After breakfast , abhi and pragya are about to go out, at that time Disha comes in...
Di: arey...where are you both going..
Ab: we are going for one TV show
Pr: Tu itna zaroori kaise hua film promotion .
Di: fine... come soon... we should go for shopping right..
Pra: haan..
At that time purab came there...
Disha looks at pragya ...
Pr: why are you seeing me like this
Di: you are glowing today..
Ab: hey naa Disha... even I said her..
Disha pinches pragya's cheek and kissed her fingers..
Abhi and purab smiles seeing them...
Then abhigya left from there...
In that show.....
Host: so thank you for coming guys...I am very glad to have you both in my show...
Host asks abhi," your best and worst costars"
Ab: oh could I say that... it is really inappropriate to ask this question but anyways best is Pragya and worst is .....also her..
Ho: so abhi you gave safe answers..
Ab: actually... whether this is safe or not I will know only after going home..
Ho: pragya so tell us, what is your first gift from abhi..
Pragya gives an 'oops' reaction and thinks..
Pr: well it is something like
Ab: what something? Don't tell me that you forgot that...
Pragya quickly says," no no...I didn't is a yellow coloured teddy"
Ab: no
Pr: yes...even we fought about the colour..
Ab: yes...but it was not the first gift..
Pragya turns to the host and says...
Pr: you asked easy question for him and tough question for me..
Pragya tells," Haan ... it's a chocolate.."
Ab: which chocolate?
Pr: that was not the question
Ab: no but I am asking you..tell me
Pragya nudges him and whines," abhii"
Ab: ye nahi chalega... you forgot that,I will see you later..
Host chuckles and asks the next question...
Ho: abhi....we have always noticed,in all of your interviews when we ask you about your date interest, you will just smile but now we came to know the reason..but other than pragya, on seeing any other heroine or any other girl have you ever wished to go for a date with her..
Abhi genuinely says," no ...I have never ever wished something like that...the first thing comes to my mind seeing any girl is that she doesn't even hold a candle next to my pragya.."
Pragya face palms to hide her blush..
On hearing abhi the host said," aww"
Hos: some words about Tu itna zaroori kaise hua...
Pr: that movie is so special to will be always close to my heart ...we enjoyed doing that film, hope you all will enjoy watching that..
Host: abhi now we will show you one photo and then you should share the memories associated with that photo...
Then the pic was shown on the screen..
Pragya smiles seeing that photo..
Abhi : wow...I think this is a very old pic...I just love that day..we went to see my first movie in theatre..
Pr: that too first day first show..
Ab: it is a romantic movie, whenever a romantic scene comes , pragya will just act as if she is searching something down or checking her was very fun to see her face at that time..
Ho: pragya...that means you were jealous
Pr: no I am not..
Ab: I know she will say like that..
Pr: actually as it was the first time I am seeing him with another girl so I was little uncomfortable but I was not jealous...
Host: once again thank you for coming...I really enjoyed..
Pr: even we enjoyed
Abhi asks pragya playfully," really?"
Host chuckles and says,"oh no abhi" whereas Pragya hits him lightly..
Host: few words abhi
Ab: so Tu itna zaroori kaise hua is gonna release on July 3rd ,so I hope you all will like our film...and thank you fans for your support and your lovely wishes.. Though I couldn't reply, but I read many of your wedding wishes... thank you so much for that... love you all..
Then at home, after dinner, pragya is standing on the stairs and talking to Ronnie over phone ,at that she felt her head spin and dropped her mobile...she somehow balanced herself by holding the rail.. hearing that sound all turned towards her..abhi who sees pragya slowly losing conscious rushed to her from the hall...
When she was about to fall,abhi caught her... fear consumed abhi seeing pragya closing her eyes...
To be continued....
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