "That's different than not doing one at all."
Having enough of both of them I quickly slipped past Kent and went up to my room. As I closed my door I could hear Kent and Bryan talking about something and I swear they mentioned my name. Sure I just misheard them, I got ready for bed and slipped under my converter. I heard Bryan's motorcycle pull out of our driveway and within a few minutes I was asleep.
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