Post Dinner
After dinner, Emily checked Instagram. Jenny had put a few pictures from the previous night's party, including one that she thought she could see Geoff in the background of.
She hasn't even texted me back yet but she had time to upload photos.... That's strange... Maybe she got in trouble and her parents took her phone. If she drank at the party and was caught, she would definitely be in a lot of trouble...
She decided to text Anna, who was closer to Jenny than Alex or Evie, to see if she had any news.
Hey Anna Banana! Do you happen to know if Jenny is ok? Haven't heard from her and was wondering if she's punished. Didn't want to get her in more trouble just in case.
As she got her towel, she heard her text alert. Emily picked up her phone to find a response from Jenny. "Finally!"
Sorry it took me so long to respond. Been busy. I'll fill you in on Tuesday. Have fun tonight.
"Tuesday?" Emily couldn't remember the last time she hadn't spoken with Jenny for three whole days.
Is she brushing me off? I should ask her... Should I call or text?
She didn't have time to decide when a second text popped up, this time from Anna.
Jenny is fine. Not in trouble that I know of. Just told me she is busy. I'm fine too. Thanks for asking - dripping sarcasm of course!
Emily responded to both of her friends with some silly emojis and went into the bathroom.
She plugged her phone into the charger, put on her Saturday Night Playlist and stepped into the shower to exfoliate as The Bee Gees' "Saturday Night Fever" played.
She washed her hair and sang along to Elton John's "Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting" and shaved her legs to The Bay City Rollers chanting out "S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!"
With a towel wrapped around herself, she did her makeup to the jangling guitars and crashing cymbals of "10:15 Saturday Night" by The Cure and styled her hair into a ponytail while swaying to The Misfits' "Saturday Night"
She danced into the bedroom and put on her clothes as R.E.M. sang "A Month of Saturdays" and finally tied on her red Converse low-tops while Sam Cooke rasped out "Another Saturday Night."
When she turned to the mirror on the closet door, Emily thought she looked pretty good. The dress did hug her body in all the right ways. She looked at her phone and noticed it was nearly eight already.
Should I wait outside? Will Evan honk the horn like people do in Brooklyn? I should text Samantha to ask...
The doorbell rang and the dogs barked like lunatics at her heels as she went to the foyer. "Quiet down! It's not anyone big and scary!"
She opened the door expecting Samantha, but found Evan standing there instead.
He smiled. "Well I'm glad I'm not big and scary!"
Emily felt her pulse flutter so she looked away from his face. That was a mistake, because as her eyes swept across his simple black tee, pulled taut across his torso, her palms grew sweaty. Evan looked sexy and now her mouth was dry.
Definitely not sexy on my part...
Emily tried hard not to show that her body was clearly telling her she was afraid of him. She pushed the words out past her parched tongue. "Well you are big, but the scary part remains to be determined."
Evan held his heart, pretending to be wounded by her words.
She wanted to turn back towards her bedroom but Emily ignored her desire to flee. "I thought you were going to be Samantha."
He held the screen door open for her as she gently shoved the dogs back and closed them inside.
"I'm trying to be a gentleman to make amends for the inappropriate way I spoke to you at the barbecue. Plus, I got the distinct impression that your Dad doesn't like me."
Emily rolled her eyes and said "Oh please, that was hardly inappropriate."
"Well my words may not have been, but I know my thoughts were." He winked.
Emily felt her ears get hot and turned to walk towards his car at the curb. She mentally coached herself.
Play the role... You can do this... It's just like a scene at Improv...
Then she threw a flirty look over her shoulder at him and said, "And don't worry about my Dad. He's not even home. He went back around to smoke cigars with Samantha's dad."
Evan looked her up and down. "Good! Because that dress is making me think things that are downright smutty and I can't be responsible for what might come out of my mouth next."
He held open the car door for her. Emily climbed in.
"I think since we're going to pick up Samantha now and my Dad is over there, maybe you should hold your tongue until later."
Evan shut her door and jogged around to the driver's seat. "Funny you should say that, because some of those thoughts actually did involve my tongue later."
And then he licked his lips and stepped on the gas to pull around the corner.
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