We wait all night. Everyone except Herc and me.
"Herc, do you think Alex will wake up?"
"I want to think he will. He has always been so strong. So I want to think that he will."
"But you don't really think he will do you?"
"No. I'm sorry to say that, but I have lost my faith in his strength."
I nod. Slightly mad. How could he insult my Lexi's strength while he could be on his deathbed? But I let it go because the last thing we need right now is for us to fight.
But Herc can see right through me.
"I know, you mad. Your mad that I would say that about Alex, but, in these times you have to keep your hopes low, and think about the reality. I'm not an optimist in these situations." He chuckles solemnly.
"It's okay. I don't care. I just want Lex to wake up."
It's silent.
We wait in the same silence until morning.
My eyes start to droop as soon as everyone is awake. But a doctor comes in and starts giving us sometimes on when he might wake up.
"So it could be between today or the day after tomorrow. But it could also be a few months. But based on his condition, I want to say between the next 2 or 3 days."
I nod along.
"You guys can go get some breakfast if you want," I suggest. They seem hesitant t first but soon agree to go.
I'm left alone with Alex.
"Hey, Love. I know your strong enough to wake up So wake up. I already lost Pip. We already lost Pip. I don't need to lose you too."
I sit quietly listening to the rhythmic beeps of the heart monitor and the frequent sniffles from me.
I end up falling asleep holding Alex's hand, my head plopping on his bed.
After the talk, I had with Thomas last night, I'm not sure if he will be okay. His voice was quiet and raspy, and he sounded broken and lost.
I walk with Laf, John and the Schuyler's to the cafeteria in search of some food. I make 2 plates, making one for Thomas because I know he's hungry.
Although I'm not sure he'll eat it. I don't think he'll take care of himself at all until Alex wakes up.
I shake my head at the thought, walking back to the dreaded room.
I watch emotionless Peggy trudge back to the room. The once energy filled and optimistic Peggy was so suddenly empty and worn out.
My sweet and always happy Laffy was drooping face down and stained with tears.
Optimist Eliza was always leaning against her older sister, her face holding no sign of any emotion, looking as if the happiness was never there.
Angelica trying to be strong kept her head up, her stature showing one of confidence and certainty. But her eyes told a completely different story. One of pain and heartbreak.
Trudging into the solemn room I see Alex asleep, his head laying on the bed and clutching Alex's bruised hand in his.
I smile a Mona Lisa smile. Unable to smile any more. Looking at such a sad picture who could? I walk in and place Alex's food on a small bedside table and sit down in a chair to finish m small portion of food.
The silence that settled in the room was so saddening, tense and yet comfortable at the same time.
Sometimes silence is needed but not wanted.
This was one of those times.
Thomas woke up after a while.
"How long was I out?"
"maybe 2 hours," I say.
He nods and looks at the white to-go box on the bedside table.
"Uh, for me?"
"Oui." My sleepy french baguette says.
He reaches over and surprisingly eats.
A doctor walks in once again and speaks to us.
"So, I have gotten some new news, on Mr. Hamilton's condition. He has a broken ribcage, but his brain is stable and unaffected by the strong impact of the airbag and being thrown around in the vehicle. Which is good, it means he might wake up sooner. The threat of him going into a coma state has lessened. "
I feel the tension in the room ease a little. Sighs escape almost everyone's mouths.
"Why don't you all ret up a bit. We can bring in some extra blankets and pillows?" A nurse suggests as he walks in after the doctor leaves.
I smile and nod gratefully, seeing as we all need rest. Even after some slept all night, we were all tired.
He leaves. <<777th word.
"Where do you all want to sleep, just so you can be more, how you say.....comfortable?"
"We can push the chairs together to make a bed, take some pillows lay them out on the floor and some can sleep on the couch." John lists.
"Um, Schulers can have the couch and chairs, John you can have the leftover chairs, Laffy and I will take the bed of pillows and blankets and Thomas?"
"I can stay here. I won't sleep anyway."
I sigh. " Thomas, you have to sleep..more than what you did. 2 hours is not enough."
"But what if he wakes up and I'm asleep!?"
"Thomas, it will be okay. But you need to sleep."
"Thomas, you can have the leftover chairs. I can sleep on another bed of pillows and blankets." John suggests.
Thomas smiles lightly. For the first time since he got to this hospital.
"It's fine. I'm too tall for that to work well anyway. Don't worry John, you can kee the chairs, I sleep on the pillows."
John nods and starts to push stuff together for the Schuyler's.
We rearranged the room by the time the nurse came back. He didnt seem surprised at the rearranged furniture.
" here ya go. I brought a lot of extra blankets, I'll be back with Halot of pillows, seeing as there's a lot of you." We smile thankfully. The Schuyler's find their spots and I hand them their blankets. John falls asleep once his head hits the chair cushion.
Poor smol bean.
The rest of us wait for the pillows.
He comes back with a lot of pillows, most being body pillows and a few smaller pillows.
"Thank you so much."
I place a pillow underneath John's head and hand pillows to the weary Schuler sisters.
I lay out the pillows so that they'll be out of the way of the doctors. I lay a blanket on top and hand a pillow to the last three of us.
Laf quickly lays down my tired baguette. I smile softly at my sleeping Laffy Taffy. Thomas lays down and instantly falls asleep.
I sigh.
The only way Thomas will sleep, with his own free will, is if Alex wakes up.
Laying down I stare up at the ceiling the constant beeping of the heart monitor being the only sound filling the room, besides small snores here and there.
Soon my vision faded to darkness and sleep consumed me.
A/N Yeaahhhh, not much happening right now. But just wait a little bit before all the real drama starts. Is it gonna happen.... next chapter? This is just a filler chapter. Also, who else made a bed out of pillows? Cause I did and I loved those things! I might update every other day seeing as I have another story, but we'll see how long I can keep up the updating everyday thing. Well anyway, thanks for reading, commenting and voting I hope you enjoyed! And
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