Chapter 1
Turbo set the trophy down in the Pikachu Starter Squad Room. Bolt and Lightning stared into the shiny golden lightning bolt on the top. "Congratulations on winning the race this year Turbo. Looks like all that practice in the training room paid off nicely." Lightning said with a smile.
Bolt nodded in agreement as he flew towards the trophy. "You've finally beaten the Champion."
"Yeah, I know and it was worth it. I think I'm the fastest non-legendary in the world. I don't think anyone can stop me, not even Tudi." Turbo replied with pride, putting his paws to his sides.
Suddenly, a Shiny Charmander barged into the room, almost making the trophy fall off the stand. Turbo held it steady before it even had the chance to tumble down to the floor.
"Vesuvius, be careful, it took me so much practice to actually get this trophy." Turbo told the Charmander.
"Sorry Turbo, But Paarthurnax needs you and Lightning in the meeting room. It's very important."
"Alright, Alright!!" Turbo replied, annoyed.
"You're lucky Pikachus. I wish I could go but my father told me that I need to stay here in the headquarters for something really important." He replied.
"Well maybe you'll be able to go out and do something someday. You're father is very overprotective sometimes, but it's always for a good reason. He's just trying to protect you from deadly criminals." Lightning responded.
"I know..." he sighed. "I just want to fight crime just like him." Vesuvius said.
"I understand, but you'll be able to show him what you are capable of when the time comes."
Vesuvius opened the doors to the meeting room where Paarthurnax sat on a large rock waiting. There was a Servine, Greninja, Sceptile, Primarina, Delphox and Pignite waiting patiently for the meeting to begin. They turned to see Lightning, Turbo and Vesuvius walked in. "Oh good.... There they are.... Now we can begin." Paarthurnax bellowed.
He cleared his throat. "We've got a new mission for the eight of you Starters. Stone has escaped from prison and is crushing innocent Pokémon. You eight have to retrieve him before he does anymore damage.
"But what are two Pikachus supposed to do?" Lightning asked.
"Easy... Turbo has great speed so surely he can outrun the criminal and you have the move Iron Tail. " he answered.
"But....What are the fire types going to do with their weaknesses being rock?"
"Those two fire type you see there are dual type. Pignite is a Fire and fighting type and Delphox is a Fire and Psychic. Psychic can be used to get ahold of Stone and with Pip and Greninja you'll be just fine." Paarthurnax explained.
"Well... What are we waiting for Slowpokes, lets go." Turbo said impatiently.
Stone was ready to roll down a hill to crush the residence of Poketown down below. He snickered in excitement for his genius plan until he was suddenly surrounded. "The Starter Squad!" He growled.
The Starter Squad showed him their badges. "You are under arrest Stone." Lightning cried.
"I don't think so..." the huge Golem then curled up into a large ball and rolled towards the Squad with Rollout.
"Flare! We need that Psychic now!" Lightning ordered.
The female Delphox named Flare raised the giant living rock up from the ground with Psychic. Pip and the Greninja shoot at the Golem with water gun weakening him. Lightning used Iron Tail. The Pignite used Arm Thrust.
}Hurry! I don't know how long I can keep him contained." Flare warned. A few seconds later, as she expected, she lost her grip and Stone fell to the ground. Stone glared at the, with rage and used Stone Edge on Flare, stabbing her and killing her. The Starter Squad members gasped in terror of their friend's sealed fate.
Turbo got an idea as he ran around Stone with Agility making him dizzy. He was down. "Great job Turbo, now let's bring him back to prison." Lightning said, putting him in Pokecuffs.
"Good job, you've caught Stone and put him back in prison. Well done, Starter Squad. You've saved Poketown once again. The P.K Police are making sure he will never escape again. By the way, what happened to Flare?" Paarthurnax asked.
"She was killed by Stone with a powerful Stone Edge" Lightning answered sullenly.
"Oh... I see..." Paarthurnax looked down sullenly as the other members did the same. "She was a great member. She fought well ever since she was a Fenniken and decided to continue helping the Squad, the best she could. She will be missed."
Finally a long waited update for this story. I hope you enjoyed. ^^
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