Birthday Gift to my darling AruArshi
"Let's them talk something now." Arvind told to Shashi as they sat on the chair facing eachother. Shashi looked at his daughter and the man sitting next to Arvind.
"Sure." Shashi nodded his head reluctantly. Arvind asked Arnav to go with Khushi and talk to her.
When they get this alliance for Khushi who is already thirty, they gave a nod considering it to be a decent one. All their expectations drained away when they saw the boy.
Arnav reluctantly walked with Khushi to her room. If he remember well, this is his 13th proposal meeting. Most of the guys in his age have already got married and have children. At the age of 36, he is still on bride hunt just for his family. He know that it's hard for girls to accept a man like him and he don't blame them for that.
"Please sit down." Khushi told him. He sat opposite to her. For a few minutes, they don't know what to talk.
"Hmm, they told me that you are a school teacher, are you teaching in higher secondary?"
"Yes, I teach accounting."
"Ohh, that's great. I work in XYZ channel as a visual effect creator. So why didn't you get married earlier?" She asked him.
"Well, because nobody found me appealing enough to marry me." He said with a smile.
"Yeah, it's all about looks and appearance nowadays." She commented.
"Don't you get startled seeing me?" He asked her directly.
"To be frank, it was quite surprising but not startled. You may have a story behind your burnt skin and amputated elbow. In my opinion, appearance isn't everything." Khushi voiced out her opinion.
"Were you always this outspoken?" He asked her.
"Yes and a little blunt too." She replied.
"That's impressing."
"Most of the guys don't like that though." She shrugged her shoulder. For the first time, Arnav felt that he found a girl for him. They heard their parents calling them.
"We should go down. Before that I want you to do a favour by rejecting this proposal." She informed him shattering his hope.
'She only know how to lecture. She also turned out to be like other girls. What if she already have a boyfriend?' He thought.
"Hmm, okay... You have a boyfriend?" He asked her.
"No...I don't... I just need some time that's why I'm asking you to reject this proposal. I will do the same too."
Arnav nodded his head and is about to get out of the room, when she called him.
"Arnav, I haven't finished yet. " She told him and he halted.
"I hope you don't mind calling you by your name." He turned around and nodded his head.
"Would you mind having a coffee with me this Saturday?" She asked him making his eyes get wide open in confusion. She giggled a little and walked towards him.
"Hmm, I found you quite interesting and I would like to see if we can get along or not. If we go and tell our family this, they would conduct our marriage in the next auspicious event. So let's go for small dates without anyone's knowledge. I don't want to ruin our life by marrying without knowing eachother." Khushi explained. Arnav really liked her idea. He liked the fact that she look past his appearance and found him interesting.
"That's totally fine with me. I would like to know more about you too." He said with a cheeky smile on his face.
"I will message you the place and time, can you give me your number?" She asked him and he gave her his number.
"So see you on Saturday." Saying this they went to the hall.
As they agreed up on, both of them rejected the proposal much to Shashi's relief. He don't want to marry off his daughter to a man with burnt scars on the right side of his face and an amputated hand. He don't want the society to taunt them for getting her married to a person like that just because she is already over the age of getting married.
Khushi moved towards the window and looked at Arnav, who gave her a final glance. She did find him interesting and hoped that he will be someone who will be a good man.
"Titaliya" She heard her father calling her.
"What is it papa?"
"I'm sorry for not asking about the boy in advance. I didn't know that the boy is disabled."
"Papa, that's totally fine. Anyway I didn't reject Arnav not because of his physical appearance at all. I thought our ideas won't match, that's why I rejected it. Please don't force me to do this drama again papa, at least for a while." She said wanting to concentrate on her liking towards Arnav. Shashi nodded his head and she went to her room.
On Saturday,
Arnav waited for Khushi in the restaurant. Five minutes after, he found her making an entry into the restaurant.
"Sorry for being late, I got struck in the traffic. Did you ordered something?" She babbles as she placed her bag closer to her seat.
"It's totally okay, you are on time. I just came earlier. Let's place our order then." They placed their order and looked at eachother.
"Hmm, so what did you said your family?" She asked him.
"I told them that you are very much different from me."
"I also said something like that, ideological different." She replied.
"How's your work going?" He asked her.
