*A/N: Continuing from the original story, so feel free to skip this bonus chapter if you don't want to read this. This is just an idea I had after I finished the exact story; mainly at where they would go after walking through the fog away from the map, and how the other killers would react to seeing Traitor with Feng Min.
Warning; there are some curse words in this.*
"How much longer now?" Feng asked me softly, as we made their way through the fog with her on my back. Her head leaned against my shoulder, a slightly impatient pout on her face.
I didn't even have to turn around to know the face that Feng was pulling, and even still it made me snicker.
"Not long now" I reassured my companion, grass and leaves swishing under my trainers, the fog still pooling and curling around my calves all the while I carried my dear Feng towards the open lair, where all the killers gathered in-between trials if they didn't go to their own hunting grounds.
Feng made a small hum and adjusted her grip on my shoulders while I kept walking, the woodland area fast approaching my line of sight.
There was a faint trail of smoke coming from the survivor's camp further away, but I headed towards the opposite direction of the survivor's campsite.
Part of me thought I should let Feng Min go to the survivors' camp, but I also remembered how the past events had played out.
Steeling myself, I kept going towards the Killer's Lair.
When I got there, no lights were on in the old, weathered cabin. Guess no meeting was going on tonight, or I somehow missed it.
Oh, well.
Letting Feng off my back, I walked with her, my hand in hers to calm her fears, the two of us crunching sticks and swishing leaves underfoot.
A fire was being assembled in the centre of the clearing, not doing much to banish the dark storm clouds that now mingled with the fire's smoke, Feng and I waiting at the edge of the clearing, still in the shadows of the trees.
The ones outside by the fire currently were what looked like all four of The Legion, and The Shape, who looked up and signalled silently to the four teens.
Raising their heads, they saw me, as I stepped out, silently sending a telepathic message for Feng to stay put for now.
"Traitor!" four voices exclaimed in unison, the Legion standing up and walking quickly towards me, all four asking about where I was.
When I told them I was at the trial, all four of them shared visible macabre excitement.
My smirk grew as I told them what happened, Michael hanging back but still listening in while sharpening his knife.
"And the rest is history, as they say" I replied, the Legion looking at each other and sharing excited whispers, grinning eerily beneath their masks.
"Oh, uh, where's Wraith, by the way?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"On a trial as well, why?" Susie asked quietly, turning to me. Her pink hair was blown slightly by the faint breeze in the camp.
With a short stammer, I rubbed the back of my neck.
"I've, uhh..." I started, seeing Michael stand up and walk towards the trees.
Oh shit!! Feng!!
I completely forgot she was standing in the shadows!
I ran to where my companion had been hiding, standing in front of her protectively.
The Legion followed me, confused looks hidden by their masks, followed closely by The Shape.
Instinctively, I backed up, standing taller as my eyes glowed red; thankfully I wasn't using my 'Evil Eye', or something would have gone wrong for us all.
Feng hid behind me, Michael staring blankly at her, the legion grabbing their knives in unison, as I felt Feng's hands on my shoulders, grabbing onto my leather jacket, face gently nuzzling my hood as I stood guard between her and my comrades.
I shook my head, signalling not to kill her, the Legion all narrowing their eyes, Michael gripping his blade tightly, fingers flexing a little on the handle.
"Let me explain first!" I told them somewhat sternly. "This is what I wanted to talk to Wraith about. Look..."
Without hesitation, I stepped aside, Feng sweeping her hair away from her neck, showing off the bite marks I had given her.
The Legion -and Michael- gasped softly, seeing the two small puncture wounds, our eyes glowing red still.
"She's one of us now. One of the survivors tried to kill her. Or rather, he beat her to near death and she did eventually pass briefly, so I stepped in" I admitted, looking down as I stuck my hands in my pockets.
I hoped that I didn't cry again, remembering the traumatic and violent events that had occurred only an hour or so ago, at most.
" turned her?" Frank spoke up, tilting his head, his group all giving each other weird glances.
I nodded, Feng standing beside me with her arm around my waist.
