Abhi watching TV, his cell ring, he look the I'd, it shows Rajat, he pick the call..
Abhi- what happened..
Rajat- I forget to tell you important thing..
Abhi- what is it..
Rajat- on morning I informed you, about trainees..
Abhi- hmm, what about them..
Rajat- actually today one trainee will reached here..
Abhi- so as a CEO, behalf of company, I'll go to airport & received that trainee personally..
Rajat irks by his rude tone & he says- ugh! Listen to me fully first, bitter gourd, then start your lecture..
Abhi- hmm..
Rajat- good, one trainee will reached here today, but one problem is that, the trainee will share your apartment, with you..
Abhi- what! But why! We already arranged them our staff apartment, then what's the problem..
Pragya reached her destination, she checked the address once & she entered in..
Phone call continue..
Rajat- that's true, we arrange them a staff apartment but, one flat is not available, & you know the reason so well..
Abhi- oh god Rajat, proposed her man..
Rajat- we discuss these later, but please now welcome that trainee..
Abhi with bit attitude tone- I'm CEO damn, I'm boss of that trainee..
Rajat- I know you're boss, but please be little soft towards the trainees, otherwise they will think, you are arrogant, rude, egoistic & so on, & on..
Abhi with rude tone- bye, take care, & he cut the call before ask further details..
Abhi start to murmuring with himself- why all troubles in my life always, why not these Rajat gives me a peaceful life..
Door bell rings, Abhi called his servant & ordered him..
Abhi- look who's on door, if that management trainee, then show it guest room, & that management trainee will stay here for month, so make sure they be comfortable, ok..
Bob- ok sir..
Abhi- good, & open the door, check the letter of trainee, then show the guest room, after that send my dinner in my room, tomorrow morning, I'll go to office early..
Bob- ok sir..
Abhi walks towards in his room, Bob open the door..
Bob- yes..
Management trainee turn towards Bob, & showing the to address him..
Bob- this is the correct address, you have letter..
Management trainee- yes..
Bob look that letter & welcome in the house..
Management trainee wearing a black jeans with white t-shirt, on t-shirt, a checks red black shirt, Bob showing guest room to trainee..
Next day Abhi way towards the office, without asking, who was the person of management trainee..
On intercom..
Abhi- Siseel, is management trainees are present..
Siseel- yes sir, they are waiting for you in board room..
Abhi- very good, I'll be there in five minutes..
Siseel- ok sir..
Abhi be ready to go towards the board room, & his cell ring, it's from Rajat, he pick the call up..
Rajat- dude, you reached..
Abhi- on time, within five minutes, meeting will start with trainees..
Rajat surprise by his words- you are workaholic man..
Abhi- workaholic words getting old for me, something new word find out for me, cut the crap, & tell me, why are calling me, is something wrong..
Rajat- no, nothing at all, just wanted to share something important with you..
Abhi with serious tone, ask him- what?
Rajat- it's, ahh! Good morning dude, & best of luck..
Abhi- go to hell man..
Rajat- ok, on serious note, I had fight with Bulbul..
Abhi forcefully smile & says- wow! Great!
Rajat- don't make it fun man, tell me something that mollify her..
A knock on Abhi's cabin door, Siseel peep in the cabin, Abhi look back towards the door..
Siseel- sir everyone is waiting for you..
Abhi to Siseel- coming!
Abhi on call with Rajat- Rajat I talk with you later, trust me, I'll give idea, for now bye, & he cut the call, & he heading towards the board room..
Pragya little nervous by the new environment, she continuosly rubbing her sweating palms, to relaxing herself..
Abhi entered in the board room with smile & he greets everyone- good morning everyone, welcome to RM company, I am the CEO of these company, my name is Abhishek Mehra, so you 30 are selected for our company as a management trainee, you all are under in my, & he stop in between, he look someone raising the hand up..
Abhi amazed by the act & he responds- yes, & everyone start to look back..
On last chair, seat in corner, one management trainee stood up..
Abhi look the person, & he totally lost himself, his body start to shivering, his throat gets dry, he forget everything, his start to skipping his beats, he came out from his state, & he walks out from the board room, without giving his welcoming speech..
Pragya is the reason behind Abhi's behaviour, she is the one, who up's her hand, in between his welcoming speech, after she heard his voice, & look him after long year, she can't stop herself to disturb him..
Pragya selected as a management trainee in RM's company, it's in Geneva, Abhi work there as a CEO, Rajat Mehera & Abhi are friends, they meet one of in the business conference, & Rajat is the one who offering a CEO position to him, when he was working for his Mehra business, Abhi was declined his offer once but Rajat was the one who gave his offer to Abhi for life time, after Abhi transferred everything on name of Nandita, he called to Rajat first & accept his offer & leave India forever, & settled himself in Geneva..
Abhi seat in his cabin, he cancelled all his meetings & appointments, a knock on his cabin door, Siseel come in & ask him- sir what about meeting..
Abhi- actually I'm not feeling well, send to Jordan & informed him to handle, & Rajat sir will came in office on noon, just tell them, that I'm not well, ok..
Siseel- ok sir..
Abhi leave the office as soon as possible..
Pragya waiting for end the meeting, she wants to meet Abhi, she wants to end their all misunderstanding & differences, she wanted to say sorry to him for her own behavior, she wants to asked him so many questions, she wants to slap him, for his behavior also, but more over that, she actually wants to hugged him first, she want cuddles herself in his arms, wants to cry like a baby..
Meeting over, she walks near the recipients & ask about Abhi, they informed her, that he leave office soon..
