Cap.5:"Used to hate him"
The bell rang, singnaling the end of the day.
"Bam, today I have to start meditating I can't come with you home."Mark said to his friend.
"It's okay,hyung!Take care and have patience with him." Bambam chuckled slightly, then he left.
"Now~...where's Jackson's house?" he has been wondering.
For his luck, Jackson entered in the class,after all the other students left it.
"Wassup,Tuan? I thought you have no damn idea where's my place."he laughed.
" are right."Mark answered.
"Let's go then!"Jackson lead the way while Mark was following him.
"Man, why are you always wearing the boring school uniform? You shall try wearing some cool sport outfits." Jackson adviced.
"I got used to the uniform, is not that bad...I think."Mark still didn't fully trusted Jackson.
After a few minutes of walking,they reached the place.
Jackson opened the door,telling Mark to go inside.He also offered a drink to Mark before they would start -the lessons-
"Jackson, you know I have to come over for 2 hours everyday,including on weekends.This way I can assure that you will pass the grade.
"Yeah,I know, let's just get started!"Jackson answered.
Two hours passed painfully slow for -teacher Tuan- because Jackson didn't know nothing about....anything.It was obvious that going to school and attending to classes is not his cup of tea.
Even tho, he tried to pay attention to what Mark explained during the meditation session.
"I'm exhausted! How can you know all those craps?"Jackson joked.
"They aren't craps and I just learnt them with time,is not that hard."Mark replied.
"Thanks for trying to help me out...even if I didn't agree with the idea at first,but I realised there is no other way to pass."Jackson said on a soft tone.
Mark found out that,spending time with Jackson is not that bad.He didn't hate Wamg anymore.He was only....well...slow minded but that can be fixed somehow.
"See you tomorrow at the same hour,Jackson.Oh...and please at least,check the homework I gave you."Mark said before leaving.
"Thanks for the help,Tuan!"Jackson said then he took a sip from his cola.
"Please,call me Mark,ok?"
"Yeah,sure,Mark!"he laughed a bit.
"Make sure to not be late tomorrow!"Mark reminded the boy.
"Hah,I promise I won't, I can also be a good boy if I want Tuan...I mean Mark!"
"We'll see about that.''Mark smiled and he left Jackson's house.
Jackson was living by his own in a small house.That place was perfect for him.
Because of the teacher,Mark and Jackson turn from rivals into friends
The good thing is that Jackson is trying to listen to what his tutor says.Did he wanted to change?Or there was something else in the middle of this whole situation?
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