A Different Plane of Reality
Narrator:the conversation will be typed like a normal one
Splinter:my daughter please if you can hear me come to my voice please come to my voice
Karai:Father I'm trying to focus but there are too many distractions
Splinter:just focus on me and my voice
Karai:*enters atherial plane*Father
Splinter:my daughter it is good to see you
Karai:it is good to see you too I've missed you how are the others...is he doing ok
Splinter:I have missed you as well and Michaelangelo and Leonardo are fine
Karai:let me guess Raph said I could deal with it
Splinter:unfortunately yes and Donatello...
Karai:is he ok
Splinter:I can see it in his eyes he is trying to hold himself together but it is hard for him
Karai:I never meant to hurt him I-I*begins to fade*
Splinter:Miwa focus or you'll go back to the real world
Karai:*shakes her head*sorry*comes back*I just don't like it when he's upset
Splinter:it's alright as long as you focus has Saki hurt you yet
Karai:yeah he hit me in the side
Splinter:does it feel as if anything is broken
Karai:if it is it's not showing its self
Splinter:I see I have a question
Karai:ask away
Splinter:do you think you can focus enough to have Leonardo join us
Karai:yes if you could have the boys and Cora join us it would definitely brighten up my day
Splinter:ok stay focused I'll return with them shortly
Karai:yes father
Narrator:a few minutes later
Splinter:hello Miwa
Karai:Father your back
Splinter:yes can you stand
Karai:let me try*stands slowly*yes
Splinter:ok come with me*walks away*
Karai:ok*follows him*
Narrator:Splinter leads Karai to a tree that everyone was sitting under
Karai:hey guys
Donnie:Karai*gets up and runs to her*
Karai:*hugs him*softshell I missed you
Donnie:*hugs her back*me too firefly
Karai:*lets go*Cora*goes to her*hi sis
Narrator:Cora almost knocks Karai over giving her a hug
Cora:they told me what happened are you ok
Karai:well I'm here the only way I can be for now
Narrator:Karai and Cora ended the hug and sat down
Mikey:k*hugs her nearly hitting her bad side*
Karai:woah careful*hugs him*hey Mikey
Donnie:you ok what happened
Karai:hang on*lets go of Mikey*
Narrator:Karai tackle hugs Leo
Leo:*catches her in a hug*miss me
Karai:yeah a lot*lets go*you ok
Leo:*lets her up*yeah are you
Narrator:Karai sits down between Cora and Donnie
Karai:yes for now he hasn't hurt me too bad but I might have a break in my side
Donnie:*starts fading*I-I
Karai:*tackle hugs him*please focus don't leave me
Donnie:*comes back*I'm sorry I didn't realize that if I was in my head too much I would stop meditating*hugs her*I'm here
Karai:good now please stay focused
Donnie:ok I'll try to stay focused
Splinter:so what has happened thus far
Karai:he wanted information on the Amatonians of the clan
Splinter:what did he ask
Karai:do they have my powers
Cora:so what did you tell him
Karai:yes and no some have ice some have fire
Leo:very vague smart
Karai:it was the only thing I could say so he'd stop hitting me
Donnie:*begins fading*why did this have to happen
Karai:softshell if you can't focus it's ok
Donnie:*comes back*no I'll be fine
Leo:so did he ask anything else
Karai:he asked what your weaknesses were
Narrator:Cora and Mikey snap back to reality
Karai:no*begins fading*please be ok
Splinter:it's alright they are in the Dojo
Karai:*comes back*right sorry
Splinter:it's ok but please what did you tell Saki when he asked
Karai:simple I told him he would never get me to tell him then he asked where I was captured I told him on a roof alone
Donnie:oh so did he believe you
Karai:he asked Airon if I was telling the truth and then Airon said to his displeasure that I was right
Leo:then what happened
Karai:I told him to leave you guys alone then he requested to go on patrol
Splinter:I knew you would be worried about them if I let them do a night patrol so I had them switch to patrolling during the day
Karai:yes thank you father but umm something else happened after he asked
Leo:really what happened
Karai:I got up walked over to Airon fewga was about to yell at him but I told her no let me have my say
Donnie:that's awesome but it didn't end well did it
Karai:no Shredder has these special new restraints that have adjustable Kryptonite radiation he turned it up until I passed out
Donnie:I see*tears up*are you ok
Karai:*kisses Donnie*I'll be fine mi amore
Donnie:*starts fading*no Mila is distracting me I'm losing focus
Karai:*begins fading*the suns coming up anyway I'll see you tonight softshell
Narrator:they say their goodbyes and return to reality
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