"Hectic. Sometimes I feel like throwing the resignation letter on my boss's face. What about you? Do all the teenagers drives you crazy?"
"Sometimes they do, but they are tolerable." He said with a smile.
"You like teaching?" She asked him as the waiter placed their order.
"Yeah, I do like teaching. Once I completed my B.Ed I got this job."
"That's impressing. Do you get transfer all over India?"
"Yup, my first posting was in Uttar Pradesh and after 5 years, I got transferred to Chattisgarh. Two years back they gave me posting here in my home town. Tell me something about your job? It must be fun to work in media after all."
"You can say that, a lot of dramas to see and hear. My job is to create visual effects, it's pretty much cool."
"Any idea of rendering your skill for films?"
"If something comes up, I will surely do that." She said sipping the coffee.
"Hmm, why did you restrict yourself into a school teacher rather than being a professor? You seems to be very intelligent" She asked him.
"I was actually planning to pursue higher studies when my mother had an accident. Papa have already spent a lot for my treatment and my sister's marriage, so we went down financial after that. When I got this job, we started to pick up from where we started. I'm happy with the way my life have shaped, for me it's perfect." Khushi liked the optimistic approach of Arnav. She understood that he is a responsible man and she liked that quality in him.
"You are very optimistic, aren't you?" She asked him.
"Pessimism won't take you anywhere." He replied with a lopsided smile on his face. They started to talk freely and got to know a lot about each other.
"So, now it's your call to select a time and place for our next date, yeah only if you want another date with me." Khushi exclaimed at him.
"I will message you the place and time Khushi."
"I really liked talking to you Arnav." Saying this she forwarded her hand for a shake which he reciprocated.
Next date,
Khushi reached the place and after a few minutes she found a car stopping in front of her. She looked around and then at the car not knowing why it's in front of her. She saw the glass being lowered.
"Hey, it's me Arnav." He waved his hand sitting on the driver's seat.
"You can drive?" She asked.
"Yup, I would like us to go somewhere if you are okay." He said and she opened the door to get in.
"Are you planning to impress me with your driving skill?" Sitting beside him she asked raising her eyebrows.
"A man can always try." He winked making a blush and smile. She liked spending time with him. He spreads positivity all around him. They have been chatting with each other frequently after their first date. He made her feel like a teenager.
Arnav drives the car as she watched him in awe.
"Is it custom made for your need?" She asked him.
"Yup, a little bit modified. I'm a decent driver, so you can trust me." He let her know.
"When did you learn to drive a car?"
"Four years back, it was hard when I was learning how to drive a car. In driving schools, they don't have anything to cater people like me. Somehow I managed to learn it. Then brought this car when I got transfer here." He had his eyes set on the road as he talked to her.
"So where are we going?"
"Gwalior fort." He replied.
"That's good, it's been long since I went there." She lean back on the seat as he drives towards the fort.
"Arnav, did you ever regret having your hand amputated?" She asked him.
"Believe it or not, I don't regret it even for once. Does my hand make you uncomfortable?" He said looking at his half elbow on his right hand.
"If I'm uncomfortable, I would have never agreed to date you Arnav. You don't make me uncomfortable in any way. Were you left handed or right handed?"
"I was right handed, but after the accident I got adapted to left hand." Soon they reached their destination and walked towards the fort. They spend their time walking around the fort while talking about random things.
They continue to meet each on dates and as the time passes they started to fell for each other.
"Arnav, how will you react if I tell you that I'm not a virgin." She asked unexpectedly making him choke on the food he is having.
"From your expression, I got that you are a virgin." She said making him blush a little.
"If someone says something like this to me a few years back, I would have surely freaked out. Now I'm pretty much sorted out. Virginity isn't everything Khushi. If you are not a virgin, I'm sure that the boy must have done something wrong. You must have placed your trust on him and he must have betrayed the trust. If we have a future, your virginity status doesn't hold any value for me."
"You are a virgin, don't you want your bride to be a virgin?"
"Suppose I get married to a virgin and she gets eloped after a few days or years, will that be okay? Or else if my bride is a rape survivor, does her virginity matters? The concept of virginity is over rated and biased. Character should be considered instead of that." He replied making her bemused. She smiled internally and looked at the man sitting in front of her.
