Từ vựng
Academy of finace: hoc viên tai'chinh’
Academy: hoc viên, viên
Finace: tai'chinh’
Sweden acadamy institute: viên han'lâm thuy ðiên?
Institute: han'lâm
Onetime: =once
Twotime: =twice
Once peryear: =once yearly
Every year: môi~nãm
Go abroad: ði nýõc’ngoai'
Go oversea: ði nýõc’ngoai'
Political: thuôc vê'chinh’tri, quantâmðên’CT, lam'CT
Politician : chinh’trigia
Politics : chinh’trihoc, nên'chinh’tri
Poliburo : bô chinh’tri
Politic : khôn ngoan
Communist : côngsan?, ngýõi'côngsan?
VN communist party : Ðangcôngsan VN
General secretary : Tông?Bi’thý, United national general secretary
Party leader: Tông?Bi’thý
Member of poliburo: thanh'viên Bô chinh’tri
*: member of central party committee, uy viên TW Ðang
Committee: uy ban
Legislation: lâp phap’
Legislator: nha'lâp phap’=law maker
Parlement member: Ðai biêu Quôc’Hôi
Parlement : Quôc’hôi cua Tý Ban?
National assembly: Quôc’Hôi
Assembly : hôi hop, lãp’rap’
National party congress : ÐaiHôi Ðang?
Chairman of parlement: Chu?TichQuôc’Hôi
Deputy chairman of parlement: pho’ChuTichQuôc’Hôi
Management: hanh'phap’
Adminitration: hanh'phap’
Cabinet: nôi cac’
The president of state: chu?tich nýõc’, tông?thông’
Deputy president of state: pho’chu?tich nýõc’
Ministry: bô(môt tô?chýc’câp’cao)
The ministry of Internal affairs: bô nôi vu
Internal affairs ministry: bô nôi vu
Internal department: sõ nôi vu
External department: sõ ngoai vu
Interior affairs department: bô nôi ðia(my~)
Foreign affairs ministry: bô ngoai giao
State secretary: ngoai trýõng (my~,phap’)
Foreigner: ngýõi'nýõc’ngoai'
Bô NN&PtNT: agriculture and rural development ministry
Bo GTVT: communication and transport ministry
Justice ministry: bô tý phap’
Judge: thâm?phan’
Bo CThuong: industry and trade ministry
Finance ministry: bô tai'chinh’
Finanacial: thuôc vê'tai'chinh’
Urban : thuôc vê'thanh'thi
Data : dý~liêu
Bo Qphong': national defense ministry
Bo CA: Public security Ministry
Bo BCVT: telecommunication and post ministry
Police: canh?sat’
Bo VH-TT-DL: culture, sport and tourism ministry
Tourism: du lich
Branch: chi nhanh’
Level: câp’
End device: thiêt bi ðâu cuôi
Computer: may tinh
Network print: may in kêt nôi trong vãn phong.
Voip phones: may ðiên thoai xý ly trên mang sô liêu.
Security cameras: cameras bao mât
Mobile handheld device
Intermediary: _network device: thiêt bi mang trung gian
Network access device: thiêt bi truy câp mang nhý: hubs, switches, wireless access point.
Access: truy câp
Accessible: co’ thê sý dung, truy câp…
Internetwork device : thiêt bi liên mang
Communication: _server and modems: may chu va' modem kêt nôi mang
Security device: thiêt bi bao ve nhu : firewalls.
Maintain : duy tri
Alternate: luan phien
Notify : thong bao
Regenerate : tai tao
Retransmit : truyen lai
Signal : tin hieu.
Processes : xu ly
Component : thanh phan
Classify : sap xep
Direct : gui truc tiep
According : theo
Priority: uu tien
QoS: quality of service
Permit: cho phep
Deny: tu choi, phu nhan
Flow: chay, tran'
Based on: can cu tren, dua tren
Network media: moi truong mang
Metallic wires within cables: day kim loai trong cap
Metallic: thuoc ve kim loai
Glass fiber: cap quang
Plastic fiber; cap quang
Wireless transmission: mang phat vo tuyen
Criateria: tieu chuan (for choice a network media):
Ditance: khoang cach(the media can successfully carry a signal)
Environment: moi truong tu nhien (in which the media is to be installed)
Amount of data: luong data (and the speed at which it must be transmitted.)
