Chapter 36 - Ayumi
~Lucy's POV~
I went to the mall after Natsu hitched me. I went first to Forever 21 to look for a dress. (I don't know where you can buy prom dresses, so I just gonna write clothes stores. And don't expect details, cuz I know nothing of clothes ;)
(Update, yeah I know you can't buy prom dresses in forever 21, shush)
I saw beautiful dresses, blue, red, white, black and so many more. But I said to Natsu I will choose a red one, so I looked at the red ones. "Hmm... Which style does Natsu prefer?" I mumbled. I looked good at the red dresses, and none fit my liking.
But what I do like are those heels. Not to high and not to low. Black. I bought those and went to another shop. I didn't saw a single red dress I like. I pouted, so much to please Natsu. I went to a café to eat. My legs were tired, and the only thing I bought were those heels.
Mira's café is busy.... there was only one table free and I claimed it. Mira walked to me with a paper in my hand. "Hey Lucy, what would you like to order?" Mira asked with her sweet smile. "Just a strawberry milkshake and a cheesecake, please."
She nodded, wrote it down and walked away. I was lost in thought, till a girl came to my table. "Hello. Is this seat here taken? If not, can I sit here?" she asked politely.
"Sure, I don't mind," I respond with a smile. "Thanks!"
"I'm Lucy," I said to begin a conversation. She looked up from her phone and smiled a little. "I'm Ayumi."
"That's a beautiful name."
"Thank you," Ayumi said. We were quickly talking and gossiping. Pretty much what girls do. Yay, another friend.
We were just chatting about random things, till she said something that took my interest. "Wait! You're a designer?!"
She nodded. "Not a famous one though." I thought about it. Then she can make a dress to my liking!! "Can you make a dress for me for the Prom, I don't like any here. I'll even pay for it." Wow, I sounded desperate, well, I kinda was.
She was doubting for a moment. "I don't need your money, I want something else." she began. I waited, "I want information about a boy I just bumped into. He is cute. And I believe you know many people around here."
"Well, describe him." I said, I know a lot of people, so this can work out. "Uhm he is fit, I think I saw some abs under his shirt. He is the same length as you, I think. He had onyx eyes and the most beautiful I find is his hair. It is pink, pink hair!"
My hope disappeared, she noticed. "What's wrong?"
"That's my boyfriend," I said. Her hope disappeared too. I can't believe it was him out of everyone is this town. "Well, can you take me sometimes with you when you are going to him, so that we at least could be friends?"
I wanted to speak, but she wasn't finished yet. "Or are you one of those girls who are extremely jealous and clingy?" she said it in a tone like she dusgust them. Don't blame her, I dusgust them too. (No offence)
I shook my head and smiled. "No, I can arrange that. But can you make a dress for me then?" She smiled and nodded. "Yes, I can. When is the Prom?"
I rubbed my back neck embarrassed, "I don't know." She laughed at me and I joined. "Next week?" I guessed. "Wait, I remember it. Not the Friday over five days, but the Friday after that, so two weeks circa."
She nodded and picked a notebook. "Say what you want on the dress," she said, I shook my head, making her confused. "Something red for sure, but just draw a red dress to your liking, and if I don't like it, I saw what I wanted to change. But if I like it, then that is it going to be."
She nodded and immediately began to draw. I waited patiently, I have nothing to do. After a while she showed me her drawing. I smiled brightly, "That is amazing, I want that! You can draw so beautifully," I complimented. She blushed. "Alright, glad you like it. Within a week it is done."
I nodded and we exchange numbers. I waved her goodbye, "I will call you when you can come with me." And with that I walked away.
I sighed relieved, finally I have some luck on my side.
Next day...
I woke up, did my morning routine and went to school. Many people began to circle around me. Right, everyone knows I am a Heartfilia now.
"Can we be friends?"
"My parents are broke, please lend some money to me."
"Be my girlfriend."
"Wanna hang out?"
Seriously, only because I am rich, they want to hang out with me. And the comment of lending someone money made me pissed. I don't know him and he asked for that. I have a kind heart, and I am willing to give money to poor people, but, first they have to earn my trust. As far as I know they could be lying.
Natsu swung an arm around me. He glared at the crowd. "Only because you found out her identity you notice her. That's just so pathetic. Get lost," he spat.
I hugged him. "That is why I was so afraid of telling them my real name. All fake friends." He nodded, understandingly. "Don't be afraid, I will never leave you."
I blushed and nodded. Then he flashed me a toothy grin. "I'm so proud of you."
I became confused. Proud of what? He saw my face and explained. "The one time you talked to the nerds, people were taking pictures. The pictures are all over the school. Many people thinks that you have a kind heart, so more nerds became more secure about themselves."
I smiled, but his face showed a bad side too. "But... some people thinks you did it to become popular, so that you can use the power against them sometimes." My smile dropped, I would never.
We just dropped the topic and went to class. The same nerds came to me, where I talked to. "Are the rumors true? Once you become popular you're going to stop hanging out with us," Laki said.
I shook my head, "I didn't do it for that, I'm never that selfish," I said simply and they sighed relieved.
