Dis: you are so cute abhi ...
Ra: haan haan....cute and stupid..
Abhi rolls his eyes and about to go to purab's room , at that time Disha says
Di: oh hello...where are you going
Confused abhi says," to sleep"
Di: that I know..... don't you have manners... going to my husband's room for disturbing us...we are married couples so you should give us privacy..
Abhi puts the pillows down and glares at her
Ab: am I disturbing?
Disha casually says," Haan..."
Ab: you are the one always forgetting that you are married to my brother and not to my wife
Disha takes the pillows and thrusts them on his hands and says," get in pragya is waiting for you"
Ab: no thanks...I am going to my brother
Saying he turned but Disha shouted," pra..."
Before she could complete abhi closed her mouth with his palm and says," please please... don't make her mood cranky...I am going"
Saying he got in and sits on the bed near her....he sees pragya glaring at him...
Ab: jaanu you are just seeing me right but I feel like you are glaring at me ..
Pr: you idiot, senseless moron, stupid,...
Ab: baby is hearing..
pragya controls her anger and says,"....you are every bad words in English,tamil and Hindi...I am keeping quiet only because you are my husband.."
Ab: what did I do now jaanu..
Pr: you are asking me?
Abhi gulps and nods
Pr: you are avoiding me Jaan..
Abhi's eyes widened hearing her,
Pr: nowadays you are not even sleeping in our room...I know you started hating me right..
Ab: Nahi... jaanu..how could I hate ...why will I hate you..
Pr: because I became fat nowadays ..
She keeps her hand on her stomach and says," don't worry baby,...we will get a new papa for you"
Abhi shouts," kyaa" and hugs her baby bump..
Ab: baby tell your mumma that your papa loves your mumma a lot... without your mumma your papa will di...
Pragya keeps her finger on his lips and says," enough"
Then she hugged him..
At midnight... pragya woke abhi
Pr: Jaan...utto
Abhi hurriedly gets up and says
Ab: what happened jaanu? Your water broke?come we shall go to hospital..
Pr: chup..not that
Ab: then...does your stomach hurt..
Pragya nods negatively..
Ab: then why did you wake me up
Pr: I am feeling suffocated..
Ab: you should have said me first itself
Saying he went and opened the windows..
Abhi sits near her ...
Ab:did you hear that sound
Pr: what sound ?
Abhi keeps his ears near her baby bump and says," baby is hungry"
Pr: no Jaan
Ab: arey baby is telling me
Pr: I didn't hear
Ab: what difference does it make if our baby said to me or you...common eat this fruits..
Then after feeding her,
Ab: now are you fine
Pragya nods negatively
Ab: then shall we go out for a walk..
Pragya excitedly says," haan... come we shall go to the park.."
Ab: I know why are you happy...I am sure I will not buy you ice-cream..
In park,
Ab: enough jaanu..baby will catch cold...
Pragya ignores him and enjoys her ice cream..
Abhi wipes the ice cream from the corner of her lips and says," I am not liking how you are easily making me to give into your wishes".
Pragya smiles and kisses on his cheek..
In car..
Pr: why is chocolate ice cream your favourite?.. can't you like strawberry or vanilla.. because of you our baby is also liking chocolate..
Ab: jaanu..I too noticed many times, nowadays you started liking my favourites..
Pr: I am not one liking..it's your baby..
Abhi chuckles seeing her frowning face..
Next day morning,
Disha pats pragya's head
Di: pragu get up..pragu..
Pragya opens her eyes and says
Pr: why are you waking me Disha..I slept lately...
Pragya's eyes brimmed...abhi says,"why are you making her to cry Disha?"
Disha panicks..
Di: I am just waking her abhi.
Ab: let her sleep
Di: no .....she needs to get ready for the function..
Pragya cries saying," I don't want any function...I need to sleep"
Ab: fine...you sleep..
Pragya closed her eyes and within seconds dozed off..
Disha looks at her closely and says
Di: she really slept..
Ab: haan....you make her to get ready after she wakes otherwise she will be cranky during the whole function..
Disha nods...
In hall guests are waiting to see pragya..
Ra: Neil...where is pragya..all are waiting for her..
At that time abhi comes there
Ne: abhi .. you are coming alone where is pragya
Ab: she is sleeping
Ra: what
Ab: she is crying if we wake her...
Ra: I will go and wake her
Ne: don't upset her...if she wants to sleep then it's okay
Ra: I will just try...if she cries then I will let her to sleep..
Then after sometime Ragini and Disha came down with pragya..
Purab sees abhi staring at pragya and says," oh hello Romeo behave like a papa.."
Abhi smiles sheepishly..
Abhi goes and sits near pragya...
Then the rituals started,..all blessed abhigya and their baby..
One lady asked abhi," so abhi you want a girl child or boy child"
Ab: anyone is fine...we both never wished in particular... because if we wished for boy but baby is girl then she should not feel that parents didn't want her..so we are happy with what god gives..
All smiles hearing him..
Lady: god should shower you three with all the blessings of the world..
Abhigya folds their hands 🙏🏻 Infront of her...
To be continued...
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