???'s POV
2:00 am
2000, September 25th
The fire coats the walls as my family screams in terror. All the doors were locked and they were stuck. I was not. The on fire aunt screams for mercy but the fire just eats her up like a snack. I hold the bloody scissors in one hand, watching my family burn. Idiots. Only if they treated me like a human, I would treat them well back. This might just be how the world is punishing you so don't resist.
In my leather bag sits two freshly sewn dolls, one of a male and the other female. I slowly walk backwards, still keeping my big eyes on the fire. Smoke flees from the fire storm, gasping for air. The air that dad wanted but doesn't have. Idiots.
Edgeworth's POV
7:30 am
2001, September 3rd
"Ready for school Miles!" Gregory smiles, ruffling my hair black hair.
"Yeah. I heard there's going to be a new kid visiting! He might transfer to here!" I giggle. I hope this kid will be nice like father. My only friend is Larry. He's kind of an idiot so I hope this new kid is smarter.
"Nice Miles! I hope you can be friends!" Dad nods, holding my hand. His hand is two times bigger than mine so I just grab his finger.
8:15 am
"Welcome children!" Smiles Ms. T. "We have a kid who's going to be here for today! Please be nice to him. Now, introduce yourself." Besides her is a black haired kid who has pupils bigger that eyeris. Bags decorate the kid's under eye, same with his long eyelashes. In his overly white hands were two dolls. His right hand twitches around, wanting to hold something... So why doesn't he put the other doll in his right hand?
"Pho..." The kid mutters, look off into outer space.
"Hmm?" Ms. T squats down, putting her gloved hand to her ear.
"Your hair is pretty, miss." The strange kid turns towards our teacher with the same emotionless look. His voice almost sounded robotic.
"Uh? Oh, thanks!" Ms. T oddly smiles. "So with that volume can you say your name?"
"Phoenix... Age... Hm... 9. Nice to see you all. I hope we all can play and have fun." His eyes wander off again.
"Well, nice to meet you Phoenix! Well his parents died in a fire one year ago and he needs a home."
"So he's homeless?" Blurted some rude ginger girl. Phoenix's eyes shoot daggers at her, piercing her soul.
"No... He lives in an orphanage. He wants some parents so if your parents are interested in him, tell the orphanage. Possibly one of you guys' parents might go home in a month with a new kid!" Ms. T chuckles to herself. "Now, you can sit in the back. You'll be sharing a table with Miles. Miles, raise your hand so he can find you."
My hand springs to the air. I want to meet this new kid! Poor guy, he lost his family... That would suck if that happened to me. Dragging his feet, Phoenix makes his way towards me. Closer he got, more promedent his eyes bags became. His lips were slightly chapped and some of the chunks of skins were gone on said lips.
"Hi!" I smile. He just plops down to my right, putting his dolls on the table. His right hand keeps twitching but his left hand stays still.
"Hello. Nice to meet you." Phoenix keeps his eyes on the two dolls.
"So, uh, what is the names of the two dolls?"
"Annette and Jose. They were a gift from my mom and dad before they got murdered by the fire." Murdered? Strange wording... He seems like a kid I would hate to piss off. "Anyways, you seem nice. At lunch do you want to play with me?"
"Play? Sure!" I nod gleefully. This will be way better than playing tag with Larry. Mostly because Larry is faster than me...
"Thank you. I'm in your debt." Phoenix cracks a small smile before we both turn our attentions to Ms. T.
Lunch Time
After getting my cold lunch from the class lunch bin I sit at an empty table. Phoenix walks over with his wobbly lunch tray. It balances on his fingers and his left hand hold Annette and Jose. The two dolls have black button eyes and stitched on smiles. He sets his green plastic tray down and sits on the wooden bench.
"Thank you once again." He smiles smally, handing me Annette. "Now let's play together. You can make up her personality. I change their personalities a lot." Aw... I assume his parents weren't the best if he didn't want to base them after their gifters. Or possibly he likes to make them different characters everyday?
"It's fine!" I clear my throat and attempt to make my voice high. "Hello Jose!" I move the doll's arms around with my thin fingers.
"Good! How are you?" Phoenix's face changed completely. His black face was gone and replaced by a chipper child. His eyes had more of a human glow to them and real joy was coming out from his voice.
"Good! So Jose, what are you making for dinner?"
"Soup of course!" Phoenix takes the plastic spoon from his food and places it between the two drag dolls. The spoon was about the size of Jose but not as thick as him.
"Thank you!" I push Annette's head down with my finger, forcing her to nod.
"You're welcome! But we need to eat though so let's stop talking, ok?" Phoenix's face goes back to normal, drained of all joy. Back to his normal voice he says. "We should. But tomorrow we shall play again."
"Of course! That was fun!" I smile. "We'll do that again." I started to eat in silence, rethinking all that happen. Strange kid... But seems pretty sweet! It seems like he had fun playing dolls so I hope we can play it again. Because, damn...
I love that smile.
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