Time to Dance
Uncharacteristically, Evan didn't play any music for the ride.
He must want to talk about last night... But he's still not saying anything... Breach the silence...
"So..." he parroted.
Another few moments of silence passed. Emily rolled the edge of her skirt between her fingers.
Maybe this was a bad idea... Say something else...
Evan finally turned his attention towards her, but kept his eyes on the road. "So you smoked up last night?"
"It was my first time trying it," she explained.
He glanced at her and then turned back to watch the traffic ahead. "Really? What did you think? Was it... is it something you'll do again?"
Maybe he isn't asking about marijuana alone...
"Are you just asking about weed Evan?"
There was a slight hesitation before he said, "Of course."
She sighed. "Maybe... I don't know. Does it bother you if I do?"
He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "For a smart girl you really don't know a lot of things."
She gave a small huff. "That's the Socratic paradox right there isn't it?"
Evan chanced another look towards her. "The what?"
"Socrates... The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
He snorted. "You know nothing Jon Snow."
She smiled. "Exactly!"
Then they both laughed.
It's more from nerves than anything being funny...
Evan shifted in his seat. "So did you like how it made you feel?"
I still think he isn't just asking about pot...
"Parts of it." She paused and rubbed her fingers along the rougher edge of her jacket. "I liked how it made me relax. But it also made me feel a little reckless, which was weird. I'm used to trying to remain in control of myself. I discovered that letting go like that is scary when you sober up. It made me think twice as hard about the choices I made the night before. But what good is that when you can't go back and change them? Do you know what I'm talking about?"
Evan nodded. "I think so. I mean, I don't really smoke personally. I tried it a few times a couple years ago. But now I can't risk making a stupid decision or failing a drug test and losing out on college offers. But I guess that's why I get what you're saying about control and choices."
Emily nodded even though Evan was looking at the road and couldn't see it. "You never answered my question. Does it bother you if I smoke?"
He stopped at a light and looked at her while he waited for the green signal. "It doesn't bother me if you smoke a joint every once in a while."
When the light changed he looked ahead again. "Well that's not totally honest. It kind of bothers me. Because it's... it's something I know you'll do with Kelly."
Emily reached over and put her hand on his thigh. "There are plenty of other things we can do together."
Evan pulled over and stopped the car. He looked down at her hand and then up at her face, with a smirk in his. "Well, you should know that I plan on tonight being your first time."
Emily pulled her hand off his leg.
He can't be saying what I think he is... That's really the type of thing you ask a girl, not tell her... I must have heard him wrong...
"Excuse me?"
He smiled and pointed through the windshield. "At The Stone Pony."
Thank God!
Emily squealed. "Oh Evan! I'm so excited!"
And relieved...
Evan sat a little straighter in his seat. "So many of the legendary venues are gone. I'm honored to bring you here. Tonight they have some pretty great punk bands playing the roster. I saw you had a bit of punk in your collection... Ramones, Clash, Green Day... and you sent me that Slits song... So I... I hoped you'd like it."
If he wasn't driving I would climb into his lap right now...
She bounced up and down in her seat. "I love it Evan! I really do!"
Evan shifted the car back into gear and pulled around the corner. They found a spot on a side street.
The instant Evan put the car into park, Emily unbuckled her seatbelt and launched herself at him, like a woman possessed. Before Evan could stop her, she was in his lap and sliding his shirt up his abdomen. Then she placed a kiss on his chest.
Just above his heart...
Evan's stomach muscles contracted and his breath stopped. They looked down at the remnants of Emily's kiss. A perfect little red mark in the shape of her lips.
"Why'd you do that?"
"I didn't want to get lipstick on your shirt."
"I meant... What was the reason?"
She shrugged. "To say thank you."
Because I appreciate your heart...
Evan picked up his phone and stretched out his arm. "I want to remember this moment forever."
Emily angled herself so they could take a selfie together. Then Evan pressed his lips to hers. They took another photo while they kissed.
Evan dropped the phone in the cup holder and slid his now free hand up under her skirt along her thigh while the other hand pressed against the small of her back.
Maybe this is a night for more than one first...
Sudden pounding on the passenger side window broke them apart. A guy was staring at them through the side window.
Emily jerked away with a start. "What the hell?"
The stranger licked the window while his friends behind him whooped and called out various filthy suggestions like "Hit her sweet spot!" Evan gave them the finger and the guys laughed and walked on.
He pulled his shirt back down. "While I'd like to try that next, I promised you dancing tonight."
They walked the few blocks over to the club and waited on the line. Evan draped his arm comfortably across her shoulders and Emily was glad for his body heat. It was chilly out by the ocean front club and she had left her jacket in the car so she wouldn't have to deal with keeping track of it once they got inside.
My heart is beating as fast and furious as a Tre Cool drum solo...
She pressed the nail of her thumb into her pinky finger over and over again. "You don't have to be eighteen to get in?"
"Nope. Anyone can get in to listen to the music. But obviously you need to be twenty one to drink. The bartenders check IDs when you order," he explained.
Inside was better than Emily had hoped. The room was dark except for the colored stage lights. She fell into a trance as she took it all in.
They remind me of the stained glass windows at church when the sun shines through them... The worshippers here bow to the gods of music... A congregation of rainbow of hues and movement...
The throng towards the front of the stage danced a bit aggressively.
They aren't exactly moshing, but bodies are definitely crashing into one another... The only body I want to throw herself against tonight is Evan's...