Abhi reached his apartment, ordered to Bob, do not disturb him till lunch tine, he wants some time to be alone..
Pragya reached to apartment with dull face, she directly walks towards her room..
On Evening Abhi came out from his room, he call to Bob by his name, he sit on sofa, on the TV & asking some snacks to Bob..
Bob forward sandwiches to him..
Abhi ask to Bob- that management trainee is here now..
Bob- yes sir, a hour ago back to home..
Abhi- ok..
Pragya came out from her room, because of TV volume, she walks towards the live area & stood behind the couch..
Abhi watching business news, with high volume..
"Excuse me, can you please low some volume, it little disturbing by high volume, I'm trying to taking a nap"
Abhi didn't turn to look who's behind his sofa, & he turn down the volume & he busy himself in eating & watching business news..
Pragya bit doubt by the sight of face gesture, & she take some more steps towards the sofa & look who's watching business news..
"Hi CEO"
Abhi stop eating & turn towards voice..
"Throat get dry, forget your basic words"
Abhi started to coughing hard & nodded in no, in between coughing, he asking for water..
"Give me answers about my all questions"
Bob listen Abhi's coughing, he came there with glass of water, he give it to Abhi, Abhi drink the water, he takes some normal breaths, & he turn to Bob..
Abhi to Bob- who is she, & he stop in mid
Bob- sir she is management trainee, you told me about..
Abhi rubbed his fingers on his forehead & said- leave for now, come here after so long time..
Bob shocked by Abhi's words- sir..
Abhi with irks tone- I mean on tomorrow morning you back, for now, you go, you already done a mistake..
Bob didn't understand what Abhi is babbling..
"Why are scolding him, most don't order to leave & what he did mistake" lady asked..
Abhi to Bob with annoying tone- can you please leave..
Bob didn't said anything & he leave from there..
Abhi cross his arms near his chest & started look her..
"Say something damn" she says with irks tone..
Abhi didn't react on her words & he pull out his cell, dialed the number- Rajat listen to me carefully, right now, do one thing for me, type one termination letter on my name, I am leaving your company..
Rajat with calm tone, he ask to Abhi- is everything ok dude..
Abhi ordering to Rajat- tomorrow morning, on my table, I want my termination letter, tomorrow's lunch will be my last lunch at your office, got it..
Rajat- what's the reason dude, what happened to you..
Abhi- I'll call you later, bye..
Abhi to management trainee- why are come here..
"I only thought, you never leave your business, so I leave my passion for you"
Abhi- look I leave my whole past life, there in India..
"You forget my name also" she cut him mid & says with sarcasm tone..
Abhi keep quiet himself..
"Very good, let me introduce you first, hi, I am Pragya Arora, a management trainee, & your hospital wife Mr.Abhishek Mehra, now tell me, why you leave India, I want answer, when I want support from you, you leave me there in that hell..
Abhi- I don't had any guts to face you..
Pragya- why you don't had any guts, you did nothing, why you punished yourself for that..
Abhi- when your near & dear once, never trust on your words, who person wants to live there..
Pragya with clam tone- I am sorry..
Abhi stay silent for moment & he turn to go from there..
Pragya with chocking voice- please Abhi, I need you..
Abhi stopped there& says- Pragya please..
Pragya started to crying..
Abhi listen her sobbing's, he turn towards her again, he take baby steps towards her, & stood infront of her..
Pragya look him near to her, & she hugged him tight, but Abhi didn't hugged her back, only stood there as statue, after sometime Pragya clam her down, & she lose her grips...
Pragya look him with teary eyes & says- please forgive me, please..
Abhi still stood there like stone..
Pragya hold his t-shirt in her fits & says- I am sorry..
Abhi reply her with little rude tone- actually I am sorry, because of me everything was happens, my bad presence always take away my near once..
Fresh tears rolled down from Pragya's eyes & she says in pleading tone- I am sorry, & she tight her grips on his t-shirt..
Abhi looks that & he hold her both arms tight, & little push her, from him, her tight fits lose the grips from his t-shirt, & he walks out from there, for the first time Pragya see his these dark side, he never behave rude with her, infact he never used to be rude with anyone, Pragya look new avatar of Abhi..
Abhi entered in his room, & lock himself in his room, he tight his punch & hit his punch on wall in anger, because he never behave rude with her, he never imagine her in tears, & today she cried because of him, because of his fake behaviour, he hate himself for that..
Next day in morning, Abhi came out of his room, he ready to go office, a sweet & nice smell soothing him, he knows Pragya is in the kitchen, he didn't peep in the kitchen & move towards the office..
Pragya reached to office on her time, & collide with one man..
Pragya- so sorry, I'm in hurry..
"Excuse me lady, you are late, if I'm not wrong, you are management trainee"
Pragya look him top to toe & reply- yes..
Man- go, your boss, who actually handle management trainee, who is a very punctual towards his work & time, best of luck lady, & he walks from there with smile..
Pragya getting confused by his words & behavior, she take steps towards check in counter & asking for book where she sign, that she present on the day..
Jonh- sorry mam, I can't give you, you are late..
Pragya- I know I'm late, but it's only five minutes..
Jonh- mam rules are rules..
Pragya stamps her foot on floor in anger..
Jonh look that & he says- if you want to attend today's day then went in Sir's cabin, & take a permission from him..
Pragya nodded in yes & she ask to him- where is Sir's cabin?
Jonh- look straight CEO Abhishek Mehra's cabin, he is our boss, & he is management trainees boss too..
Pragya smile & says- wohhh! That's great, by the way good morning..
Pragya reached to Abhi's cabin & knocked on door & she peep in, Abhi without look who on door, he give permission to come in..