"It's good that you read a lot." She said with a smile making him laugh. Arnav know that Khushi had a few relationships that only lasted for a few months. He liked her and her boldness. She treats him like the way he wanted to be treated. He haven't seen pity or sympathy in her eyes for him. All these made him fell for her. She is quite mature to understand his ideas and point of views.
Slowly they started to share small hugs which later turned into light peck on the back of her hand.
Arnav opened the car and Khushi get into the car.
"Arnav, can you drive to somewhere calm and quiet?" She asked him and he drives the car to a empty park.
"You seems to be nervous Khushi, are you o..." He couldn't finish his sentence as she kissed him all of a suddenly. He felt her soft lips pressed against his hard lips with her hands wrapped around his neck. Soon he too reciprocated the kiss with equal passion, taking her lips in between his lips. They parted away for breathe and kept staring at each other.
"I have fell in love with you Arnav. I love you." She confessed and this time he pulled her for a kiss.
"I too love you Khushi." He said breaking their kiss, whispered as he lean closer to her lips. A wide smile formed in her lips and they kissed again.
"Wow, three kisses in a row. You are a good kisser Raizada."
"Well, it is easy to kiss the girl you desire." He winked at her and entwined their fingers together.
"Should I send my father to talk with your father, I don't think that I can't wait to have you beside me."
"Well Raizada, let me drop the bomb on my papa first, then I will inform you. I can't wait to spend my life with you. Are you ready for the adventure and risk you are about to sign up for?" She teased him.
"I love this beautiful adventure and risk." He confessed hugging her. He know that their life is going to be wonderful. She have every qualities he wants in a girl and he can't wait to start his life along with her.
Khushi sat in front of her parents and looked at them.
"What is the matter titaliya? What do you want to talk to us?"
"Papa, I'm in love and I wanted to marry that person." She said to her parents who looked at eachother.
"Who is he?" Shashi asked.
"You know him, his name is Arnav Singh Raizada. The alliance you brought for me." She confessed.
"Did you know him early? It is been six months since that alliance came for you."
"I lied to you that I don't like him. I wanted to know more about him and we were dating for the past six months. Papa, he is the man I want to spend my life with." Khushi revealed everything to her parents.
"But Khushi he is handicapped." Shashi told his daughter.
"Papa if you only look at his amputated arm and burnt skin, you won't ever see his golden heart. I have seen that and I knew that I will be happy with him than any other person in this world. If you really care for my happiness then you will agree to this relationship. If I ever marry someone, then it will be only him no one else." She told her parents her decision.
"Are you sure titaliya? We don't want you to suffer later." Garima asked her.
"Amma, I know that you are concerned about his physical appearance. Imagine If I marry someone who is prefect according to the society and he turned out to be a cheater. Wouldn't that be terrible? Or what if the perfect person get into an accident and paralyzes for his whole life, will you ask me to abandon him? I'm sure about marrying Arnav because I know that he is the best for me. Now it's upto both of you to decide." Saying this she went to her room.
After a few hours, she got a call from him.
"Khushi, how is things there?"
"Papa and amma didn't expected it but they will be okay. I told them what I want now it's upto them. Let's give a couple of days to our parents."
"Yeah, that's true. Papa and maa are really happy for me. They already like you. Di also excited to meet you." Arnav told her.
"That's so good to hear. I think they still don't know how am I, if they know me they wouldn't be this happy. After all their son is going to have a crazy and impulsive wife." She teased him.
"I know how to handle my would be crazy and impulsive wife."
"Care to tell me how you are going to handle your would be wife?"
"May be with a lot of kisses, hugs and cuddles."
"Anything more?" She asked biting her inner cheeks.
"Let it be a suspense, what's the fun if I reveal everything now?" He teased her back.
"So my teacherji, I will inform you when you should make the next move."
"I will be waiting for it. Can't wait to make you Mrs Teacherji." Khushi laughed hearing this.
"See you tomorrow then." She said and they cut the call.
Next day, they were sitting beside each other in a park.
"So what do you prefer? A big fat wedding without a reception or a small wedding followed by a reception?" Khushi asked leaning onto him.
"My papa haven't talked to your parents yet and you are already planning everything in advance!"
"My would be hubby, hear this properly. If I ever wear a bridal lehenga, it will be only for you. We will surely get married, now or later. So it's better to plan everything. Now tell me what you prefer?" She asked him.