The cost: chi phi ( the cost of the media and installation)
Installation: su lap dat
Term: gioi han
Individual: ca nhan, rieng le
Span: mo rong
geographical : thuoc vung dia ly
application: ung dung
common: pho bien
campus: mang khuon vien
region: vung', mien'.
Separate: ngãn cach, khoang cach
WAN: wide area network, mang diên rông
Instant: khân câ’p
Following: nho’m
Performance: sý thýc thi
Global: toan' câu'
Mesh: mang lýõi’,
ISPs: internet servise providers,”cac’ nhà cung câp’ dich vu”
Intranet: mang nôi bô
Refer : (to), ðê' câp ðên’ …
Belong: (to), thuôc vê'
Authorization: sý cho phep’, sý câp’ phep’
Network interface card:card giao diên mang, nôi cap’mang vao' PC
Physical port: công mang vât ly’
Interface: giao diên, mach ghep’ nôi’, chãn’ nôi mang.
Protocol: giao thýc’, cac’ quy tãc’ ðê nôi’ cac’ mang või’ nhau
Govern: chi phôi’, quyêt’ ðinh
Predetermined: quyêt’ ðinh
Specific: ranh' mach, cu thê
Characteristic: ðãc trýng
Specific: ranh' mach, cu thê
Conversation: kêt’ nôi’, kêt hõp
Stack: ngãn xêp’
Layer: phân lõp’
Suite: bô.
Implement: thýc thi, thýc hanh'
Hierarchy: hê ðãng câp’
Formal: theo nghi thýc, cân ðôi’
Simply: ðõn gian
Custom: thoi’ quen, phong tuc
Pratice: thoi’ quen
Describe: diên ta, mô ta
Encapsulated: ðong’ goi’, tom’ luoc, tom’ gon’
Encapsulation: su dong goi, tom’ luoc, tom’ gon
Destination : ðich’, ðiêm ðên’
Underlying : phia’ dýõi’,cõ ban, cõ sõ,ýu tiên.
Exchange: trao ðôi
Initiate: bãt’ ðâu', khõi ðâu'.
Fit: ãn khõp’
Framework: khuôn khô, khung
Presentation: sý biêu diên,
Session: giao tiêp’, truyên thông
Interpret: biên dich,
Appropriate: thich’ ýng’.
Compression: su nen’
Encryption: ma hoa’
Upon : trên
Receipt : nhânj.
Dialogs : cuôc ðôi’ thoaij
period of time: chu trinh' thõi' gian.
Period: chu trinh',
Disrupt: ðýt’ ðoanj.
Idle: nhan' rôix
DNS: hê thông’ tên miên', “domain name system
DHCP: giao thýc’ câu’ hinh' HOST ðôngj,” Dynamic Host Configuration Pro”
HTTP: giao thýc’ truyên' siêu vãn ban,” Hypertext Transfer Protocol”
SMTP: giao thýc’ truyên' thý tin’,” Simple mail Transfer Protocol”
FTP: giao thýc’ truyên' tâp tin.
Telnet: chýõng trinh' thâm nhâp may’ tinh’ õ xa.
Development : phat’triên
Drepression: suy thoai’
Decline : suy thoai’
Crisis: khung?hoang?
Inflation: lam phat’
Growth: tãng trýõng?
Growth rate: ty lê tãng trýõng?
Growth speed: tôc’ðô tãng trýõng
Unemployment: thât’nghiêp
Dismission: sa thai?
Sack: sa thai?
Surplus: thãng dý
Deficit: thâm hut
Trade balace: can’cân thýõng mai
Salary: lýõng
Wage: lýõng tuân', phat’ðông
Economic sector: thanh'phân'kinhtê’
Sector: thanh'phân'
Fiscal policy: chinh’sach’tai'khoa’
Financial policy: chinh’sach’tai'chinh’
Right: quyên'
Duty: quyên'
Monopoly: sý ðôc quyên'
Duty free: miên~thuê’
Material: chât’ liêu, vât liêu,
Material: vât chât’
Raw material: nguyên liêu
Fuel: nhiên liêu
Fuel: tiêp’nhiên liêu cho cai’gi'
Spiritual: tinh thân'
Spirit: linh hôn', tinh thân'
Spirits: rýõu manh
Communist: công san
Party: ðang phai’, ðôi’tac’
VN communist party: ðang công san viêt nam
Government: chinh’phu
The state: nha'nýõc’
Take care of: chãm soc’ai?