Pragya enter in with smile & says- wow, nice cabin Abhi..
Abhi listen her voice, & start to look her..
Pragya smile & says- fix my daily 30 days appointments with you Abhi..
Abhi only glaring her..
Pragya- you don't understand, I'll explain you in detail, & she seat infront of his chair..
Abhi only gazing her..
Pragya- in these 30 days, I'll always be late, in apartment you never talked with me, nor on dinning table too, so whenever I late to office, I'll come here to take your permission for attending the day, because as per your rule, who person will late, came to your cabin & explain for their..
Abhi cut her mid & says- keep quiet..
He pick the intercom, & says- send Jordan to my cabin, quick, & again he start look her..
Pragya- Abhi please talked with me once, I miss you, I miss our talks, I am sorry, what I did, that circumstances was not good Abhi, you tried to understand, my condition was also not normal, I was started fall for him, he was..
Abhi's cabin door knocked, & Pragya shut her mouth..
Abhi- come in..
Jordan- yes sir..
Abhi- management trainees are your responsibility, right!
Jordan- yes sir..
Abhi- then what she is doing in my cabin..
Jordan- I am sorry sir, may be Jonh send her here, I'm sorry sir..
Abhi- send her in marketing, she is good in convening people..
Jordan- but sir, it is out door, & our company policy..
Abhi cut him mid- do it, what I'm saying..
Jordan to Pragya- mam please follow me..
Jordan walk out from the cabin..
Pragya- do whatever you want, the day will came, & you are the one, who talk with me, don't make rude your self, after all I'm your hospital form wife, & she smile with proudly, & blinked her eyes to him..
Rajat came in office on lunch time, enter in Abhi's cabin..
Rajat- hi dude..
Abhi- where is my termination letter..
Rajat- dude what happened to you..
Abhi- Pragya Arora, is that your plan..
Rajat smile & says- thank God, that she is right person..
Abhi- that's why you asked me about my past life, why are you doing all of these..
Rajat- you love her man, accept that & don't being rude, if I was on her place that time, my behavior also same..
Abhi- I want myself far from her, my destiny always being bad with me..
Rajat- Abhi it's not about your destiny man, that was just bad phase, that's it..
Abhi- leave it, you never understand, what I'm talking..
Rajat- dude mark my words, you will go & proposed her for marriage, one more thing, I'm taking one decision as a MD, she will be our employee, & no more trainee here after..
Abhi- you can't do these Rajat..
Rajat- I'm doing these my friend, express your feelings towards her, maybe in past whatever was happens, that was planned by destiny, because god makes your pair man, try to understand that..
Abhi- Rajat please stop it man..
Pragya talking with Jordan- Jordan sir tell me one thing, your The CEO Abhishek Mehra always being a rude with everyone..
Jordan- no mam, he always so kind with everyone, today I don't know what happened to him, actually I'm too surprised by his behaviour..
Pragya shaking her head in understanding, & she says- ok..
Jordan- actually he never send girls & women's for outside marketing, don't know why he send you for that..
Pragya- don't worry Jordan sir, I do my best..
Evening, Pragya back to apartment, Bob serving food to Abhi, she look to Abhi & give smile to him, Abhi ignore her smile, & concentrate on his food..
A whole week, his behaviour towards Pragya remain same, Pragya always be late for office & he always send her for outside marketing..
On Saturday evening, door bell ring, Bob open the door..
"Where is Abhi"
Bob says with smile- he is watching TV..
"thanks Bob"
Pragya also present there, & she look who's came..
"Abhi jaan"
Abhi give his best smile & says- ohh you here, & he give side hugged to lady..
Abhi break the side hugged & says- after so long time you came here Bulbul..
Bulbul give her best smile to him & says- you never came to meet me, so here I came to meet you..
Abhi smile & they both seat beside eachother- so what would you like to eat..
Bulbul- no I don't want anything, you just get ready, & come with me, we are going for Saturday night..
Abhi with tired tone- no, I am not able to come, because I hate that environment..
Bulbul with stubborn tone- don't be so spoiled sport, I want my BF with me today, please Abhi Jaan..
Abhi reply her with very sweet tone- but your BF wants to spend his time with his bed..
Bulbul- Abhi please na baby, & she hold his arm..
Pragya little shocked by their behavior, she bit jealous too..
Abhi- please na baby, try to understand, I am so much tired, & he pulled her cheeks..
Pragya awe-stricken by Abhi's behavior towards a girl, he never behave like these towards the girls, he always keep himself far from girls, even they both are very close friends, but he never behave with her like these, today he behaves with unknown girl..
After so long time Bulbul leave the house, Pragya didn't understand her feeling, she started to glaring Abhi, he is busy in reading something, Bob give her fruit plate, & she came near to Abhi, & seat infront of him..
Pragya with irks tone- you never ever behave with me like these, when we are together..
Abhi listening her very quietly but he pretends that he didn't listen her, & he asked her again- what!
Pragya with annoying face- with in one year you change a lot Abhi, I hate this changes in you..
Abhi pretends that he is reading a book, but his full concentration on Pragya, actually he enjoying her these avatar, which is actually new for him..
Pragya continue her babbling- Abhi, why are you doing all of these, I need you in my life Abhi, why don't you understand, last one year, I searched you like mad, for my mistake, why you blaming yourself, it's not about your bad destiny, it was just bad phase, please forget everything & start the new & fresh life with..
Abhi cut her mid- I can't forget anything Pragya, you was love with that guy, you started dreaming about him, you started..
