The last straw
Narrator:The team had been in a fight with Fishface,Razahar,and Tiger Claw but Razahar had gotten away from Mikey and Donnie then clawed Raph in the arm
Raph:What is wrong with you Mikey
Mikey:*sees Raph is hurt*oh no are you ok
Raph:no I'm not and it's your fault why weren't you paying attention
Donnie:Raph he was paying attention he just couldn't do it by himself and-
Raph:can it Brainiac no one ask you
Mikey:he didn't do anything to you
Raph:yeah this was your fault-
Leo:Raph calm down you'll-
Raph:shut it no one asked you either
Mikey:Raph stop it this isn’t anyone's fault
Raph:oh yes it is it's yours all because you can't do anything but get everyone around you in trouble or hurt you are a terrible ninja and a horrible brother why do I even bother with you a nothing
Karai:*yells*that's enough Raphael that was uncalled for and-
Raph:oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it princess
Karai:oh you really wanna do this huh
Donnie:firefly no hitting won't help
Karai:oh I'm not gonna hit just yell
Raph:well what cha got sweetheart
Karai:*yells*alright listen up you hothead insensitive jerk you can call me out all you like but you will leave the others alone Mikey didn't hurt you-
Raph:no one of your old pals did
Karai:so then yell at me Mikey is your little brother you should be helping him not hurting him but that's all you know how to do isn't it push people away
Raph:your one to talk you hurt everyone here but yet you expect us to trust you yeah right your just waiting to go back aren't you just waiting to stab us all in the backs right
Karai:*yells*what do I have to do to prove myself to you go and get myself killed
Raph:sounds good to me great actually
Karai:*eyes flare*your banished from patrol for a week*portals him home*
Donnie:firefly you ok
Karai:you two start heading back Mikey come here
Narrator:everyone does as they are told
Mikey:*nervous*a-am I in tr-trouble sis
Karai:not at all you ok
Mikey:no Raph's hurt and mad and-
Karai:*hugs him*and Donnie will help him
Mikey:*hugs her back*he's so mean
Karai:I know but deep down he loves you
Mikey:even if he doesn't want you around I do I like having a sister it awesome
Karai:thanks*lets go*head home I'll meet you there ok
Mikey:*lets go*ok sis see you later
Narrator:the turtles leave and Karai sits down
Karai:why can't Raph be ok with my existence why can't I get him to trust me
Airon:oh don't worry you won't exist for much longer
Karai:*stands*what do you want Oroku
Airon:oh simple just you*holds Kryptonite at her*
Karai:n-no stop*faints*
Narrator:Airon takes her to Shredder’s lair
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