Apply S.TH to: ap’ dung cai’gi' vao' ðâu?
Plastic: thuôc vê' nhýa, ðýõc lam' bãng' nhýa
Iron: sãt’, ban' la'
Glass: thuy tinh, côc’
Wood: gô~
Timber: cây lây’gô~
Steel: thep’
Cloth: vai voc’
Rubber: cao su
Gold: vang'
Golden: thuôc vê' vang'
Silver: bac
Silver: thõ vang'
Lead: chi'
Plantinum: bach kim
Copper: ðông'
Bronze: ðông' thiêc’
Medal: huy chýõng
Diamond: kim cýõng
Nilon: nilông
Cotton: côtông, bông
Composite: chât’tônghõp
Leather: lông, da
Wool: len
China: sý’
Porcelain: gôm’
Paper: giây’
Flour: bôt(j)
Sand: cat’
Stone: ða’
Cement: ximãng
Soil: ðât’ soi
Inox: inox
Jewelry: ðô' trang sýc’, jewellary
Crystal: thach anh
Sthing be made of: vân nhin' thây’chât’liêu
Sthing be made from: không thây’chât’liêu
Sthing be made in: ðýõc lam' õ ðâu
Onion: hanh'
Garlic: toi?
Glutionous: gao nêp’
Salt: muôi’
Salty: mãn
Fat: thit mõ~, beo’(adj)
Green bean: ðâu xanh
Soya: ðâu nanh'
But: ngoai trý', “I like nothing but a dimond”
Country: nýõc’,(noi’vê'ðia ly’)
Territory: vung' lanh~thô?
Apply S.TH to: ap’ dung cai’gi' vao' ðâu?
On occasion of: nhân ngay'
Earing: bông tai
Pair of: ðôi “pair of earing”
Swizerland: thuy sy
Swiss: ngýõi' thuy sy
Sweden: thuy ðiên
Swedish: ngýõi'thuy ðiên
China: trung quôc’
Chinese: ngýõi'trung quôc’
Sweden: thuy ðiên
Swedish: ngýõi'thuy ðiên
Spain: tây ban nha
Spainish: ngýõi'tây ban nha
Portugal: bô'ðao'nha
Portugese: ngýõi'bô'ðao'nha
Japan: nhât
Janpanese: ngýõi'nhât
Italy: y’
Italian: ngýõi'y’
Iraq: irãc’
Iraqui: ngýõi'irãc’
Russia: nga
Russia : ngýõi'nga
Korea : han'quôc’
Korean : ngýõi'han'quôc’
France: phap’
French: ngýõi'phap’
Germany: ðýc’
German: ngýõi'ðýc’
Australia: uc’
Australian: ngýõi'uc’
England: anh
English: ngýõi'anh
The great Britain: liên hiêp anh
Brazil: brazil
Brazillian: ngýõi'brazil
The UK: united kingdom, výõng quôc anh
USA: the united states of amarica:
Amarican: ngýõi'my~
Administrative: hanh'chinh’
Administrative unit: ðõn vi hanh'chinh’
Province: thu?ðô
Capital: thu?ðô
Central: thuôc trung ýõng
Local: thuôc ðia phýõng
District: tinh?, huyên
Commune: xa~, công xa~
Village: xa~
Ward: phýõng'
Hamlet: thôn xom’
PMU18: project management unit, ban quan ly’dý an’
Head: ðâu'
Skull: ðâu'lâu (sõ'câu)
Shoulder: vai
Eye: mãt’, ðê?y’, ðê mãt’ STH
Ex: an eye is soul’s windown
Arm: canh’tay
Arm Sbody: trang bi vu~trang cho ai
Armed force: lýc lýõng vu~trang
Hand: tay
Mouth: miêng
Chin: cãm'
Ex: keep one’s chin up, ai luôn týõi cýõi'
Ear: tai
Earing: bông tai
Foot: ban'chân
Leg: chân
Throat: cô?hong
Nose: mui~
Tooth: môt cai’rãng
Teeth: nhiêu'cai’rãng
Upper jaw: ham'rãng trên
Lower jaw: ham'rãng dýõi’
Bone: xýõng
Back: lýng, ung?hô Sbody
Back bone,spine: xýõng sông’
Lung: phôi?