"I know I shouldn't have, but-" I started, before Feng interjected, saving me the pain of explaining.
"The point is, the survivors aren't all they're chalked up to be. They would rather leave you for dead than come help you out in your hour of need" Feng said sharply, frowning.
"It's at this point that I don't want anything to do with them. Ace can rot in hell for all I care! Now leave Angel alone about this!! She's been through enough, you understand?!"
Her sudden outburst surprised and impressed me, and I looked at her after her fiery comments had stopped.
Truth be told, I wasn't expecting that at all. It was quite refreshing to see someone stand up for me.
Sure, my friends and allies are decent enough when it comes to the killer meetings and times in the camp, but to have someone stand up for me with no other intentions was...quite shocking, in a good way.
Michael cocked his head to the side, sizing her up to make sure this wasn't a joke.
When he saw us looking at him, he straightened up with a small nod. This was the truth, neither of us were having them on.
"What are we gonna tell Wraith?" Julie sighed, irritated, as she straightened out her mask just a little.
I shrugged with a deep sigh, the group of us heading towards the fire; sure, Joey was still suspicious of her, but better we were all together at this point.
"I don't know. But, we'll see what happens when he and the others get back. No doubt he's gonna be pissed I turned someone" I replied, Feng rubbing my upper arm.
"Don't worry, it'll be fine" she said, with a smile.
"I'll be right here with you, ok? you don't have to be scared" she added, as I turned to her, feeling her give me a peck on the lips which I gladly returned.
Joey made vomiting sounds as this happened, stopping with a soft 'ulp!' as Susie gently struck his chest with her elbow.
Smirking, I flipped him off, and he did the same, making the rest of the us around the campfire chuckle or smile a little, all seven of us striking up a conversation while the entity left us alone temporarily.
"Come on, Wraith! be reasonable!" I exclaimed after Wraith's scolding lecture, his shroud flapping about his shoulders from the swift turn he made, in order to grab his skeletal scythe, bringing it next to him as he turned back around with a loud BANG!
"She is a survivor, Traitor! what were you thinking?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?! again?!?!" Wraith bellowed, glaring at me as I scowled, the Wraith gripping the handle of his scythe-like weapon tightly. It was amazing that the spine that made up most of the blade didn't shatter, he was holding it so tight.
I hissed, showing my fangs in an enraged scowl, one hand on my hip and the other reaching up to rub the bridge of my nose, not helping me look less irritated.
"Really? You had to bring that up *now*?! really?!" I snapped, still glaring at him.
"For the love of the Entity, Wraith-" I hissed with contempt, "-she wants nothing to do with those supposed team mates of hers. One of them beat her close to death and left her to die before I intervened. Why do you think I turned her?!"
"Don't talk back to me, missy! You know what happened last time a survivor snuck in here" he barked, both of us annoyed in both voice and expression.
With a furrowed brow, I looked at the towering leader, my crimson eyes gazing straight up into Wraith's white eyes.
"Wraith, please. I know what the rules are, but come on. I couldn't just leave her there. I'd hooked and wounded the guy who'd done that to her, and that's not including the bloodshed from the sacrifices I did earlier on that trial, it's not like I did nothing. Please, Wraith, don't make me beg" I pursued, a worried look on my face.
"Fine" Wraith replied quietly, dusting off his bell with his bandaged arms. "But on one condition...."
"Name it" I replied eagerly, a little stunned that he'd been so lenient all of a sudden.
"She can stay on the team, BUT! You are the one responsible for her well-being. If she's injured, or thirsty, or in danger, you are the one responsible for watching out for her. On your head be it, am I clear?" he asked somewhat sternly.
I nodded.
"Absolutely" I replied, shaking his hand as a notion of thanks, my angered, frightful expression giving way to a relieved grin.
"Yeah, yeah, don't be getting all sappy" Wraith said, though his tone was slightly lighter, making me suppress a soft snicker.
"Now go on. I'm sure your little shadow is waiting for you now" he added.
