Cap.11:"Better times"
The next day,Mark was in his room,preparing for school.
He saw that someone was waiting for him in front of his house and he thought it was Jackson.
He hurried to exit the house but for his surprise it was Bambam who was waiting for him.
"Goodmorning,hyung,can I come along?"Bambam said.
"Umm,yeah...sure.Do you feel better now?"Mark asked confused.
"Yea!I finally realised that I've acted like a frustrated kid."he laughed in a silly way.
"'s going with Jackson,I am happy for you two!"Bambam said out of nowhere.
Mark's eyes widened when he heard that:"How do you--...''
"I saw you two holding hands,you looked so cute!"Bambam nearly fanboyed.
"It was clear that you two were ment for together."
"How so?"Mark rose his eyebrow slightly.
"The way you talked about him everytime,the way he always glared at you and he suddenly changed for you!That's so lovely hyung!!"Bambam said,while he was smiling widely.
He truly felt happy for Mark.
"Oh.."then Mark laughed a bit "I'm glad you're back Bam!"he gave his dongsaeng a friendly hug.
"I missed talking with you,hyung!"Bambam said.
"I'd also like to get along better with Jackson,he's a friendly guy after all!"he continued.
"That's a great idea,he is also very funny tho!"Mark smiled.
"You seem to be so calm and happy when you talk abou him!I wish that someday,I'll find someone that will care and love me just like Jackson does with you!"
"Don't worry,there's enough time Bam!"Mark patted his back gently.
They met Jackson on their way to school.
Bambam told Mark that he'll catch up with them later,because he wanted to leave the two -love birds- alone.
Bambam finally realised that dating Mark would be stupid and that Jackson is better for Mark than he would be.
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