Lung cancer: ung thý phôi?
Small intestant: long'non
Larger intestant: long'gia'
Cheek: ma’
Cheek bone: xýõng go'ma’
Ex: kiss on cheek, hôn lên ma’
Hair: sõi toc’, mai’toc’
Lip: môi
Eye brow: lông may'
Eye lash: lông mi
Nail: mong’tay, nghê'trang ðiêm mong’tay
Belly: bung
Stomach: da day'
Neck: cô?
Necklace: dây chuyên'
Blood: mau’, huyêt’thông’, dinh’ðây’mau’
Bloody: chêt’tiêt
Liver: gan
Hip: mông
Chest: ngýc, býõm’
Mother_tongue langue: tiêng’me ðe?
Beard : râu
Forehead : tran’
Finger :ngon’tay
Ring finger: ngon’nhân~
Pain: ðau ðõn’, nôi~ðau
Chest pain: chýng’ðau ngýc
Painful: gây ðau, ðau ðõn’
Headache: ðau ðâu'
Backache: ðau lýng
Stomache: ðau da day'
Ex: I have a headache
Ex: I have a pain a (part of body)
Desease: bênh tât
Flu: cam?cum’
Bird flu: dich cum’giacâm'
Measles: bênh sõi?
Mumps: quai bi
Encaphalitis : viêm nao~ (nhât ban?)
Tonsillitis : viêm hong
Hepatitis : viêm gan
Arthritis : viêm khõp’
Pneumonia : viêm phôi?
Chest cold : viêm phôi?
Lovesick(adj) : týõng tý
Lovesickness : bênh týõng tý
Homesich: nhõ’nha'
Fever: sôt’
Obesity: bênh beo’phi'
Obese(adj): beo’phi'
Asthma: bênh hen
Trauma: chân’thýõng, tôn?thýõng
stress: cang thang ;"put the tress on"
courtesan: gai goi hang sang; courtezan
division: su cat'; "divide the class into 2 groups "
finally: cuoi cung thi...; "finally, she got married to me"
cook: dau bep
chef: bep truong
beef : thit bo'
name: ten; "we will name our son mit' "
ordinal: so' thuong'
digital: thuoc ve' so',
technology: cong nghe; "the technology of computer"
millionare: trieu phu
billionare: ty phu
remote area: vung sau vung xa
cardinal: so thu' tu
role: vai tro, vai dien.
play leading role: thu vai chinh (trong kich), dong vai tro lanh dao
dialect: phuong ngu
general: toan the, tong the, chung...
general store: cua hang bach hoa
general hospital: benh vien da khoa
win: chien thang, "win sbody's heart"
lose: mat, lam hai, "lose sbody's heart to me"
morning: sang'
afternoon: chieu'
evening: toi'
night: khuya
deaday: ngay chet, ngay do~
wedding day: ngay cuoi'
mariadge: ngay cuoi'
divorce: ngay ly di
anniversary: ngay ki niem, "anniversary on "-ky niem ngay nao?
christmast: le giang sinh
ex: cuu, co'
former: cuu, co'
mayday: Quoc te lao dong
labour day: Quoc te lao dong
international: quoc te, "international woman's day"
invalid: nguoi benh tat, tan' phe', vo hieu,"war invalid day"
national: dan toc, quoc gia, "national festival" or "national holiday"
snake: con ran'
secretary: thu ky
dove: chim bo cau, "the eyes of you are as dark as dove's"
date: ngay, hen gap ai? "have a date with Sbody" or " date Sbody?"
