An hour later I was buried under blankets and pillows watching Pirates of the Caribbean: At the World's End. I was obsessed with it and watched it at least once a week.
My friends took utmost pleasure in criticizing my movie choices while they watched chick flick movies like the Holiday. This however did nothing to end my obsession.
Suddenly I heard the sound of the front door opening. I jumped up, startled as I heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. No one should have been there, Kent was at school and was not supposed to be back at least another 6 hours.
I locked the door to my room before quickly turning off the TV and grabbing whatever happened to be closest to me. It felt soft, I looked down and realized I was holding my old teddy bear from 10 years ago in a death grip.
I quickly replaced it with a random heavy book from my bedside table. The door to my room rattled and I heard a groan of frustration coming from the other side.
"Let me in Ashley for goodness sake."
"Bryan?" I said recognizing his voice. I slowly opened the door to find a smirking Bryan behind it. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you at school?" I asked, confused.
"Kent wanted me to check on you." He said before cracking up. "You should have seen your face, it was priceless. You looked like you were in a horror film."
"It's not polite to go into someone's house uninvited and then scare the shit out of them." I said annoyed. Bryan ignored me and walked past me to plop down on my bed after taking a pack of m&ms from my stash in a fake book.
"How did you know that was there?" I was creeped out by how well he knows his way around my room.
"Your brother and I raided your room last year looking for the lost wii remote." He said nonchalantly.
"YOU WENT THROUGH MY ROOM?" I asked, furious with Kent for letting this happen.
"Yeah, on the last day of school,, we got bored and were looking for the wii remote anyways so we thought why not? Nice diary by the way."
"You didn't." I was seething now. "That was all PRIVATE you brainless baboon! You can't just walk into some random girl's room and read her diary."
"Calm down, first of all, you were not some random girl, you were my best-friend-at-the- time's-sister. And second, all I learned was that you love my abs and think I'm hot." Bryan said, smirking, totally ignoring my 'brainless baboon' comment as if it was a pestering fly.
"That was a VERY brief phase and the little crush I had on you went away when I realized that you are an asshole." I saw a look of hurt cross his face but it disappeared as I stormed out of my room and grabbed my keys.
"Where are you going?" Bryan yelled following me.
"To murder my brother. Do you think I could get arrested if he deserved it?"
"Yes, and you can't do that. He'll know I told you, besides you are supposed to be staying home and getting rest."
"Fine then." I ran back upstairs and grabbed my phone, ready to call Kent and give him a piece of my mind because he seems to be in desperate need of it.
"He is in class, you can go full 'Ashley rage' on him when he gets back home. Now, can we just watch a movie or something?"
"I guess." I said giving in. "You like Pirates of the Caribbean?"
He looked at me like I grew another head. "Hell yeah! but let's watch something else. Have you seen the new Jurassic Park?"
"Actually, I haven't seen any of them." He looked at me like I'm crazy.
"So that is what we are gonna be watching." I sighed as I followed him back to my room.
Could this day get any worse?
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