She pulled Evan further away from the stage to where there was a bit more room in a corner.
Still a decent view of the action on stage... Although of course Evan has the better one because he's about a foot taller than me...
The first band was already well into their set and Emily decided not to be shy about throwing herself right into the music.
After all, Evan already saw me dance alone in my father's backyard last weekend...
The lights and the energy of the crowd heated the room so that soon both the band and the audience were sweating profusely. Evan leaned down to yell into her ear, "I'm gonna get us some water. Wait right here."
She gave him a thumbs up and he disappeared into the crowd in the direction of the bar. The first band finished up and there was a lull as the next group switched out their instruments and amps. Emily stood awkwardly alone, trying to catch her breath.
As she twisted her hair up into a sloppy knot, she felt a hand on her butt and turned thinking it would be Evan, but it was a short, wiry guy she didn't know.
"Get your hand off me," Emily barked as she hit his hand down and moved away from him.
"Sorry," he slurred, "I didn't mean to. It's crowded in here."
Some behavior confuses me, but that handful of my ass cheek he had a minute ago was definitely not an accident... This jerk looks vaguely familiar...
He followed her as she continued to walk away. "Can I get you a drink as an apology?"
"No thanks. My boyfriend is already getting me a drink," she answered as she walked further away, pushing deeper into the crowd.
This guy isn't taking the hint... I should say something else... But I don't want to keep talking to him... Find the bathroom or find Evan...
Then the guy grabbed her wrist to stop her from fleeing. "He shouldn't leave a pretty little thing like you alone. Somebody else might want to give you a ride home and then maybe you'd give them a ride of your own," he leered.
He's the guy that licked the window of Evan's car!
"Let go of me NOW!" she ordered. But he didn't let go. She looked down at the guy's feet.
Damn it! Steel-toed boots... My Converse will do nothing against those if I stomp on his foot... Go for his scrawny shin...
When her foot connected with his bone, he dropped her wrist and snarled out, "Bitch!"
Emily bolted away through the crowd.
Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Find Evan...
She finally spotted him near the front door, holding two water bottles, and she threw herself at him. "There you are!"
He wrapped his arms around her in a clumsy hug with the bottles in his hands. "Wow! What's up? I was exactly where I said I would be. You however weren't in the spot I left you, so I checked by the girls' bathroom and was about to check outside."
"Some guy... one of the guys that saw us in the car... he just grabbed at me and he kept following me... I kicked him," she stammered.
"Are you serious?! Where is he? I'll fucking kill him," Evan fumed. He surveyed the crowd over her head.
He's trying to figure out who he needs to murder...
"No! No please don't. He had a big bunch of guys with him before and I don't want you to be outnumbered. I handled it... I'm just relieved to see you. Maybe we should leave though. Do you think they remember where you parked? He seems like the kind of creep who would key your car or do something else spiteful."
Evan's arms feel comforting and supportive...
She leaned into Evan's embrace more and hugged him tighter. He led her over to the wall and set the bottles of water on the floor and hugged her harder.
That's just the right amount of pressure...
Evan stroked her face and pushed her hair back from her forehead. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure they're too drunk to remember where the car is. It's okay now. You're okay. You're a fierce little thing and I have your back," he rumbled reassuringly into her ear.
His voice tingles and it goes straight to my heart...
Then the next band started to play and Emily felt the base vibrate through the floor, up her legs and straight into her stomach.
The combination of adrenaline, Evan's voice and the music is almost too much...
Emily trembled against Evan. He leaned further into her body, pressed her against the wall and kissed her.
His thumb stroking my neck over and over... The fingers of his other hand twining with mine... Inch by inch of his body blocking the chaos that is happening behind him... There is only him and this moment right now...
"Better?" Evan asked when their lips parted.
"Much," Emily sighed.
"Good! Then let's dance some more," he decided.
They thrashed, spun, stomped their feet and jumped together until midnight. Having only drunk water the whole night, they left the club sober, but high on one another.
"My feet hurt," complained Emily.
"Hop on." Evan turned, offered himself for a piggyback ride to the car.
Emily hopped on and nipped at his ears while she rode him.
They heard some raucous voices down the block behind them but paid it no mind until someone called out, "Nice underwear skank!"
Evan spun around growling as he let Emily's legs go and slid her down off his back. He put himself between her and the group of boys at the opposite corner.
I don't need to see past him to know that it's the perv that accosted me earlier....
The mob picked up the pace as it headed towards them.
Emily grabbed Evan's hand. "Let's go... You can't fight them."
He started to walk stiffly behind her and she managed to haul him across the street and down the next block.
They were nearly to the car but then they heard the drunk call out again. "Go ahead, and let the little slut drag you home. Pussy!"
Evan's feet stopped. "Oh yes I can fight him."
Emily tugged on his arm.
He's become as immovable as a mountain...
"Please Evan don't! What about baseball? What if you broke your hand?! They're not worth it. Please, I'm begging you. Don't let him ruin everything," she pleaded frantically as her eyes started to well up.
Evan turned his attention from the approaching gang to look at Emily. He pressed his lips together. Then he leaned down to rest his forehead against hers as he whispered "Run."
They bolted the extra half block to the car while the group of guys stumbled drunkenly after them.
As Evan pulled out of the spot he yelled out the window at them. "If she was your girl you would gladly go home too!"
Emily still had tears on her cheeks when she started to laugh.
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