navel: ron (nguoi), trung tam
centre: trung tam
agent: tac' nhan
cradle: cai Noi, "rock the cadle"-dua noi
cow : con bo'
angel: thien than'
avatar: thien than',su hien than
magi: thien than', dao si
daughter: con gai, "daughter in law"-con dau
paddy: thoc lua, dung cu khoan, "paddy field"-ruong
lot: nhieu, "cast lots"-rut tham; "lot of land"-lo dat
noun: danh tu'
adjective: tinh' tu'
adverb: trang tu'
preposition: gioi tu'
subject: chu ngu
complement: bô ngý~
object: tân ngý~
conjunction: tu nôi’giua cac cau
possessive_adj: tinh' t?' s? h?u~
V-trannsitive: ngoai dong tu;"meet ghost"
V-intransitive: noi dong tu;"meet with ghost"
speaker: loa, nguoi noi'
marker: but long; "black/white board marker"- but long viet bang den
fan: quat; "table/wall/ceiling fan"-quat ban' /tuong/tran'
body: than the, co quan
altar: ban' tho'
insame: huong (huong khoi')
lamp: den' neon
buld: den' toc'
contact: cong tat, su giao tiep, su gap go
switch off: tat' (den')
cap: mu luoi trai
hat: mu thuong'
pot: noi, xoong, chao
knife: con dao
electricity column: cot dien
electricity cooker: noi com dien
chopstick: doi dua (an)
fork: xien, nia (an)," fork out"-trao tra, tra tien, xuy ra
helmet: mu bao hiem
rag: gie rach, gie lau
cleaner: cai de lau chui'
astray: gat tan'
ink-pot: lo muc
twin-tower: thap doi
gas station: tram xang
wardrobe: tu quan ao
fridge: may lam dong lanh
bottle: chai, lo; "bottel of wine"-chai ruou
air conditioner: may dieu hoa
refrigerator: tu lanh
freezer: tu lanh
fridge: tu lanh
ice-box: tu lanh
singlet: ao lot, ao day
underwear: ao quan lot
potocopier: may photo copy
obey: chap hanh, nghe loi "abey traffic law"-chap hanh luat giao thong
glasses: kinh, guong, thuy tinh
lawful: hop phap
short sighted: can thi; "short sighted glasses"-kinh can
far sighted: vien thi ; "far sighted glasses"-kinh vien
colour glasses: kinh mau
sun glasses: kinh ram
plural: sô’ nhiêu'
singular: sô’ it’
safe: ket’ sãt’
burner: l? hýõng, lo' ðôt’
fairy: cô tiên
grip: niu’ giý~ (Vtr)
name: thýõng hiêu, “be named after + tên ai?”-ðãt theo tên ai?
brand: nhan~(hang'hoa’)
trademark: tên nhan~, thýõng hiêu
give: ðýa, sinh ra, cho,”give a birth to a child”
product: san phâm
inventor: ngýõi'sang’lâp
establish: ngýõi'thanh'lâp, chýng’minh, cung cô’
Mr.: ông, what do you call her_hoi vê' chýc’týõc’
Mrs: ba'
Miss: cô
Ms: cô(chýa ro~ ða~ co’chông'?)
Sir: ngai'
Title: “title SBD as “Sir””-phong týõc’hiêu cho ai?
Professor: Pr, giao’sý
Associate professor: pho’giao’sý
Doctor: Dr,tiên’si~
Master of arts: thac si~
Period: giai ðoan
Greeting: lõi' chao', greet SBD
Bow SBD: cui’chao'ai?
Wink: nhay’mãt’ai?-wink at SBD
Formal: trang trong
Informal: không trang trong
Farewell: tam biêt, “farewell until we meet again!”
Have success: chuc’thanh'công
Forget: quên,
Forest: rýng'
Dreamed: mõ co’thât
Dreamy: mõ mông hao~ huyên', “never be dreamy”
Material: chât’ liêu, vât liêu,
Material: vât chât’
Raw material: nguyên liêu
Fuel: nhiên liêu
Fuel: tiêp’nhiên liêu cho cai’gi'
Spiritual: tinh thân'
Spirit: linh hôn', tinh thân'
Spirits: rýõu manh
Communist: công san
Party: ðang phai’, ðôi’tac’
VN communist party: ðang công san viêt nam
Government: chinh’phu
The state: nha'nýõc’
Take care of: chãm soc’ai?
Apply S.TH to: ap’ dung cai’gi' vao' ðâu?
On occasion of: nhân ngay'
Earing: bông tai
Pair of: ðôi “pair of earing”
In-service: tai chýc’
Transport: phýõng tiên
Bike: xe ðap
Bicyle: xe ðap
Car: xe hõi
Lorry: xe tai
Truck : xe tai nãng
Taxi service motobike : xe ôm
Motobike : môtô
Plane: may’bay
Jet: may’bay gia’re
Train: tau hoa?