Pragya interrupt him mid- before jay, you came in to my life Abhi, first I look my future with you, you are the one, who complete my all dreams, I never think my future without you, I understand, I was start to fall for him, but I never planned my future without you also Abhi..
Abhi- leave it! I feel sleepy, I'm going..
Pragya- ok, good night, but before that, can you please forward me doctor's address..
Abhi turn to her & ask her in concern tone- what happened to you..
Pragya with tired tone- it's fever..
Abhi with tensed face- what! Why don't you informed me, & he check her fever, he keep his palm on her forehead..
Pragya says with innocent tone- it's not that much you think..
Abhi bit shout on her- shut your mouth, & he called to Bulbul..
Bulbul- yes Abhi..
Abhi- so sorry to call you Bulbul, will you please came here again..
Bulbul ask him in worried tone- is everything ok with you..
Abhi- I'm fine, but someone having fever..
Bulbul- ok, I'll be there in some minutes..
After he the end call, Pragya asked to Abhi..
Pragya- she is a doctor..
Abhi- yes, & he keep a thermometer in her mouth to check how much she have temperature..
Abhi call to Bob by his name & order him for supe..
Abhi to Pragya with guilty tone- I am sorry, here weather is not good & I send you for outside marketing, & he pull out thermometer from her mouth, & start to check the number of temperature..
Pragya- Abhi I can understand, you kick me out from your company, that's why you doing all these kind of stuffs, but let me clear you once, do whatever you want, I don't care, I'm not going anywhere & don't called me Pragya, called me Rider, I love these listen from you..
Abhi says- it's 100, tell me one thing, why you choose business management..
Pragya- just for you..
Abhi ask her in sad tone- what about your passion..
Pragya- I leave that passion so long ago..
Abhi ask her in serious tone- why!
Pragya keep quiet herself..
Abhi- same thing happened with me Pragya, I can't forget anything..
Pragya- but you did nothing Abhi..
Abhi- it's not about..
Pragya cut him mid & asked- you fallen for me so long, right, from your side, that's not our only friendship, am I right!
Abhi numb on her question..
Pragya wait for his answer..
Door bell rings & vanished that moment, Abhi thanks to God & Pragya curse that doorbell..
Bulbul enter in the house, & ask to Abhi- what happened to you..
Abhi- I am ok baby, check out her, she having a fever, I just checked, it's showing 100..
Bulbul check to Pragya & ask her- I think Geneva weather not suit's you..
Pragya look to Abhi & say- actually, new boss, not suit's me, he send me outdoor for marketing..
Bulbul too look Abhi & says- very bad, is he your boss, tell me, I'll punished him..
Pragya- the Abhishek Mehra, a CEO..
Bulbul look to Abhi & says- Abhi it's really not good..
Abhi try to explain her- it's, it's, just..
Bulbul cut him mid- don't give me any excuse & sweet lady take rest atleast for two days in home, don't go anywhere, it's harm for your health..
Before Pragya reply, Abhi reply to Bulbul- ok..
Bulbul look him & ask- who is patient here..
Abhi- sorry..
Pragya up her eyebrows & feel amazed, by Abhi's behavior, he just said sorry..
Bulbul write down some medicine & says to Abhi- bring it from chemist, take it, after having some food, it's for 3 days..
Pragya- ok, thank you..
Bulbul- it's ok, I am leaving now, Abhi take care of her..
Abhi smile & give side hugged to Bulbul- sure, love you baby..
Bulbul smile & she left the place..
After Bulbul goes, Pragya ask to Abhi- Abhi can I ask you something, is that true..
Abhi ignore her & calls to Bob, & he handover medicine prescription, & order him something too..
Abhi- make a some light food for dinner, & bring medicine from chemist, & on dinner time send my meal in my room..
Bob- ok sir, & he walks out from there..
Pragya- Abhi please don't ignored me, please speak up, what's in your heart..
Abhi didn't say word & walks towards his room..
Pragya dialed Disha's number, after long ring Disha pick the call, before Disha speak, Pragya open her mouth- you was right Di..
Disha check the time once & she yawing so hard & says- chinu you called me now, in India it's mid-night, atleast you have to check the time..
Pragya says with sad tone- sorry di, I was excited to tell you about his, & she stop in mid..
Disha- it's ok, now tell me in detail..
Pragya back with her excitement tone- you was right, his care, concern, it's not only friendship, it's more then that, Abhi is Geneva, as I came here, as management trainee, there he is a CEO, & coincidence is that, I share my apartment with him..
Disha- wow! That's great..
Pragya again with sad tone- it's not that much great you think, he ignoring me, & he blaming himself also..
Disha- we did a mistake chinu, & it's deep wound, it takes time, we have to take patience..
Pragya- that I know, but Abhi actually checking out my patience, I'm trying my best to make him understand the things, but he became stone hearted day by day..
Disha ask to Pragya with serious tone- do you really forget your past..
Pragya- Di it was past, & no one can change it, no one can forget that too, but we have to move on, that's it & I'm doing that..
Disha- good to hear from you, now tell me how are you..
Pragya- I'm having fever, don't worry, Abhi called to doctor, & doctor prescribed some medicine, with two days rest in home..
Disha- ok, take your medicine on time, & take the rest..
Pragya- ok, bye, & take care, & also sorry I disturb your sleep, & they end their call..
Middle of night, Abhi came out from his room, & he look Pragya sleep on the couch with her book, he go near her, checking out her fever, & pick a book from her stomach..
Abhi in mind- good, she is fine now, & he cover her in duvet, & again walks in study room with smile..
