lol definitely to the next day chapter.
I haven't eaten in weeks.
I haven't gone to school in weeks.
I haven't talked in weeks.
I could only lay in bed thinking about the flatline.
the memory's have engraved themselves into my brain.
recently, I have started on a habit.
its a bad one most of the time I ended up on the bathroom floor laying in my own blood with a razor in my hand.
I did it not because it made me happy or i stopped the sobbing, no.
every time I would be laying there passed out on the floor.
in my uncontiusnes I would visit tommy.
we always where in this void.
it was weird but I always enjoyed Tommy's company.
I enjoyed it till I always got pulled back into my body.
and the cycle repeated each time with more blood shed.
one time I went outside to get food after days.
when I entered my room with my food I went over to my pc forgetting to lock the door.
I sat down on my chair and started playing Minecraft forgetting about the food completely.
after I got bord of playing single player I got on my and Tommy's word.
I don't know what I expected but like always I broke down.
with tears in my eyes I stand up.
I go to my bathroom and go straight to my sink, once again forgetting to lock the door.
I go towards my sink and take the razor blade on the edge of the sink.
I slide down and sit down on my bathroom floor with the already bloody razor in my hands.
"I should just kill myself already, without, him I cant do this" I think
tears brim my eyes again and I pull up my knees hugging them tightly.
I cry for a while until I start to calm down.
I look at the razor blade.
I move my hand over my already marked arm.
I hover the blade over my wrist.
"Lets see tommy again " I say and smile as I trace the razor over my skin.
one cut.
my vision became blurry as a small pool below me formed.
more I need more a voice said, and I listen.
one more
two more.
and darkens surrounds my vision.
more more more the voice sung to me.
three more
the darkness takes my vision.
as I feel something warm on my shoulder.
I expected to awake in the silence void with tommyinnit.
but as I awoke there was a really bright light.
I move my hand to block it, but as I bring my hand over my eyes the light wont stop shining.
I became confused and sat up and looked at my hands to see they where transparent.
"what?" I ask as I look around.
and a second later I saw what I was sitting on.
my fucking body.
I imeadietly get of the bed to get off me.
to realise i couldn't feel the cold floor below me i just shake my head and ignore it.
I look down at myself in shock.
there I was, in a hospital bed just like Tommy's bed.
i was laying there peacefully just sleeping, my arms where bandaged from finger tips to shoulders.
i hear a door open and my head snaps towards the direction it came from.
i saw Wilbur enter the room soon followed by Phil and techno .
and I knew the look all of them had on there faces.
yeah my only excuse is I hate my French lessons
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