"A small wedding with our close friends and relatives followed by a reception." Arnav replied playing with her fingers.
"I too like that. I'm leaving all the honeymoon planning on you Raizada." She gave him the responsibility.
"Well, happy to plan that." He smirked at her.
"I will be taking two weeks leave for the wedding, so you have to plan it according to that."
"You don't need to worry about our honeymoon, I will take care of it."
"Arnav what will you do if my papa act like a villain father and refuse to marry me off to you?" She asked after a few seconds.
"I will come to your house and take you with me." He replied wrapping his arms around her. She wrapped his arms around his hands, lightly stroking it.
"Are you that brave?" She teased while giggling at him.
"Yup I'm that brave." He replied nuzzling his nose on her cheek.
"Ohh, did someone certified you that?" They keep teasing each other.
"Yup, I know that I'm brave enough to take away my girl with me."
"Well, you won't get a chance to show your bravery teacherji. I'm sure that my papa will accept our relationship." She said leaning onto his chest.
"We have came a long way don't we?" He asked her.
"Yup, we have. I have never thought that I will find love at this age."
"Thirty isn't that old Khushi."
"But thirty six is." She teased his age.
"But someone was saying that I act like a teenage boy." He retorted making her blush.
Within a week, their parents met with each other and got them officially engaged after three weeks. The wedding got fixed a month after their engagement. As Shashi mingled with Arnav, he started to like him. As he looked at his daughter he understood how happy she is regarding her upcoming marriage.
After their engagement, they got busy with their wedding preparations. They will be having a small wedding in the presence of their close relatives and friends followed by a reception for others.
One week before their wedding.
"Khushi, how are you feeling?" He asked over the phone.
"Happy and excited. Most of my friends were nervous during their marriage, but I don't feel anything like that. All I feel is so happy. What about you?"
"Same feeling as yours. Most of my badmaash friends have arrived for the wedding and they are eating my head. They are excited to see you."
"Your friends adore you Arnav. I'm excited to see all of them, let's see if I get something to tease you from them."
"Teasing your would be husband,aren't you?"
"Yeah, if I can't tease my would be husband, who will I tease then?" She asked him.
"Let's see who teases whom."
"Yeah, we can see that after a week."
"I wish we could meet this week before the wedding casually. Maa and di are strict about customs. My good for nothing friends too joined hands with them. I'm have to sneak out just to call you." He complained like a child.
"Aww my teacherji, you are taking such a risk for me. I'm impressed."
"Saale, how desperate are you? Sneaking around and calling your girl." Khushi heard a voice teasing him.
"Shyam" She heard Arnav calling his friend.
"Hello Arnav..." She tried to call him.
"Hello bhabhi it's Shyam, your man's bestie. We have never seen him like this." Shyam answered her call.
"Give that phone to me." Khushi heard another man's voice.
"Bhabhi, he is head over heels in love with you. He is continuously chanting your name." Akash told her.
"Damn Akash, give me the phone." Arnav said and snatched the phone from him.
"Hello Khushi."
"Well, your friends are cool. Glad to know all that from them." Khushi heard Arnav scolding the boys for trying to interrupt them.
"I will call you later then, enjoy with your friends."
"Raizada, enjoy but don't enjoy too much. If I come to know that you had any hanky panky in your bachelorette party, I'm going to cut of your thing." She threatened him in advance.
"I have already reserved all my hanky Panky for you." He whispered making her blush.
"That's good. Bye teacherji. See you in on sangeet."
The pre wedding rituals started and they enjoyed it a lot. Khushi met his friends, especially his seven school friends who were with him from first standard to tenth. They told her stories from their school making Arnav annoyed. Khushi can see how much his friends care for eachother.
Arnav and Khushi got married two days after that in the presence of their close relatives and friends. For his convenience, they chose a single stand long mangalsutra which can be put over the head rather than tieing it. Some of her relatives weren't pleased with her marrying a person like Arnav.
Arnav and Khushi were sitting in the mandap receiving the gift when they heard his good for nothing friends asked everyone to pay attention through a mic.
Khushi looked at Arnav, not knowing what's they are planning.
"If I'm right, they are going to do what I don't want them to do." He gave answer to her unsaid question.
Akash, Shyam, Kunal, Nandkishore, Aman, Lalit and Gautam stood in the stage looking at the newly wed couple.
