After tutoring, which consisted mostly of Bryan's confusing smirk/wink/teasing/flirting combo I headed off to go to my next class. By the end of the school day, I just wanted to go home to watch a movie but Brittney and Bella dragged me to the mall. After what felt like five hours of shopping, Brittney and Bella FINALLY agreed to get something to eat. As we made our way to the food court with me carrying all of the bags and believe me, there are a lot of them, we are blocked by two men.
"Hey pretty ladies, why don't you come with us. I promise you will have fun." One of them said while the other stood there silently sneering at us.
"No thank you." I said as politely as I could while trying to keep the quiver out of my voice. "Now if you will excuse us, we have somewhere to be." Brittney, Bella and I slowly tried to back away but they stopped us.
"You're not excused." The one closest to me roughly grabbed me and started dragging me into the alleyway between two stores.
"Look here. We don't want trouble, we are just having a shopping trip and there is no way we would go anywhere with you creeps. And you, let go of my friend if you know what's good for you." Brittney shouted, glaring daggers at the men. Though her words did little to affect them, they did catch the attention of passersby and soon there was a small circle of worried onlookers. The men glare at us one more time before disappearing into the crowd. Before he left, the man holding me whispered in my ear.
"This is not over. I will have you." I shuddered and quickly stepped back towards Brittney and Bella. A middle aged woman walks up to us.
"Are you alright? I saw what happened." She asked worriedly.
"Yes, we are fine, thank you. Just a little scared." I said honestly.
"I don't blame you." The woman said sympathetically.
"Come on, we should get out of here." Brittney said hooking arms with Bella and me. When we got to my house, Kent was already there, watching TV in the living room. We go up to my room to put our bags down before I head back downstairs.
"Hey, Kent? I'm hungry, can we order pizza?" I asked, already dialing the number I have memorized by heart.
"Why are you asking me? Even if I say no, you are still going to get some."
"True." I said laughing. "Brittney, Bella and I are having a girls night, so don't bother us." I said as I headed back upstairs.
"Oh sis, I forgot to tell you, Bryan and the group are coming in an hour."
I sighed, so much for girl night.
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