My Will
Edgeworth's POV
Detention Center
I sit for the second time behind the glass wall, hoping for Phoenix to come. I'm helpless when the spotlight is on me. I'm like a fish in that way. Great underwater where I belong but weak and useless when out on the hot sand. Or in my case, a steel chair.
Before I came into this metal box, they stripped me of all my items. They found a pistol and a pocket knife on me, spelling a hard win for us. Fingerprints that belong to me and polished blades? Yeah... Only if my will can think of something crafty.
"Edgeworth. I'm here to defend you." A crisp voice slithers into my box, making my head shoot up. Behind the glass wall is the tall blond snake that I wanted my will to live on to get for me if I end up like this. And so he did.
"Thank you. I'll pay you extra afterwards if I live." I stop slumping and straighten my back. "So, did Wright tell you about the things you needed to know? Like case AD-2, ME-3 and SK-5?"
"Yes." Gavin nods. "And I apologize that Phoenix can't be here with us today." Gavin bows. What. WHAT. You piece of shit, what the hell did you do to him?! The second I get out of this box I'm going to slit your throat and leave you there to bleed out! After that I'm gut you and eat you so your brother can't keep your icy heart!
Instead of saying all of that, I breathe in and out. "Then, where is he?"
"With the prosecutor. Even though the villain usually get to prep the witnesses, the heroes are on the procusting side today. We don't get to but Phoenix know what to say and not to. He also can destroy some evidence if he gets close to some."
"Then who the hell is the prosecutor!?" I hiss, wanting him to hurry the hell up.
"Hm? Oh, your once higher up. Lana Skye. She and Pearl Fey are the ones who wanted the retrial." Lana and Pearl... Ooh, I'm going to give them the most gruesome death, you wait and see Wrighty. You'll be amazed and love me even more when you see what I will do to them!
"Them... Try to ruin their investigation as much as possible. Hide evidence, silence officers. Anything to get me out of here. Remember, I'm paying you extra if you succeed." I glare, wanting the blond snake to start fording evidence instead of talking to me.
"Of course. I'll do that right away." Gavin nods, leaving me alone.
Lana's POV
Her Office
"Hey Nick! Long time no see!" I try to smile, closing my eyes. I don't want to see the state he's in. I just pray he's alright.
"Yeah! So, what do you want me to say and not to say?" I slowly open my eyes, seeing a deranged creature in front of me. Wright's hair was unkempt and looks like he hasn't eaten a whole ton since he been kidnapped. Bags line his eyes and... It's hard to look into his lust filled eyes. Poor kid, what did Edgeworth even do to you?
"First, how's life now? I know it's stressful going on trial in two days again but it is needed. We just feel like we didn't get the killer correct. And I feel like whoever kidnapped you is still controlling you and probably told you what to do." I move forward but telling by his body language, he wants me far away from him.
"The kidnapper is dead, Lana. I know it's hard to believe that it was your sister but it was. She kidnapped me and tortured me to nothing. Now I'm much better and I can live peacefully again." Chills run down my spine as he says his words. He's not a creature, he's a freakin' robot! Edgeworth got this kid wound around his finger pretty tightly.
"No. You're lying. Please stop it, I know you want to protect them but it's going to help you in the long run if you let them go to jail."
"And get executed!" Phoenix snaps at me. From a creature to a robot, back to a creature. Probably how Edgeworth trained him to act... "The defendant is innocent and has been helping me recover!"
"So why are you skinny and weak?" I frown. I need to open his eyes before he does something risky and land himself in jail. Unlike his mental killer, he has hope to be revived.
"Because I don't want to eat... It makes me think of Maya..." Now a petty innocent card. Kinda reminds me of that Hawthorne kid a little bit.
"I know, but it's bad for your health a-"
"Now, what do you want to prep me with?" Phoenix frowns, robotic again.
"Just... Don't try to defend Edgeworth, ok? I know you care about him and all but it will make more of us happier if he is dead that alive." Then something went off in his eye. Like I flipped a switch, unveiling something I wish I never seen.
"...You want him dead?"
"You want my will to live dead?"
"Do you want to die?"
"Are you begging for death!?"
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