"Thanks, Wraith! you're a star!" I exclaimed happily, racing out of the old log cabin, screeching to a halt near the campfire. My brief halting managed to rack up a small cloud of dust that dissipated into the air after a few seconds or so.
"So, what's happening, then? what did Wraith say?" Joey asked conversationally.
I was grinning from ear to ear, arms winding around Feng's shoulders, which made her sport a shy expression and turn her head away timidly to look at some woodlice on the floor.
"Well, it took a bit of persuading, but he said as long as I watch over her, she can stay!" I exclaimed, Feng gasping and letting out a squeal of delight.
Michael nodded, seeming to be a mixture of interested and at ease, surprisingly, looking back into the fire again.
"Sweet!! Another girl!!" Susie chirped gleefully, Julie smirking and rolling her eyes lightly beneath her mask.
"Yup, another girl" Julie repeated, glad to see her friends so happy.
"Cool. Well, uuuh....welcome to the killers' side, I guess" Joey declared calmly, Frank letting out a manic but short laugh.
Feng turned her head, and we shared another kiss, my hand cupping her cheek, ignoring Frank's remark of "Dudes, get a room!" and the "ack!" that followed as Joey slapped the back of his head.
Michael raised his hands in defeat, getting up before Frank and Joey could start brawling, Susie and Julie chuckling at the spectacle.
Feng and I broke the kiss and looked over, then at each other, gazing adoringly into each other's eyes.
An hour or two after relaxing and preparing for the next trials by the fire outside the building, there was the clanging of the bell, no doubt from The Wraith.
"Welp, saved by the bell! Let's head in" I remarked in a joking way, standing up and stretching my arms, Feng climbing on her back again, clinging to me like a koala.
The Legion all got up, Susie and Julie dusting off their clothes, Joey sliding his mask on, and Frank flipping his hood up.
Michael looked over at the run-down cabin, walking towards the cabin and down into the basement.
The Legion followed him, and I trailed behind with Feng on my back still, walking down the rickety stairs towards the basement where the rest of the killers were gathered, The Wraith standing at the front of the room, looking very bemused at all the chatter and trying to quieten everyone down.
"Are they always like this?" Feng whispered to me, legs locked around the my hips, still clinging onto me.
"Love, we're just getting started" I murmured in response, rolling my eyes at the loud conversations, not stopping despite Wraith ringing the bell to get the attention of the other killers.
I sighed and put two fingers in my mouth, letting out a loud and shrill whistle which halted the din momentarily, a few of the killers with more sensitive hearing shrinking away from the sudden sound, others cursing and whispering angrily.
I glared with a stern look on her face, Feng hiding her face in my shoulder. Her ears were ringing a tiny bit, and she tried to focus of stabilising again, not really liking the multiple pairs of eyes; especially since the large crowd had all tried to kill her at least ones during the trials.
"Go ahead, Wraith" I said softly, with a small nod, as Wraith began to go over the first few things of the agenda, trying to ignore Trapper's questions and dull remarks.
I listened at the back of the crowd, Frank standing next to me and Feng; for once, he was silent, but it was plain to see that he looked a bit shifty due to some of the killers turning back to look at me and my quiet lover.
The Doctor gave us a particularly scathing look, scrutinizing us quite a bit.
I tried to stay calm, but then-
"Uh, Wraith?" came Trapper's gruff voice.
"Yes, Trapper?" Wraith sighed, clearly ticked off. 'You and me both, Wraith', I thought with no change in my calm and unreadable expression.
"Why is there a survivor here?" Trapper growled lowly, causing me to roll my eyes and facepalm.
Oh, Lord...this was gonna be fun(!)
"Well, that's what I was going to talk about!-" Wraith took a second to clear his throat, "Traitor, please come forward. As you all can see, we have acquired a new member, albeit quite an unexpected one. As you all know, Feng was a survivor, but in a change of circumstances, she has come to join our side."
Oh my God, I will not exaggerate when I say that the room erupted like a volcano!
I let Feng off of my back so she could stand beside me as Wraith talked, the scathing looks had been directed to the front of the room after I stepped forward to face my fellow killers.