It was Shyam who took the microphone to talk.
"Hai, I'm Shyam Manohar Jha. Today, all of us are happy for our buddy Arnav. He is the friend everyone deserves in their life. We all met in first standard and till now our bond is going stronger."
Akash took the microphone from him and continued.
"Good evening everyone, my name is Akash Singhania." He looked at Khushi and continued.
Khushi bhabhi, you are damn lucky to marry our Arnie. He is best among everyone present here. When we all got married we were waiting for this day, to see our Arnie getting married. More than you, we are happy for this wedding. Bhabhi, I can say this without any doubt that you are luckier than our own wives to have a husband like our Arnie."
Nandkishore take over him.
"Hey, I'm Nandkishore. So Nannav, I know that you are going to hate us for doing this in front of everyone, but we are sorry buddy. We are here to tell you a story. A story about a super hero. So let's start the story. A school van is dropping kids after picking them from the school. There were 8 more children remaining to be dropped. Suddenly the gas kit in the van got short circuit and the van caught fire. The driver fleed from the spot saving his life."
As his sound started to stumble, Kunal took the microphone.
"The children were of 10 year old. They started to cry not knowing what to do. They screamed for help but none came as it was a secluded area. One of the boy somehow get out of the van which was fully on fire. All the other seven boys literally faced their death. That's when they saw their superhero in the form of their friend." Kunal passed the mic to Aman.
"That superhero saved all the seven boys while fire hugged him. He saved each of the boys without any harm while he was in pain. Someone saw this and some people come to help the boys. They took the superhero to the hospital." Arnav along with his friends got teared up. Lalit took the mic from Aman.
"That superhero gave seven families their son's back in return of his hand and skin. We are that lucky boys and our superhero is sitting in the mandap as the groom. Arnav, we are here just because of your selfless love and sacrifice. We all know what all you have gone through because of that. Today we are happy that you have found your match who love you for who you are." Lalit said and Arnav looked at Khushi who had tears in her eyes. She never asked him about his accident not wanting to upset him.
"Khushi, it's..." She didn't let him continue as she hugged him and cried in happiness. He consoled her wrapping his arms around her.
"I'm very proud today, I'm so proud of you Arnav. I'm so proud to be your wife. I'm so happy that you love me. I love you a lot Arnav." She said as she hugged him tight.
"Love you too Khushi. Now stop crying, it's our day."
Gautam continued the speech.
"Well the story didn't end there. He had been in hospital for three months. For his courageous act, our nation had honoured him with the bravery award. He got the Sanjay Chopra Award for Bravery in the next year"
Akash played the projector, showing the picture of a 11 year old Arnav receiving the bravery award from the then prime minister and photos related to the republic parade.
"We know that you will never tell this to bhabhi, that's why we decided to show the world your value." Gautam told Arnav.
They all walked towards Arshi and congratulated them. Shashi and Garima got proud knowing that story about Arnav.
Arnav entered his room after getting teased by his sister and friends. He saw his newly wedded wife sitting in the middle of the bed. He sat beside her and raised the veil to see her face. Khushi smiled seeing her husband.
"Kiss me husband." She said to him and he obeyed his wife like a child. They parted away from the heated kiss and looked at each other.
"You know during my childhood I used to pray to get married to some film heroes. I never knew that God will grant my wish like this. God had bestows me with a real hero rather than those fake reel heros. Thanks for being my hero Arnav. You don't know what I'm feeling now. Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" She asked him feeling overwhelmed.
"Does that matters?" He asked her.
"You loved me as Arnav and that's enough for me."
"I'm going to tell our children and grandchildren about this. They all will be proud to have such a brave father and grandfather."
"Well for your information wify, we haven't celebrated our first night yet, we can talk about children after that." He teased her.
"Then let's start our first night." She winked at him.
"Sorry wify, I have already planned our first night somewhere else. Tomorrow we will be leaving in the morning for our honeymoon." He said wrapping his arms around him.
"I'm excited... Thanks for coming into my life and making it beautiful."
"I can also say the same." He said to her.
Khushi lean forward and took his lips in a passionate kiss.
Every scars and marks have a stroy to tell, a story of survival and sacrifice.
Only one chapter remaining.
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Incident inspired from the life of Om Prakash Yadav 👏👏👏
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