Next morning, Pragya wake up & found herself in duvet, she reminds her last night, she sleep on the couch without duvet with book, & on morning she covers in duvet without book, she knows it's only Abhi do it, she smiles & ask to Bob..
Pragya- good morning Bob..
Bob- good morning mam..
Pragya- where is your Abhi sir..
Bob- sir left the house early in the morning, he goes out of the city, for some office work, he will back after an week..
Pragya bit confused by his behaviour, & she talked with herself- suddenly out of city..
Bob disturb her- mam what would you like to eat for breakfast..
Pragya look to Bob & says with sad smile- nothing Bob, & she left from there with confusion..
Abhi stays in hotel, for maintain distance between him & Pragya, he lie to Bob that he going out of city for his office work, he took off from all office work..
Two days later Pragya goes to office, & she knows all the things, & she understand that he start to ignoring her..
Abhi do everything with heavy heart, whenever he start to think about Pragya, only one incidence flashing infront of his eyes, that Pragya blame him, she not trusting on him, her words echoing in his ears, he trying his best to forget everything & move on but he can't do it, his thoughts break the sound of inbox mail, he checking out the mail, in his mind- it's great, & he command to his laptop for print out..
Whole week fly's away, no one knows, where is Abhi gone, Pragya asked about him in office, but they also don't know anything about him..
Pragya reached to home with sulking face, she knows that he is ignoring her, she didn't understand, what to do next..
Bulbul is present there for some work, she look Pragya entered in house..
Bulbul- hi..
Pragya look her & give her smile- hi..
Bulbul- how are you now..
Pragya give answer to her with sad tone- good..
Bulbul feel her sadness & she reply her- that's good...
Pragya ask her with bit excitement- Abhi back from his mini holiday..
Bulbul- argh! no, actually same thing, I'm gonna asked you, but I got my answer, infact I tried to call him but it's unreachable, I thought you know about him, so that's why I came here to ask you..
Pragya with sad tone- no, I don't know, where he actually go, he informed to Bob, that he is going for office work, but in office, I asked to his personal assistant, she told me, he taking off from his work, so don't know anyone, where is he disappear..
Bulbul- ok, if you don't mind, for sometime I can stay here..
Pragya- sure please, why are you asking me a permission..
Bulbul- I thought you didn't like it, I'm friend of Abhi, & in his absence, I'm staying here for sometime..
Pragya- I don't have any mind, infact I would like it..
Bulbul- actually, I don't know your name..
Pragya- Pragya Arora..
Bulbul smiles- I am Bulbul..
Pragya with smiles- nice to meet you..
Bulbul- same here..
A pin drop awkward silence spread in live area..
Bulbul break the silence & she asked her- you are Rider, if I am not wrong..
Pragya little surprised & she ask her- how do you know..
Bulbul- because of Abhi, so many things he shared about you with me..
Pragya with excitement but with rude tone- ohh! What he shared about me with you..
Bulbul- well I am his friend, me & my would be Rajat his boss, not boss, his friend, so we know about you, he shared so many things about you with us..
Pragya smile after she knows, Bulbul is not Abhi's commitment, she take relief sigh's, & she laughed in mind on herself, that she was actually jealous on Bulbul when she look her first time behaviour with Abhi..
Bulbul continue her talk- you know about my would be, he is a fan of bikes, he knows each & every bike name, & their features and so on..
Pragya only smile..
Bulbul- Abhi was telling us, that you have small collection of bikes..
Pragya reply her with sad tone- no, I sold it all..
Bulbul- but why! that was your passion, then why you sold it..
Pragya hesitate to telling her truth about her past- it's, it's..
Bulbul- relax, no problem, it's your personal thing, so I can understand, but I would like to suggest you something, if you don't mind, can I..
Pragya nodded her head in yes- sure..
Bulbul- I don't know, what happened in your past, but it's really sad you leave your passion, your passion gives you wings to live your dreams..
Pragya smiles only..
Bulbul- please don't underestimate me, that's just my point of view..
Pragya- yeah, I know, & I'm agree with you too..
Same time main door open, Abhi enter in the house with his luggage..
Abhi waiting for Pragya wakes up..
Pragya open her eyes & look him beside her- hey Papa, how are you..
Abhi smile & give a small kiss on her lips- I'm good Rider mumma, how are you feeling now..
Pragya faintly smile & says- fine, I think my prince is here..
Abhi smile & said- no, it's my princess..
Pragya smiles & says- I am fine with it, where is she, & she look empty cradle..
Abhi says- she is in baby room for sometime..
Pragya ask him with curious tone- how's she look..
Abhi with smile with full of love- she just look like her mumma..
Pragya smile & says- I love you..
Abhi hold her hand in his hand & kiss on her knuckle & says- I love you too, thanks to giving me my..
Pragya cut him mid says- shut up Abhi, I told you, we create our own family, so don't thank me at all, enjoyed this Parenthood, & welcome our daughter..
Abhi ask her in tensed tone- you happy!
Pragya smile & ask him- you are with me, then I always be happy & luckiest person ever..
Abhi smile & says- maa, papa, Disha, Purab & your little princess Purvi, they are on the way..
Pragya didn't reply him, she just call him by his name- Abhi..
Abhi- hmm...
Pragya ask him for her satisfaction- are you happy?
Abhi entwined his fingers with her & kiss her on her chin- so much, beyond your imagination, now you take care, ok..
Pragya nodded in yes & she close her eyes..
Bulbul leave the house, after long talked with Abhi, after she go, Abhi give two days off to Bob also, Pragya only look him, & she look he walks towards his room..
After so long time Abhi came out from his room with fresh mood & start to watch TV, Pragya still there, & she observing his all activities..