We immediately ran inside the class and sat down. "Good morning class," Mavis Vermilion said.
"Good morning, miss," we all said in unison. She was handing out our results of the test. She handed mine out.
I squealed, 100%! I turned to Natsu, "What did you get?" I asked.
"56%. Enough to pass," he said with a grin, like it is a high score.
I sighed, boys. Typical boys. Only caring that they pass. Not even want a high score. (Again no offence. I know some boys who do care.)
Natsu rose his eyebrow when I sighed. He looked so smug there.
"You?" he fired back. "100%" I said happy. He smiled at me, but his smile quickly changed.
"She probably paid the teacher."
"Yeah, she never could get that."
"Spoiled little brat!"
I held my anger in, those people can only judge, nothing more. I am surprised too. When another rich kid has a high score they say nothing, but when I have they do.
"Shut the fuck up!" Natsu cursed.
Mavis turned around. "Mr. Dragneel! Everybody has to respect each other. No cursing in my class," she scolded, but she didn't hear the whole conversation.
Natsu stood up, angry, not towards Mavis, but the people who judged me. "How much I want to respect everyone, I can't. Not if they are insulting Lucy. Thinking that she is nothing but a spoiled little brat. Those people are judging her, just because she is rich and have 100% on her test they think she paid the teacher, which in this case is you."
Mavis was surprised, and wanted to say something. But Natsu wasn't done yet. He wasn't done giving everyone a piece of his mind. Even if it may not seem so, Natsu want that people take care of each other. He noticed that because of me.
"People should stop judging each other. Being rich doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean the person is spoiled. Just stop judging and just make friends where you could spend your time with, instead of wasting it."
Mavis and the rest of the class was speechless. I smiled, he really is past his phase. He sat down and Mavis cleared her throath. "I don't know what was going on when I handed out the papers, so nobody is going to get extra work." Then Mavis walked past us.
"Nice little speech you got there, mr. Dragneel."
Natsu smiled smugly. Of course he would. His ego level is higher than a mountain.
And yet here I am, faling for this pink haired freak.
"It is salmon, miss," Natsu playfully spat at me. I looked confused, how did he know I said pink? "You said it out loud."
I became embarrassed. "I did?" He nodded. Then he chuckled. "So I am a pick haired freak, according to you?"
I grinned sheepishly. "Maybe," I teased.
"But still. How much you may insult me, I keep falling in love with you," Natsu said, smiling. The class awwed and this time I smiled again.
~Nobody's POV~
Natsu and Lucy were standing by Lucy's locker. She put her books in and picked her jacket. Natsu waited till she was done, they always walk together to home.
Then Lucy suddenly slammed her locker shut and turned to Natsu in a swift move. "Are you free today?"
Natsu nodded, confused why she would ask. She began to explain everything, Ayumi, friend, Prom dress...
"So can we hang out, it is for my Prom dress," she said with puppy eyes. Of course Natsu can't resist those. "Fine."
He already knew Ayumi from their little encounter, but he was still excited to meet her.
Lucy called Ayumi and she turned on the speaker.
"Hello? Ayumi here."
"Hey Ayumi, this is Lucy. Are you free today?"
"Yes, why?"
"You can hang out with me and Natsu, if you want at least."
"Yes! Totally!" Everyone could tell Ayumi was excited.
"Meet us at the park," Lucy said and ended the call.
"Let's go." Lucy cheered and they walked to the park, sitting on a bench. After 5 minutes Ayumi came.
She was happy Lucy didn't break the deal. She didn't either, Ayumi was already making the dress, steps by steps.
"Yo, Ayumi," Natsu greeted. Lucy greeted her too.
After a while they went to a coffie shop. They sat down at a table with three seats. Natsu and Ayumi quickly befriended. Lucy was staring happily at the two that they are friends. She wasn't jealous at all, well, still a little bit, but not much.
After what seems like a few minutes was actually a few hours. Lucy and Ayumi were talking while Natsu did something on his phone. Here and there saying a comment. "I have to go," Natsu said and stood up.
He kissed Lucy on the forehead and gave her a little pick on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart." He always could make Lucy blush, and he never could get enough with it.
"Kawai..." he mumbled. Nobody heard it. Then Natsu turned to Ayumi. "Catch you later, kay?"
Ayumi nodded and they hugged each other. When Natsu was out of sight of the two Ayumi turned to Lucy.
"Thanks a lot. He is nice... and hot." Ayumi sighed, a little daydreaming. Lucy chuckled. "Don't have your hope too high."
Of course she knew Natsu wasn't single anymore. She knew it, but she still can't get enough of him. But she wouldn't want to get in between them, and she won't. She knows how it feels to be in a relationship and someone wants to break that. That is just so awful. They look like a perfect match, no, they are. It isn't hard to see that they are in love. So being a friend of him is more then enough.
"Well, I have to go too. See you later," Lucy said waving her goodbye. She waved her goodbye too and she was left, so she went away too.
Does anyone have some inspiration? Please tell.... I lack on it.
But other than that....
I hoped you enjoy reading this chappie.
Votes and comments are more than welcome
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