Chapter 19: One Thing I don't Want to Remember
Idk why I chose this pic, I just liked it
Your POV
I awoke with a start, I looked around to make sure no one was there. I had remembered something that I wish I hadn't, I was in Mark's dorm one day and well... I made the big mistake of arguing with thin. I was trying to cope with the death of my parents on my own, which just made my depression worse. I never tried anything rash, I was just constantly breaking down. I only did this in the safety of my bedroom through.
"Why, why am I so weak! If I had been stronger... I might have been able to save them." I sobbed quietly against my bedroom door, just like I did all the time. For no reason at all my crying slowly started getting louder, I thrashed my fists against the carpeted flooring, giving myself carpet burn. I held my burning hands against my tear stained eyes, trying to cool them down until I heard a knock on my door. I ran to the bathroom so that I could cool down my face and wipe my eyes.
After getting the last bit of redness off my face I ran to open the door. There he stood, the man who I had had a crush on since junior year, Mark. Just seeing him there made me feel happy and safe, but his face seemed troubled.
"(Y/n), why are you crying." Just then it hit me just how loud I was being.
"Oh, it's no-" he slammed his hand against the doorframe making me flinch.
"It is too something! I can see all over your face that you've been hiding this for a while, now tell me what's wrong!" His voice was sturn and deep, sorrow it a slight hitch. I started to get a little agitated, if I wanted him to know then I would tell him.
"Look, it's none of your business so why don't you just back off!" I yelled to him.
"You can't leave your feelings locked up! It won't make your situation any better!" I could tell that the subject was important to him, I don't see why it wouldn't be.
"I told you to leave me alone!" I cried out, he seemed hurt as I ran from his dorm but I didn't look back, I kept running. I had my notepad in my jacket pocket and pulled it out, I like to right when I'm sad. (BTW any of the poems you hear in this at made by yours truly.)
'Tears are there for when your words can't describe the pain you're feeling
People are there for those of us who need help
So then why do I push them away?
Why don't I let them help me?
Perhaps it's simply that I don't want them to know the sorrow I do
Or perhaps it's simply that I think I'm too strong to ask for help
Whatever the case may be, I won't say it aloud but I do need help
So anyone I haven't pushed away yet
Anyone who still thinks I'm worth their time
Save me from myself.
I put my notebook down and stared at the stars, they were so pretty back in the country, but now there are so few. The city is great, but I wish there were more stars.
"I wonder if there's a star up there for me." I said aloud.
I sighed heavily and looked toward the hospital door, I saw bright blue fluffy hair in the window and the door creaked open.
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