Pragya walks near to switch board & plug out TV wire, & start to glaring Abhi with anger..
Abhi- what are you doing, I'm watching something..
Pragya cut him mid with stern tone- I'm leaving tomorrow, on afternoon, my flight for India...
Abhi shrugged of his shoulders- ohh! Good!
Pragya- right, it's good, I am not like you, who running away from everything, I always face every truth, after Jay's death, I had decide that, I will never miss anyone, but you are the one who I miss so much, I loved Jay, then why I forget him, & move on with your name & with your memories, I had some memories of Jay, then why I choose yours, I never understood that, Disha Di opened my eyes, she relized me that, I actually love you, in between me & Jay was just an attraction, not more then that, in between me & you that was the pure love, we both give one name of that love was friendship, from your side that was love but you hide it, because you think, you are not suitable for me, how would you think of that, you are suitable for me or not, let it be, you already decided, that you are not perfect for me, it's ok, I never force you for be with me, after all who am I for you, Mr.Abhishek Mehra, whenever you think, that you are perfect for me, I'll be there for you, Rajat sir, your friend, & company's owner, he was offering me a job package, I denies that, because you don't like to see me here, I disturb your comfort zone, from tomorrow I am not gonna disturbing your so called comfort zone, thank you for everything, don't even think, that I'm thanking to my friend or my hospital form husband, I thank to "The SO CALLED CEO MR. ABHISHEK MEHRA" & she faintly smile..
Abhi quietly listen her all words & after she done, he forward one letter to her & walks towards his study room quietly..
Pragya open that letter, she little amazed, & she start to smile with teary eyes, she little curse herself for her all words, for her anger, she walks towards the study room & stood behind him, Abhi search something in bookshelf, he feels her presence, & start to wait for her answer..
Abhi realise, she keep herself quiet behind him, he do not turn himself to her & says- anything you want say or you forget your all words..
Pragya ask him with shaking voice- do you really want, that I participate in these competition..
Abhi turn to her with smile & says in straight words- ofcourse Rider, why you sold your bike's collection, that was your passion, look whatever happened, that was actually a bad nightmare, but left your passion for that bad nightmare, that is unfair, absolutely unfair, your passion was your breath, infact you hate it, when unknown people poke in your passion, you curse them from your bottom of heart, then how can you leave your passion, I agree, I was love with you, I hide that also, for my personal reasons, but I am not love with these Pragya, who leave her passion for one bad dream happened in her life, I love that Rider Pragya, if you want that I enter in your life again, like old times, then choice is yours, accept that form & participate in that competition, I don't care, you win that competition or not, I just want that Rider back in you, who live her life on her rules, not like these Pragya who live her life 9 to 5, if you want me in your life again then participate in, otherwise you can leave for India..
Pragya says with pouted face- I'll do anything, give me your pen..
Abhi give his pen to her, she signed that form & Abhi says- thank you..
Pragya came in her old avatar, & she says- what thank you, you have to help me out for these, & she showing competition form to him..
Abhi says with smile- after office, I'll be yours
Pragya with pouted tone- I need a bike..
Abhi- tomorrow evening, came to office, we are going to showroom, ok..
Pragya smile- ok..
Abhi only shaking his head with smile..
Pragya- Abhi..
Abhi- speak up..
Without give any notice to Abhi, Pragya hugged him so tight, she tight her grips of her hands, Abhi hugged her back, he keep his chin on her head, he close his eyes to feel her presence..
Abhi stay himself away from her to think, he wants to be with his past or move with his Rider, he thinks a lot, & he decided, he will move on with his Rider, not with Pragya Arora a cooperate world women, & he back to home with competition form..
Few moments later he listen her sobbing's, he tight his grips, she feel the same warmth in his hugged, she cuddles herself more in his embrace, he knows she missed him so much, he start to caressing her hair, sometimes he rubbed her back to calm her down..
Abhi- relax Rider, stop crying..
Pragya with crying tone- no..
Abhi rubbed her back & says- ok, ok, ok, continue your crying, I'm not gonna disturbing you, please continue..
Pragya little move out from his embrace & look him up- you are so mean, & again she enter in his embrace..
After few moments later, Abhi feels, she is stop crying, & he ask her- Rider..
Pragya- hmm..
Abhi- do you really want, we stood here same like these, I don't mind it, but my stomach is crumbling for food..
Pragya irks by his words & she says- you starving now, it is so nice moment..
Abhi- yes, it is nice, but I am hungry..
Pragya with unwilling tone- ok, lose the grips of your hands..
Abhi- are you sure..
Pragya look him & smile- hmm..
Abhi lose his hands grips & ask her- can we have a dinner please..
Pragya smile- Haan..
From next day evening, Abhi buy new brand bike for Pragya, for some days she hesitate to seat on bike, Abhi give her morale support, & she started her practice, after month that competition held, Pragya share everything with her family, they all are happy that, Abhi & Pragya together after so long, & of course they are happy that, they get back their old Pragya also..
A month later, in competition Rajat & Pragya both participate in it, but they both lose that competition nor they both win the title of runner up, in all that, Pragya back again her old life, she again live her Rider life because of Abhi, he is also happy that she again started her passion towards bikes & their Ride's, whenever Rajat & Pragya met they endlessly talked about bikes & their features, if they both decided, they own design their bike on their way..
Pragya's family wants that, Abhi & Pragya be together forever, but Abhi & Pragya act like, they are ok with friends for whole life..
One fine day, Ashok & Sarla speak up with Abhi, about their views about Pragya & his relation, they trio seat in the garden..