Coach: xe ðo', xe khach’, toa tau'
Coach: huân’luânviên
Vomit: nôn
Bus: xe bus
Ship: tau'thuy
Boat: con ðo'
Ferri: pha'
Cyclo: xich’lô
Underground: tau'ðiên ngâm'
Subway: tau' ðiên ngâm'
Metro: tau'ðiên ngâm'
Tube: tau'ðiên ngâm'
Richshaw: xe keo’ bãng' ngýõi'
Corporation: tông?côngty, tâp ðoan'
Hithhike: ði nhõ'xe, s? ði nhõ'
Cultural: vãn hoa’
Insurrance: bao? Hiêm?
Croup: tâp ðoan', nhom’
Consortium: tâp ðoan'
Come: there, here
Get: there, here
Go: there, here
Attract: thu hut’
Interest: lôi cuôn’, lai~suât’
Dynamic: nãng ðông
Especially: ðãc biêt la'
Specially: ðãc biêt
Foreign: nýõc’ngoai'
Bathe: tãm’
Have a bath: tãm’
Take a bath: tãm’
Have dinner: ãn tôi’
Diner: ãn t?i, “lýu y’, ðoc khac’ dinner”
Economy: nên'kinhtê’
Economic: tinh’kinhtê’
Economics: kinh tê’hoc
Economic theory: hoc thuyêt’KT
Economist: nha'KT
Economical: tiêt’kiêm
Bartender: nhân viên quan’bar
Airhostest: tiêp’viên hang'không
Flight attendant: tiêp’viên hang'không
Invest : ðâu'tý,”invest S.TH In”
Investment: sý ðâu'tý
Foreign: nýõc’ngoài,”foreign currency exchange”
Go bankrupt: pha’san?
Be in bankrupt: trong bõ'výc pha’san?
Petrolium company: công ty dâu'khi’
Enterprise: doanh nghiêp
Firm: hang kinh doanh
Unfortunate: không may mãn’
Take a rest: nghi ngõi
Reform: (on) cai?cach’
Waste: waste S.th V_ing, lang~phi’lam'cai’gi'
Spend: spend S.th on, tiêu xai', sý?dung
Charity: tý'thiên
Spend time V_ing: trai qua time
Spend money V_ing: tiêu xai'tiên'
Meter: met’
Metre: met’
Kilometer: km
Approximatetly: khoang? = some, about
Some+N_it’: gi'ðo’, ai ðo’
Some+N_nhiêu': môt vai'
Horizon: chân trõi'
Convention: hôi nghi
National convention centre : trung tâm hôi nghi quôc’gia
President palace :lãng bac’
President :chu?tich
Palace :lãng, cung ðiên
Square : quang?trýõng', BaÐinh'Square
Cubic :(adj) khôi’, cubic meter
Flyover: câu'výõt
Overpass: câu'výõt
Academy of finace: hoc viên tai'chinh’
Academy: hoc viên, viên
Finace: tai'chinh’
Sweden acadamy institute: viên han'lâm thuy ðiên?
Institute: han'lâm
Onetime: =once
Twotime: =twice
Once peryear: =once yearly
Every year: môi~nãm
Go abroad: ði nýõc’ngoai'
Go oversea: ði nýõc’ngoai'
Political: thuôc vê'chinh’tri, quantâmðên’CT, lam'CT
Politician : chinh’trigia
Politics : chinh’trihoc, nên'chinh’tri
Poliburo : bô chinh’tri
Politic : khôn ngoan
Communist : côngsan?, ngýõi'côngsan?
VN communist party : Ðangcôngsan VN
General secretary : Tông?Bi’thý, United national general secretary
Party leader: Tông?Bi’thý
Member of poliburo: thanh'viên Bô chinh’tri
*: member of central party committee, uy viên TW Ðang
Committee: uy ban
Legislation: lâp phap’
Legislator: nha'lâp phap’=law maker
Parlement member: Ðai biêu Quôc’Hôi
Parlement : Quôc’hôi cua Tý Ban?
National assembly: Quôc’Hôi
Assembly : hôi hop, lãp’rap’
National party congress : ÐaiHôi Ðang?
