Chapter 37 - meet up
~Lucy's POV~
Next week...
I just got a telephone call from Ayumi. She was done making my dress. So today I am going to get it.
We agreed to meet up in the park. I am currently waiting for her to come. "Boo!"
I jumped from the shock. Ayumi laughe. "Got ya."
I rolled my eyes. "Very funny."
She let me see the dress. It was exactly like she drew the other day. I felt the fabric in my hands. It was soft, exactly how I like it. "And?" Ayumi asked hopeful.
I nodded, "It is beautiful." I said, no trace of sarcasm in my voice. She sighed relieved. "Thanks." She did the dress in so clothing protector.
(A/N something like that, but with some more details on it - or whatever you call that).
"You are actually the first one to like one of my designs," Ayumi confessed. We were sitting on a bench. I stared at her shocked. "But your work is amazing."
She blushed at the compliment. "Others don't think that way."
I bit my lip. Apparently I was her first custumor who liked her work and the boy she fell in love with is taken.
Light bulb.
I turned to Ayumi. "Hey, do you want to work and design for modeshows and even with famous designers?"
She turned to look at me, tilting her head. "Of course I want that. That is my dream. But nobody wants me. Making a name for yourself is difficult."
I placed my hand on her knee and have her a reassuring smile. "My brother owns a succesful company, and is working with a design company. And luckily for you they are searching for designers. Love&Lucky is the name of the company."
Her eyes lit up, but then as quickly as it came they dissapeared. "But nobody wants a beginner to work in a design company, totally if it is the Love&Lucky company."
"Don't worry. I am technical the CEO of the company so I make the calls." I wasn't lying. I am the CEO, but due to that I was still going to school someone took that job from me over. But I am still superior to her, so I'm still in charge.
"But would you want to do that for me?" Ayumi was already beginning to get hopeful. I nodded. "Everything for a friend, plus, not doing something with your talent would be a waste."
It didn't take her long to hug me. She repeatedly kept thanking me. I called Mia, the current CEO, and informed her. She wanted to complain how we are so succesful that we couldn't just hire some beginners. "Listen here Mia. Ayumi is the best designer I met, she may be a beginner, but you know even beginners could surpass the pros. And you maybe are second in command, but don't forget I'm in charge. So it is you hire her or I fire you." And with that I ended the call.
Ayumi was looking at me with some admire. "You didn't have to threaten her," she said, but her mouth morphing into a full-blown smile. "Don't worry, I do that all the time."
She looked at me, "That is not better," she mumbled.
I chuckled and she joined. We were waving goodbye at each other. She thanked me do many times and promised to go there later to make a name for herself. School for her was already over.
"And if she complains again just call me!" I screamed when we went separate ways. "I will!" she said with her voice light. Oh, I definitely made her day.
I went home and placed the dress carefully in the wardrobe.
We have a few lessons today, not much. As usually Gray and Natsu were picking fights with each other and Erza had to stop them. Then she continued eating her strawberry cake.
Mira was just shipping other peoples and trying to make them 'canon.' Levy was reading books in the library. Gajeel always teasing her by calling her 'Shrimp' and was eating, I don't know, something that looks like iron.
Laxus was listening music with his headphones. Jellal was planning something for Erza. Juvia was stalking Gray and saying "Go Gray-sama!"
Yup, totally normal...
At the end of the school day I came to Natsu's locker. "Hey Babe, what'cha doing?" Natsu asked picking his things out of his locker. "Nothing, I want to spend my time with you."
I don't care how clingy I sounded, he would only love it as I want to spend with him. He closed his locker and kissed me on the forehead. I pouted and crossed my arms. "I want on the lips," I demanded.
He chuckled and give me a kiss on the lips. I never won with the dominance fight. My tongue just has to train more ;)
WoW Lucy, how would you do that?
He broke it and ruffled my hair. "Sorry babe, I can't spend today with you," he apologized with a mysterious grin.
"Oh, why?" I did my best to hide the disappointment. I do understand that I am not the only person in his life.
"I'm meeting with Ayumi for something," he said in a hurry and ran away after waving at me.
I walked home with one thought in my head. Natsu x Ayumi. What is this feeling inside my chest? The tight feeling when I think of those two?
I shook my head, it's definitely jealousy. It is normal to be jealous, right? I looked at the cloudy sky.
"I trust Natsu," I mumbled and went home.
I put in my headphone and read a book.
~Natsu's POV~
I was meeting with Ayumi, because I want to do something with Lucy.
I was in a coffee shop and she just came in. She smiled at me. "Hey Natsu," she greeted me.
She seemed happy.
"Why the good mood?" I asked.
