Phoenix's POV
3:00 pm
Lana's Office
The knife pierces her forehead, leaking a beautiful crimson color. The color of Edgeworth's jacket. Lana's eyes go bloodshot, shocked seeing the monster I became. A monster who is loyal. Like how Edgeworth wants me to be.
Now with the prosecutor disposed, someone one will take up the case who doesn't know as much as she does. Yes, now it will be easier. Lana slowly stumbles back muttering her final breathes.
"Good luck Pearl..." A loud thud consumes the room but not my brain. Pearl? Pearl Fey? I'm going to kill her but first I need to tell Edgeworth. I don't care if people see blood on me, they won't say anything... Right?
I yank the my pocket knife that I brought to the meeting with Kristoph. Blood squirts out of the wound, drawing my curiosity closer. With my left palm, I cover her wound. The blood goes around my hand and continues to make her forehead look more like Edgeworth's forehead when he killed the kid. Cute.
I raise my hand to my face. I turn it towards me, seeing my work. I quickly put my hand over my face, making myself one with my work. The smell seeps into my nose, forcing me to smile. It's almost like spilling someone's blood for a satanic sacrifice. It's wonderful and you feel closer to the demon you sacrificed a human's life for.
I get up, blood all over my hands and face. I grip my knife and quickly dash out of Lana's room. Right away I hear screams and people whipping out their phones. Not like I care. I just keep running, hoping to get to the Detention Center in time.
Getting the entrance of the area to talk to the defense, Kristoph exits the area. Unable to slow myself down, I crash into him like a missle. Neither of us fall down like in cartoons but I do push Kristoph into the door.
"Hey! Phoenix, what t-"
"Move." I hiss. "I need to see Edgey." I push Kristoph's skinny body off to the side and barge into the room. Behind the glass wall was Edgeworth, playing with his hair.
Edgeworth's POV
3:03 pm
Detention Center
The second I look up, I see blood on my glass wall. I jump back in shock, wishing this was just a nightmare. There was my will with blood all over his face and hands. His grin full of insanity covers half of his face. The other half was blood.
"Edgeworth~!" He chirps, wanting to get praised. "I killed Lana! The prosecutor girl! Are you happy!?"
I try to form words but only hics of fear come out. I'm so sorry Phoenix... I didn't want you to become like this... My eyes get weighed down by guilt and not wanting to look at what I turned my love into.
"Edgeworth? What's wrong?"
I close my eyes, letting myself cry. Tears of anger, sadness and joy go down to the floor. Anger of how I should be the one killing, not him! Sadness that I made my pride and joy snap. Joy knowing he can fend for myself and takes after me.
So Edgeworth, be happy. Be happy for him. He can kill with ease now and he sees you as a role model. Yes! Be happy that your will still live on if you die! Yes! YES!
A grin slips onto my face, as I redeem my actions in my mind. "Phoenix... I'm proud of you." I slowly look up, seeing his insane smile and blush. And one of the final times I'll see his blush.
"Th-thank you master! I-I'm so h-happy you're happy!" Phoenix smiles normally. Like how he used to smile at me before I made him lose his mind. But his eyes were filled with lust. Lust for me, blood, murder and many other things.
"But I need you to do one last thing for me."
"Yes?" I hear people barge in.
"Plead i-" My voice gets drown out my cops yelling and grabbing my love. He still had the same smile on his face. He quickly mouths out the words 'I love you' before getting dragged off. I love you too.
I love what's left of you.
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