Ashok- beta you stay in Geneva for forever or a work is here, that's why you want to live here..
Abhi- about my family, I leave them so long, I leave India, & came here for work, but now in these whole year, I creat one small world, they are just like family to me, so I decides for some more year, I would like to stay here..
Ashok- ok..
Abhi- don't think that I never came to India, I'll came to meet you guys, after all, you all are my family, & he smiled..
Sarla- you think anything about your & Pragya's relation..
Abhi smiles & says- still from my side, it's more than friendship, you know that, I don't know about Pragya, I know she loves me, but I never pressurized her for anything, if she wants to be with me as friend for whole life, I don't mind at all, I don't know what I am for her, but for me she is world, she is everything for me, now everything is depend on her..
Sarla- we all love your relationship with her, we never say no to you both, if you both wants to be together forever as a couple, we all are with you..
Abhi smiles & says- thank you..
Pragya is present there behind the tree, she listened everything, she already confused towards her feelings for Abhi, Mr.Abhishek Mehra The CEO, not accepting his love towards her infront of her parents too, he confusing her more now..
Same night, everyone in deep sleep at their respected rooms, Abhi still in his study room, reading a books, a whole year he passionate towards the books, he addict to reading..
Pragya enter in the study room, Abhi's concentration lose of her presence, he look her..
Abhi ask her in worried tone- you didn't sleep yet! Are you ok..
Pragya with innocent tone- can we go for ride please..
Abhi- Pragya it's one in night..
Pragya with sarcasm tone- here in Geneva, not allowing bike rides after one in night..
Abhi- no, it's not like that, it's about weather, you can't handle that, that's it..
Pragya with innocent tone- but I wanna go..
Abhi think for moment & says- ok, wear something warm, & come, we are going, & he keep his book side..
Pragya smile with excitement- ok, wait for me, in parking..
Abhi only nodding in yes..
In parking, Abhi waiting for her, she came there with shawl..
Abhi- Pragya it's Geneva, not India..
Pragya- so what, it's my problem, not yours, here is the key, & she hand over keys to him..
Abhi- ok, & he seat on bike, he kick to bike, Pragya seat back, & hold his both shoulder, Abhi wear helmet, he ask her..
Abhi- where you want go..
Pragya- don't know, you only ride it, when I said stop, you stop the bike..
Abhi- ok..
Abhi started bike & they way to go..
A hour later..
Pragya said- stop the bike near bridge..
Abhi stop the bike & remove the helmet, Pragya down from bike & says..
Pragya- move back..
Abhi with shock tone- what! Now you want to ride, in these cool breeze..
Pragya- yes..
Abhi do not understand, what she is actually doing, he look her nose, it's getting red because of cool weather & he moved back..
Pragya- and do one more thing also..
Abhi look her & ask- what..
Pragya- bike stood on both stand, that we can seat on bike..
Abhi stand the bike..
Pragya seat on front, that she can see his face..
Abhi- you take me here in mid night, why?
Pragya only gazing him with smile..
Abhi with worried tone- Pragya it's really cool breezing man, you catch fever very soon, I told you wear something warm, but you bring these shawl, look at your nose, it's getting red because of cool breeze..
Pragya in sweet tone- stop worrying about me Abhi..
Abhi little nervous & he ask her- it's suffocation to you..
Pragya nodded in no- infact I like it, that someone is here only for me..
Abhi only smile..
Pragya- Abhi..
Abhi- hmm, can we move please..
Pragya with irks tone- I really wants talk with you, & you want to move..
Abhi cut her mid- ok, ok, cool down..
Pragya again start to smile & says- good..
Abhi look here & there..
Pragya not like that, she again calls by his name- Abhi..
Abhi again look her- hmm..
Pragya- you fed up with me..
Abhi with irks tone- why would I fed up with you..
Pragya- you never gonna fed up with me..
Abhi reply her with casual tone- never ever, infact I can't fed up with you in dreams too..
Pragya directly asked him- will you marry me..
Abhi thought she is pulling his leg, & he replied her- ahhh! Shut up, don't start your mischievous tricks..
Pragya with serious tone- I am serious Abhi, will you marry me, I'm proposing you, here in mid way of road, one side is your home & other side will go towards airport, choice is yours, where you want to take me, I want you in my life, I want to spend my whole life with you, whenever I want to Ride's the bike, I want you seat back on that bike, our journey started from these bike, so here, I & you on bike, I'm proposing you Abhi, would like you to be my bike rides partner! Will you like to enjoy bike rides with me, & she open small box infront of him, & forward it towards him..
Abhi look that small box & ask her- you proposed me, with these is women ring..
Pragya with irks tone- I knew it, you spoiled this moment also..
Abhi ask her in confusion- what!
Pragya- you never gonna proposed me, I knew that, so I decided, I proposed you with my ring, so I select ring for me from your side..
Abhi didn't excited & says- oh!
Pragya in dilemma & she says- oh, only oh!
Abhi take that small ring box from her hand to his, & he close it, & give it back to her..
Pragya up her eyebrows with shock & ask him- what..
Abhi ask her in serious tone- are you sure..
Pragya- Haan..
Abhi move little towards her, & hugged her- thanks for proposing me Pragya, & he break the hugged quickly..
Pragya not understand his behaviour- Abhi..
Abhi- it's really so cool breezing Pragya, we have to move towards the house..
Pragya never think that he behaved like this, he actually disappointed her, she with furious face get down from the bike & said- start the bike we are going to home..
Abhi remove his jacket & said- wear these, you feel warm..
Pragya make irks face & seat back side, Abhi start the bike & move towards the home..