"Lucy arranged something for me. Now I can work in a succesful design company, and all thanks to your... gurlfriend."
I find it suspicious she took a small pause to say 'girlfriend,' but I didn't let it bother me. I congratulated her.
I smiled, Lucy always wants that no talent goes to waste. And Ayumi seems happy, so I grinned.
"So, why did you want to meet up?" Ayumi asked checking the menu. I took a deep breath.
"IwanttodosomethingwithLucyandIwantyourhelpwiththatbecausemyfriendswouldjustlaughatme," I said quickly.
She sweat dropped. "Slower please."
"I want to do something with Lucy and I want your help with that because my friends would just laugh at me."
I saw disappointment in her eyes. Then she just hides it with a fake smile. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"I guess I will tell you the truth. I like you. The moment we met I felt a feeling inside my chest," she suddenly confessed.
What? How? I obviously have only my eyes on Lucy. I just consider her my new friend.
I wanted to respond, but she cut me off. "Don't worry, I won't come between you and Lucy."
I bit my lip. How should I respond to that?
"Uhm... sorry...?"
She rolled her eyes. "Boys," she mumbled.
I smiled sheepishly. "I feel flattered. Sorry you had to like me."
"Alright, what do you wanna do with Lucy?" she asked, changing the topic. If she wants that, we do that.
We ordered when a waiter came and we went on with the conversation. "A small date after the Prom," I said.
She nodded and wrote things up. "What kind of date?"
"I don't know," I answered. She face palmed.
We were beginning to come up with random ideas, but I didn't like any of it.
~Ayumi's POV~
It hurts me Natsu asked me to help with a date for those two. I suddenly confessed everything to him. He was obviously surprised. I can't expect him to feel the same way.
"You shouldn't worry either. I know you will find someone eventually. Sorry I can't return those feelings, but Lucy is my only one." Natsu answered.
I smiled, nobody can even come between those loverbirds. It hurts that he can't return it, but on the other hand my heart eased.
I was happy I was at least a friend to him, I couldn't want more. I changed the topic and he said about the date after Prom.
Then he just said he didn't know what kind of date.
I literally face palmed, idiot. We came up with things to do on a date, but he didn't liked a single anything. We sometimes were messing around, making other custumors looking this way.
I was embarrassed, but Natsu just didn't care about a thing the others may thought.
I checked the time and it was already late.
"Sorry Natsu, can you meet tomorrow? I have to go now," I said standing up, stopping the whole leftover cake in my mouth.
"Sure, here and same time," he said, smiling. He paid for everything. I smiled too. "Okay, see you tomorrow."
I turned around and walked to the door. He said something that made me happy and sad, "And thanks for helping, you're awesome."
I walked out and it was already dark. "Not awesome enough," I mumbled. But I put an end to my liking for him. I won't like him less, but I am going to try to get over him. I am not going to be hopeful around him anymore. He is not going to be my source of happiness, cuz I would surely not be his.
I know it sound weird I give up already. Most people fight for who they loves, but I am not that kind of person.
I am not someone who is going to disturb someone else's relationship. Not someone who would want to break a perfect bond between two people. That never!
I sure my two nice friends. I made my way home, till a man suddenly grabbed my arm. "Let go, please," I demanded.
I took self-defence class, and let me say, I'm the best of it. "Why would I want to let go of such a beautiful lady?" His breath smelled like alcohol. He is obviously drunk. "Last chance," I said calm, but stern.
He tried to grab my breast, I was ready to attack him, but someone grabbed me. I closed my eyes and when I opened them he was lying on the ground.
A boy my age turned around. "Are you okay?" he asked friendly.
He was handsome. Blond hair, green eyes. He was a little bit taller then me. He seems nice and he looks confident in himself.
"Yes," I spoke. He smiled at me and checked me out. I was already blushing. "Can we hang out sometimes? You seem nice."
"Sure." I said smiling. I gave him my phone number and he his. We waved goodbye and I was still a little frozen.
Why the fuck did I do that? I gave my number to a total stranger... sue me and my stupidness.
But maybe this risk is getting my an adventure.
Maybe he is going to help me get over Natsu. His name is Renji.
Maybe his is going to be the one for me
So I don't do a thing between other persons. I just focus on Natsu and Lucy. Not much (or nothing even) about Levy, Mira, Erza, Jellal, Gajeel and the other friends.... so Yeah. Hope you don't mind that...
Hope you liked the chapter🤗
Votes and comments are more then welcome!
What is Lucy going to think if they start meeting up?
Where is Natsu planning to take Lucy?
Are they going to be together? Ayumi x Renji
Just find out in the next chapter....or the chapter after the next chapter😂😂
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