The Legion and The Shape -as well as The Wraith- were the only ones who were not yelling and cursing at me, a few weapons revving up alongside the shouting. People asked if I was beyond insane, insulting both me and Feng, and many many more things I will not repeat.
My blood boiled inside of me, and Feng could feel me starting to tremble with repressed rage, my eyes a bright traffic light red rather than their usual crimson hue.
The Spirit and The Plague were screeching at me, and I saw The Pig try and move closer to attack Feng, whose eye colour was matching mine perfectly, though she looked more scared than furious.
"Will you all fucking SHUT UP ALREADY?!?!" I growled, unable to take this stress any more. My head was pounding, and I was fairly sure that I would soon chip a fang if I ground my teeth any more, my nails having dug into the fingerless leather mitts I had on my hands.
No doubt if I didn't have my leather gloves, my palms would have been bleeding quite a bit.
Feng trembled just a touch at my angered tone, my glare more obvious as I moved my piercing stare over every killer in the room.
"I've heard enough! For the Entity's sake, we get a new killer, then what?! you decide to all jump down my throat before I get a chance to explain myself?! Don't you think I'm aware that she was a survivor?! I'm not stupid!"
"Amanda, stop trying to sneak up on Feng" Wraith sighed, seeing The Pig scuttle back into the crowd, letting me continue a second or so after she had melted back into the crowd again.
"Yes, I turned her into a vampire like me! But so what?! If I didn't, she would still have to put up with those damn survivors. Don't you all see? now we have an extra person on the team, we can get more kills done, meaning we won't get tortured as much. I'm fairly certain The Legion can back me up on that" I extended my hand to the group of four standing towards the back corner again, all four of them looking extremely done with the situation at hand, though there was a small nod from each of them.
Funnily enough, I wasn't expecting them to back me up like that, and I'm glad that they did.
Mind you, being in the realm of the Entity can do funny stuff to you after a while.
I stuck my hands in my pockets and eyed the killers again, Feng not moving from where she stood next to me, my stance slightly overlapping in front of her as if I was subconsciously attempting to shield Feng.
"Say what you will, but she is staying with us, no matter what. It shouldn't be different to when I first arrived here, so can we all just calm the hell down? We've dealt with worse scenarios, and -to be completely honest- she can bring some skills to the trials" I stated confidently.
"Like what?" the Nurse screeched, floating next to The Huntress, her voice skeptical.
Feng looked at the horde of killers before her, and took a deep breath; "I can repair and destroy generators like Angel, I'm smart, tech savvy, and now with my new look, I imagine that I'll have more speed and strength to kill and maim."
"Not only that, but she'll probably have a few powers similar to mine too" I added, Wraith nodding a little in response.
"Due to her transformation, she'll learn abilities as she exists longer as a vampire, and get stronger! of course!" Wraith murmured, the Nurse not seeming as convinced.
"Look. Just..give me a chance to prove myself to you all. To prove I'm not one of them" Feng pleaded. "I'm sure with Traitor's guidance, I'll get better at killing and getting Mori's or hooking survivors. All I'm asking for is a chance."
"One chance" the Doctor hissed, his maniacal grin seeming to almost grow, if that were possible.
"And you better make quick work of proving yourself to us" The Nurse growled.
"If I find signs of treachery, I will not hesitate to embed blade of hatchet in your skulls, little girls" Huntress warned.
"You have my word. One chance, and I will do the best I can" Feng promised, and I nodded.
"We won't let you down. I guarantee we'll be able to spread more fear into the survivors' hearts. After all, who's gonna suspect Feng?" I asked.
"They'll suspect me, sure, but hey....why do you think I'm called The Traitor? But Feng will be alright, since I'll be working with her. However if I find she's hurt at all by any of you, or kidnapped for your own personal use -FREDDY-" he took the opportunity to flip me off while I glared back at him.
"Let's just say the survivors won't be the only ones losing blood" I finished.
"Well, that was....something.." Wraith murmured, but stood tall again.