Abhi look her furious face through mirror..
They reached to home, Pragya's face still sulking..
Abhi ask her with innocent tone- why are your face is still sulking..
Pragya reply him with furious tone- nothing & she start to move towards main door..
Abhi catch her arm & pull towards him, he hold her by waist & says- you give me two choice, airport or home, so I bring you to home..
Pragya shock by his answer, & she start to look him, she up her eyebrows, & he smiles with nodding his head in yes..
Abhi- I bring you to, not only mine, he stop in mid few moments he look her, & little bend towards her ear & says..
Abhi continue- I never said these words to anyone before, you are gonna be the first & last person, I bring you to our home, & he again start to look her with smile..
Pragya look him surprised..
Abhi smile & ask her- can we go in..
Pragya nodded in yes..
They enter in the house hand in hand, Abhi bring her in his study room..
Pragya- why you bring me here now..
Abhi- just a moment, & he move towards the table, open drawer, & again come back to her with small box..
Abhi seat on his one knee & he hold her hand in his- Pragya, I am sorry what I did, it was very rude, when I was ignoring you, that was my hell days, I curse myself for that, here after I never do these, whole week I stayed away from you, I was thinking a lot, in between my heart & mind, I choose you, so here after, the day I will be on my knees for another girl, that girl is none other than our daughter only, will you marry me, and he open the ring box..
Pragya smile & said- it's confirm..
Abhi still on one knee- yes..
Pragya- then why are you waiting for stupid..
Abhi smile & slip ring in her finger, he stood up & asked her in hesitate tone- can I hugged you..
Pragya- you just proposed me, already you plan for our daughter, & you asking me a permission..
Abhi didn't say a words & start look down with smile..
Pragya- are you blushing Abhi..
Abhi turn & hide his blushing face..
Pragya- oh my god & she turn him towards her & pulled his cheeks..
Abhi- don't do it...
Pragya with naughty tone- what! My would be blushing also, it's full package..
Abhi- shut up Rider...
Pragya cupped his face in her palms, up her toes, she kissed on his forehead & says- never ask a permission for anything here after, I always want to see you happy, I can't see your sad face, & never blamed yourself here after, I want your happiness, that's it..
Abhi hold her by waist pull her towards him & say- I always be happy with you..
After a month, they gets married, in Geneva, Abhi & Pragya stay there because of his job, Pragya's passion towards bike remain same, Abhi fullfill her each & every wish, now Pragya's bike collection getting not out 50+, they both Ride's that bike's, Rajat & Bulbul are support them, whenever four meet, only 2 person are most talked on their most favorite topic, that is bike, bike & bike, Abhi & Bulbul always fed up, but they love that their craziness, Rajat wanted leave his business for his passion, so he decided, Abhi will be the joint MD for his company, his father also agree for that & they announced Abhi as joint MD...
Last six months Pragya didn't meet her parents, she talked with them daily, but she wanted to stay with them for some time in India, Abhi worried for her, if Nandita knows that,he & Pragya are couple now & if she did something wrong with her then, what!
Abhi back to home from office, seat on sofa, resting himself on sofa, Pragya came there with glass of water..
Abhi knew that she came there, he seat proper, take the glass in his hand, gulping the water, & he unties the knot of his tie..
Abhi- can we go for dinner out..
Pragya reply him with rude tone- don't buttering me..
Abhi with innocent tone- jaan..
Pragya with stubborn tone- Abhi please, only for week..
Abhi in worried tone- it's week Pragya & here is so many works are pending..
Pragya start to look him..
Abhi continue- so many meetings are line up, how will I get off..
Pragya with stern tone- I know you are lying, now come to on point..
Abhi- I am scaring Pragya, I can't let you go alone there..
Pragya cupped his face & kissed on his lips- take a two weeks off from work, we both are going there & don't worry, I'll be safe, you are with me..
Abhi- Pragya..
Pragya cut him mid- no more buttering me, don't think that I am not safe, I am always be safe in your arms, and you already break every relation with them, so don't think too much now, please..
Abhi give her side hugged & safely pull her towards him & starts to nuzzled her..
Pragya pushed him & says- go & get fresh first..
Abhi with husky tone- no, & he continued his nuzzling to her..
Pragya again pushed him, & says with stern tone- Abhi..
Abhi stopped nuzzling her- ok, I am going, don't be so rude..
Pragya smile..
Abhi- after freshen up, we will continue my work..
Pragya blushed and nodded in yes..
Nurse shift baby to Pragya's room, Pragya took baby first time in her arm's, her vision gets blur's, because of her watery eyes..
Pragya with heavy voice- look at her, she, She is so, so cute Abhi, her small hands, her small legs, ohh my, she is our, oh my god, & she kissed on baby's forehead..
Abhi- I told you na, she just look like you..
Pragya- no, her nose is same like you..
Abhi- I love you both..
Pragya- we love you both...
Abhi- she will going to be next Rider..
Pragya- no she will become next business tycoon..
Abhi- no Rider..
Pragya- not business tycoon, why not footballer..
Abhi- Rider! Pragya...
Pragya- no Abhi..
Abhi- what about that 70+ collections..
Pragya with naughty tone- we think for other one also..
Abhi surprised by her answer- are you sure Mrs.Mehra..
Pragya with confident tone- of course I am, you got your princess, so I want my prince also..
Abhi smiles & says- I never expect these answer from you Rider, but sometimes you surprise me, that's why I love you so much..
Pragya- love you too from my bottom of heart..
Abhi lightly kiss on her lips & then give a deep kiss her forehead..
The End...
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