Chairman of parlement: Chu?TichQuôc’Hôi
Deputy chairman of parlement: pho’ChuTichQuôc’Hôi
Management: hanh'phap’
Adminitration: hanh'phap’
Cabinet: nôi cac’
The president of state: chu?tich nýõc’, tông?thông’
Deputy president of state: pho’chu?tich nýõc’
Ministry: bô(môt tô?chýc’câp’cao)
The ministry of Internal affairs: bô nôi vu
Internal affairs ministry: bô nôi vu
Internal department: sõ nôi vu
External department: sõ ngoai vu
Interior affairs department: bô nôi ðia(my~)
Foreign affairs ministry: bô ngoai giao
State secretary: ngoai trýõng (my~,phap’)
Foreigner: ngýõi'nýõc’ngoai'
Bô NN&PtNT: agriculture and rural development ministry
Bo GTVT: communication and transport ministry
Justice ministry: bô tý phap’
Judge: thâm?phan’
Bo CThuong: industry and trade ministry
Finance ministry: bô tai'chinh’
Finanacial: thuôc vê'tai'chinh’
Urban : thuôc vê'thanh'thi
Data : dý~liêu
Bo Qphong': national defense ministry
Bo CA: Public security Ministry
Bo BCVT: telecommunication and post ministry
Police: canh?sat’
Bo VH-TT-DL: culture, sport and tourism ministry
Tourism: du lich
Branch: chi nhanh’
Level: câp’
Multi_lateral: ða phýõng
Bi_lateral: song phýõng
Uni_lateral: ðõn phýõng
BBC: bristish broadcasting corporation,tâp ðoan'truyên'thông anhquôc’
Weather: thõi'tiêt’
Season: mua'
Dry season: mua'khô
Around the year: quanh nãm
All the year: quanh nãm
Forcast: dý bao’(v), sý dý bao’(n)
Weather forcast: dý bao’thõi'tiêt’
Hot: nong’
Heat(n): nong’
Cold: lanh, sý lanh lung'(n)
Cold heart: trai’tim bãng gia’
Coldness: sý lanh(n)
Wet: âm ýõt’
Wetten: lam'ýõt’(V_tr)
Dry: khô(V_tr)
Humid: âm?
Humidity: ðô âm?
Rainy: co’mýa
Rain: mýa (V_intr)
Cool: mat’me?
Warm: âm’ap’
Windy: co’gio’
Wind: gio’
Cloudy: co’mây
Cloud: mây
Smoggy: co’sýõng mu'
Smog: sýõng mu'
Foggy: co’sýõng(hat)
Fog: sýõng(hat)
Ice: kem ða’
Snowy: co’tuyêt’
Snow: tuyêt’
Animal: loai'vât
Frog: coc’
Snake; rãn’
Insect: sâu, côn trung'
Snail: ôc’sên
Silk_warm: sâu
Butterfly: býõm’
Mosquito: muôi~
Peacock: công
Bird: chim
Crab: cua
Crocodile: con ca’sâu’
Elephant: voi
Rabbit: tho?
Puma: bao’
Ant: kiên’
Daragon: long(rông')
Unicorn: li(lân)
Tortoise: quy(rua')
Phonenix: phýõng(phýõng hoang')
Donkey: lýa'
Monkey: khi?
Head: ðâu'
Skull: ðâu'lâu (sõ'câu)
Shoulder: vai
Eye: mãt’, ðê?y’, ðê mãt’ STH
Ex: an eye is soul’s windown
Arm: canh’tay
Arm Sbody: trang bi vu~trang cho ai
Armed force: lýc lýõng vu~trang
Hand: tay
Mouth: miêng
Chin: cãm'
Ex: keep one’s chin up, ai luôn týõi cýõi'
Ear: tai
Earing: bông tai
Foot: ban'chân
Leg: chân
Throat: cô?hong
Nose: mui~
Tooth: môt cai’rãng
Teeth: nhiêu'cai’rãng
Upper jaw: ham'rãng trên
Lower jaw: ham'rãng dýõi’
Bone: xýõng
Back: lýng, ung?hô Sbody
Back bone,spine: xýõng sông’
Lung: phôi?
Lung cancer: ung thý phôi?