"Anyway, all are in agreement! Feng will work with Angel and have a chance to prove her loyalty! If she is worthy of the title 'killer' as Angel says she is, then she will stay. If not....well, that's up to the Entity" he concluded, a few groans and murmurs of disappointment were heard.
Wraith, Feng and I shared a chilling stare that shut everyone up, Wraith announcing the meeting's conclusion, the dismissal of the killers swiftly following.
Feng was still cowering somewhat by the wall, and I approached her, aware that Wraith had still yet to leave.
I gently cupped her cheek with my gloved hand, my icy fingers settling on her smooth skin, my thumb brushing a stray betrayal of a tear away from her cheekbone.
She rested her hand on my upper arm, then quickly pulled me in for hug, prompting a small, stunned gasp from me, though I found myself winding my arms around her waist like pythons.
"I didn't want you to lose respect like that. I'm so sorry" Feng sniffled, as I gently shushed her.
"Love, you didn't, don't worry. It was a bit of a shock, yeah, but stranger things have happened. I mean, not many people apart from me like the Legion when they all first arrived, then when the others saw what they could do, they began to warm up to them. Hell, everyone thought I was a fucking survivor at first!" I chuckled. "But thanks to Wraith and Michael, that quickly got wrapped up. Don't worry, ok? Besides, you still have me."
Feng nuzzled my neck, and I heard Wraith's bell ringing as he disappeared, leaving the two of us in the basement in a silent embrace.
She leaned her head up, kissing me on the lips; thankfully, my bandanna wasn't in the way.
"I love you" Feng whispered.
"I love you too" I replied back softly, kissing her again.
"Now, come on. After all that, we need to relax. Let's go back to my home" I suggested, Feng nodding in agreement, the two of us walking towards the stairs.
I sent a silent 'thank you' in the direction of where Wraith had been standing, and continued to hightail it out of the meeting room, the two of us walking hand in hand back to the London/Hyde Park churchyard.
Another trial wasn't going to be conducted for at least a day or two, to my knowledge, giving us plenty of time to recover and relax back at the graveyard.
Feng and I creaked open the gate and ventured inside, walking past the moulting tombstones, crying angel statues, and my own open grave with ivy beginning to grow on the gravestone, the silver moon providing just enough light through the faint rainfall to see where we were going.
The distant police lights flashed beyond the gates, and an occasional crow caw or sound of a far-off dog barking could be heard echoing through the otherwise tranquil atmosphere.
I led Feng to the closed burial vault, ignoring the crumbling monastery on the other side of the churchyard for now, rattling and shoulder-shoving the rusting door open to reveal a chilling gust of wind. The smell of mildew was only faint since we were above ground, but it was still there.
"Alrighty, follow me. Make sure you close and lock the door behind you" I instructed the shadow behind me, leading the way down the stone stairs.
Feng did as she said, following me quickly down to the bottom of the stairs.
Through a few gaps in the barred windows, there were some more moonbeams, in addition to some burnt-out torches on the walls of the tomb.
I walked over to my coffin, opening it with a creak of the lid's hinges, when I heard Feng let out a soft, tired yawn.
Looking over my shoulder, I saw Feng begin to sway a little, her posture more bent and sleepy, a hand reaching up to rub her eyes.
Poor thing; the meeting and stress of introducing her to the other killers must've been really draining. No wonder she was so tired.
"Here, hun" I spoke up softly, walking over and taking her by the hand, leading her to the casket I was standing next to. "You can lay with me, if you want? if you want a separate casket, that's ok, I'll find an empty one."
"N-no, it's fine" Feng yawned, with a tired whine, taking off her shoes and leaving them outside the coffin. I, on the other hand, didn't bother taking mine off, only removing my jacket for Feng to use as a makeshift cover.
Clambering in, the two of us lay side-by-side, my arm reaching back to grab onto the lid, carefully closing it with a soft "thump".
There, the two of us lay, sound asleep, arms wrapped around each other, dreaming of the damage we would do when the next trial arrived.
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