Small intestant: long'non
Larger intestant: long'gia'
Cheek: ma’
Cheek bone: xýõng go'ma’
Ex: kiss on cheek, hôn lên ma’
Hair: sõi toc’, mai’toc’
Lip: môi
Eye brow: lông may'
Eye lash: lông mi
Nail: mong’tay, nghê'trang ðiêm mong’tay
Belly: bung
Stomach: da day'
Neck: cô?
Necklace: dây chuyên'
Blood: mau’, huyêt’thông’, dinh’ðây’mau’
Bloody: chêt’tiêt
Liver: gan
Hip: mông
Chest: ngýc, býõm’
Mother_tongue langue: tiêng’me ðe?
Beard : râu
Forehead : tran’
Finger :ngon’tay
Ring finger: ngon’nhân~
Pain: ðau ðõn’, nôi~ðau
Chest pain: chýng’ðau ngýc
Painful: gây ðau, ðau ðõn’
Headache: ðau ðâu'
Backache: ðau lýng
Stomache: ðau da day'
Ex: I have a headache
Ex: I have a pain a (part of body)
Desease: bênh tât
Flu: cam?cum’
Bird flu: dich cum’giacâm'
Measles: bênh sõi?
Mumps: quai bi
Encaphalitis : viêm nao~ (nhât ban?)
Tonsillitis : viêm hong
Hepatitis : viêm gan
Arthritis : viêm khõp’
Pneumonia : viêm phôi?
Chest cold : viêm phôi?
Lovesick(adj) : týõng tý
Lovesickness : bênh týõng tý
Homesich: nhõ’nha'
Fever: sôt’
Obesity: bênh beo’phi'
Obese(adj): beo’phi'
Asthma: bênh hen
Trauma: chân’thýõng, tôn?thýõng
Development : phat’triên
Drepression: suy thoai’
Decline : suy thoai’
Crisis: khung?hoang?
Inflation: lam phat’
Growth: tãng trýõng?
Growth rate: ty lê tãng trýõng?
Growth speed: tôc’ðô tãng trýõng
Unemployment: thât’nghiêp
Dismission: sa thai?
Sack: sa thai?
Surplus: thãng dý
Deficit: thâm hut
Trade balace: can’cân thýõng mai
Salary: lýõng
Wage: lýõng tuân', phat’ðông
Economic sector: thanh'phân'kinhtê’
Sector: thanh'phân'
Fiscal policy: chinh’sach’tai'khoa’
Financial policy: chinh’sach’tai'chinh’
Right: quyên'
Duty: quyên'
Monopoly: sý ðôc quyên'
Duty free: miên~thuê’
Weather: thõi'tiêt’
Season: mua'
Dry season: mua'khô
Around the year: quanh nãm
All the year: quanh nãm
Forcast: dý bao’(v), sý dý bao’(n)
Weather forcast: dý bao’thõi'tiêt’
Hot: nong’
Heat(n): nong’
Cold: lanh, sý lanh lung'(n)
Cold heart: trai’tim bãng gia’
Coldness: sý lanh(n)
Wet: âm ýõt’
Wetten: lam'ýõt’(V_tr)
Dry: khô(V_tr)
Humid: âm?
Humidity: ðô âm?
Rainy: co’mýa
Rain: mýa (V_intr)
Cool: mat’me?
Warm: âm’ap’
Windy: co’gio’
Wind: gio’
Cloudy: co’mây
Cloud: mây
Smoggy: co’sýõng mu'
Smog: sýõng mu'
Foggy: co’sýõng(hat)
Fog: sýõng(hat)
Ice: kem ða’
Snowy: co’tuyêt’
Snow: tuyêt’
Animal: loai'vât
Frog: coc’
Snake; rãn’
Insect: sâu, côn trung'
Snail: ôc’sên
Silk_warm: sâu
Butterfly: býõm’
Mosquito: muôi~
Peacock: công
Bird: chim
Crab: cua
Crocodile: con ca’sâu’
Elephant: voi
Rabbit: tho?
Puma: bao’
Ant: kiên’
Daragon: long(rông')
Unicorn: li(lân)
Tortoise: quy(rua')
Phonenix: phýõng(phýõng hoang')
Donkey: lýa'
Monkey: khi?
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